View Full Version : What I've been up to/ I aint dead yet thread

04-01-2009, 11:13 AM
yo JD! Just wanted to say hi and catch up with you all. first of all, nice pics everyone. seems that everytime i come to take a peek, the pics keep getting better and better!

I've been in lurk mode for a while now, looking at the boards, seeing the awesome pics, keeping up to date on the big movie. Glad to see everyone is doin good (Outrider especially). I've been playing this Online game Called Second Life (http://secondlife.com/) and having a blast. I help run a WW2 area dedicated to the European theater and pacific, tho we recently expanded the european area by opening a new sim as a sort of war torn town. I mainly Dogfight and drive an allied sherman tank. in fact: Epic video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUA4OU8Dv5U). this was a huge 40 person engagement we had a few months ago mixed with a bit more recent footage we took(im in the AA gun on that bunker shooting the P-40 in the vid)

Eagle banquet is scheduled for mid summer (finally) an I'll have the pics for ya. Keep up the good work guys, and hello to the people who joined in my abscense! :D

04-01-2009, 09:49 PM
Welcome back I have looked at your pictures and its fun to see another guy who finds cool locations. It looks like you had fun playing that game, its much cooler with old school planes, the only flight simulator I ever liked was wings for the amiga back in the day.

General Jones
04-02-2009, 09:56 AM
Great to see you Mobius_1. I feel like I need to make sure that everyone knew I was still around as well. Things have been pretty busy. Finished my college classes in Dec and got a job working for an insurance brokerage doing IT support for all of the insurance companies that it has "assimilated." Been working here since the beginning of January and my wife and I are expecting our first in September, we are looking to buy a house now that the market has dropped, and things are going great. Kinda stopped collecting Joes for a bit and am currently working on my G1 Transformers collection. I haven't been posting much, but I have been logging on every couple of days. Still very impressed by the pictures that I am seeing and I will hopefully get around to posting some of my own.

Urban Saboteur
04-02-2009, 07:43 PM
hey welcome back finally.
does this mean you'll be venturing into the full dio world again now? as for coming off lurk mode.. well we'll always keep a seat warm for any returning members :)

especially those who like aircraft! what do you think of the trailer for the Joe movie video game?

04-02-2009, 09:21 PM
Hey! Glad to see you're back! Did you get My IM? Send me your address...I picked you up something neat in Iraq!

04-02-2009, 10:30 PM
Welcome back. A few of your pics came up in the random section and I was wondering what happened to you. Have fun at your banquet.

04-03-2009, 12:24 PM
:eek: *hides in a cardboard box that says: not Mobius_1*

lol J/K

thanks ender, i got the IM. i think I'll break the old camera out, now that the weather is getting warmer. most of my Xmas list was figure related, s expect some reviews on the things i got (all my figs were reviewd by other members, so i gets to do vehicles :P) I'd love to see a few of you guys on Second Life, it's really fun and a nice place to stay social when you're bored and/or isolated and alone (which is ALL the time for me ;) )

see ya's around :P

Agent Viper
04-04-2009, 07:02 AM
Glad to have ya' back man