View Full Version : G.I.Joe Resolute Episodes 1-3 are out

04-17-2009, 04:35 PM
All Episodes are out.

You can find 1-2 on www.adultswim.com
Or find them all on youtube here:










PART: 10

PART: 11

kudos to neapolitan joe for finding 1 and 2, 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10! and Rambo for the finale

I am freaking stoked! This is awesome! - Oh and please no spoilers for the peeps that haven't seen this yet.

04-17-2009, 04:37 PM
Only the third one on Youtube?
Aw maaaaaan. I can't see the stuff on Adultswim, I NEED them on Youtube! :mad:

04-17-2009, 04:37 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Only the third one on Youtube?
Aw maaaaaan. I can't see the stuff on Adultswim, I NEED them on Youtube! :mad:[/QUOTE]

try downloading hotspotshield - that worked for me :)
or if you have gmail, I'll send them to you (or a mail that can take a large file - heck, get on msn or something and I'll send it there - pm me if you are interested.

04-17-2009, 04:38 PM
Episodes one, two, AND three? Awesome! I'll have to watch them in a bit. :)

neapolitan joe
04-17-2009, 04:38 PM
EPISODE 1, for all the Europeans:

YO JOE!!!!!!!!

04-17-2009, 04:40 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]EPISODE 1, for all the Europeans:

YO JOE!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Good catch!
According to hisstank 2 should be out shortly-
and somebody said he found 4, but I'm not certain that is the truth.

neapolitan joe
04-17-2009, 04:41 PM

neapolitan joe
04-17-2009, 04:44 PM

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

04-17-2009, 04:49 PM
I'm editing my first post and throwing the links up there :) with kudos to you neapolitan joe ;)


neapolitan joe
04-17-2009, 06:00 PM
Great cartoons.

04-17-2009, 06:09 PM
I'm blown away.

The geek in me won't calm down, that was just awesome!

Da Talent
04-17-2009, 06:18 PM
Thanks guys!

04-17-2009, 07:11 PM
I'm liking it. More sci-fi than I expected but it's a lot more deadly than I could have hoped for.

04-17-2009, 07:24 PM
Thanks, gratzie, gracias, merci. :D

neapolitan joe
04-17-2009, 07:33 PM
Now people around the world like us can stay together on line and be happy for this great moment: let me scream "Yo JOE!", ops! are the 4:34 of the morning here... :D

04-17-2009, 08:12 PM
This is a sweet cartoon. Not for children, but for us "older" fans. :)

04-17-2009, 10:04 PM
I am impressed. It felt good watching this. If this level continues, then Hasbro has a winner in Resolute.

04-17-2009, 10:11 PM
now THIS is my kind of show! good lord im geekin out..... *goes and prepares a costume for otakon*

seriously, this is what was needed. we have the Flagg, vipers, and Cobra is an evil twisted organization that will do anything and kill anyone to get it's way.


04-17-2009, 10:48 PM

04-18-2009, 12:13 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel]try downloading hotspotshield - that worked for me :)
or if you have gmail, I'll send them to you (or a mail that can take a large file - heck, get on msn or something and I'll send it there - pm me if you are interested.[/QUOTE]

Cool program! However I need one where it says I am not in the U.S. so I can watch live streaming http://www.dw-world.de/
Damn DirecTV got some sort of exclusive rights to broadcast it. Of course now they block all IPs from the U.S. :mad:

04-18-2009, 07:05 AM
Ready for download:


Black Knight
04-18-2009, 10:50 AM
Ok, that was just plain awesome, I watched em last night and again this morning. I love the "new" look to everything, I only hope they keep it going and into a regular series.

04-18-2009, 11:13 AM
Let's hope they turn this into a weekly series. I really loved it. Well done, this is just what the animated world of Joe needed. Bravo.

04-18-2009, 01:59 PM
This show is the shiznit! I Like it. This is the GI Joe I've been waiting for. If the Movie is like this, I think we'll have a hit on our hands! This ain't a Kiddie GI Joe.

God, and here I was thinking it would be crap! I'm not so sure I like the "anime" look to it, but honestly, 'it doesn't have as much of an Anime look as Sigma Six did (My opinion, feel free to disagree) and it doesn't go over the top like a lot of Anime shows.

I wonder if they're gonna put this on DVD?

04-18-2009, 02:04 PM
i Hope So Being Able To Watch This In One Whole Session Will Be Kick @ss. I Think They Will Look At Clone Wars. It Went To A Whole Half Hour Weekly Series And They Released The 1st 4 Episodes On Dvd. I Don't Usualy Say This But Thank You Hasbro. Great Job!!!

04-19-2009, 08:13 PM
Shane alerted me that these were online Friday. It's Sunday nite now and these were cool. Not long enough, imo. I can't believe that Cobra is blowing up cities! I thought I was being original by doing that in my dio!!! Man!!!

I like the looks of everyone tho the women are pretty ugly. Scar was MUCH better looking in S6. But I like those updated outfits. What else... These are pure fun and what I've been waiting for from GI Joe animated. Not VvV, not Spy Troops. Not... Well, Sunbow did what it was supposed to do. This is a new game! :D

neapolitan joe
04-20-2009, 11:37 AM

04-20-2009, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]PART 4:


updated my first post for easy viewing :)
Again you are on top of this - excellent find :D

not sure I like the stormshadow story, to bad they changed the background there so much, but I think it will reflect what Rise of Cobra will do as well.

Oh and to everybody that thought so - yup she was dial tone :)

04-20-2009, 02:53 PM
not sure I like the stormshadow story, to bad they changed the background there so much, but I think it will reflect what Rise of Cobra will do as well.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. But honestly, at least this way, you don't have all the entanglements of FireFly and Zartan like the comic did. And you don't have to worry about Storm Shadow flip-flopping sides all the time.

I LOVE Cobra Commander! THAT'S WHAT COBRA COMMANDER SHOULD HAVE BEEN FROM THE START!!!! None of that sniveling lisp he had in the cartoon. Evil, ruthless and cold heartedly MEAN!!! I Like it!! MORE!!! MORE!!!

When are they gonna make more Resolute figures???

04-20-2009, 03:50 PM
When are they gonna make more Resolute figures???[/QUOTE]

What I was thinking!

We need more now darn it.

neapolitan joe
04-20-2009, 04:02 PM

04-20-2009, 04:04 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]http://www.theterrordrome.com/2009/04/new-rise-of-cobra-and-resolute-figures/[/QUOTE]

also on hisstank


Ask and ye shall be given :D

04-20-2009, 04:10 PM
I want THE whole team in resolute style!!!

Thanks for the find, NJ!!! I love the backstory. It shows Tommy's real colors which while it might be more cliche, works better. I'm not sure how SE managed to take the shot. Didn't he get shot in the back of the head and thru the mouth? (maybe that'll be why he can't speak) And the master, wow! head shot gnarliness!

I enjoyed it. Too bad Craig doesn't!

04-20-2009, 04:18 PM
I'm hoping for a Scarlett Resolute figure.

04-20-2009, 05:23 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]I'm hoping for a Scarlett Resolute figure.[/QUOTE]
Me too. Not really feeling the movie Scarlett or any of the 25th Anniversary versions... we need a new Scarlett like that Roadblock there is needed.

Da Talent
04-20-2009, 07:23 PM
Thanks for the links H, keep the first page updated, makes it easy on me :)

04-20-2009, 07:39 PM
Thx for sharing. cant believe Craig doesnt like this.

04-20-2009, 09:04 PM
So far I'm liking what I see. A little unsure about the wound to Snake Eyes, and the Stormshadow back-story. But in a way it is less cluttered than the Marvel back-story.

I think I'm liking this Resolute stuff a whole lot! It certainly adds new life to the Joeverses it seems!

neapolitan joe
04-21-2009, 02:40 PM


04-21-2009, 03:25 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I love the backstory. It shows Tommy's real colors which while it might be more cliche, works better. [/QUOTE]
I disagree strongly. Its cliche. While original GI Joe comics has allways been a cliche breaker. They could just as well kept it mysterious. Hopefully this will be fixed. Cool action though. I like the series and its not its fault that it is created into a time where popular culture is becoming more and more morally primitive.

neapolitan joe
04-21-2009, 03:27 PM
Duke and Scarlett kill!
It' s the first time I see this. Real fire weapons: no stupid lasers!

04-21-2009, 03:37 PM
That is cool. Good thing the Cobra troopers still cant hit a barn wall even if they were inside the barn. :)

neapolitan joe
04-21-2009, 04:05 PM
Best episode for now.


04-21-2009, 04:54 PM
This is getting better and better...

neapolitan joe
04-21-2009, 05:04 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]This is getting better and better...[/QUOTE]

I agree amico mio: from Colombia to Italy our "Joe-dreams" are here. :)

04-21-2009, 08:34 PM
It is getting better!

04-21-2009, 08:54 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]It is getting better![/QUOTE]

couldn't say it better

04-21-2009, 08:57 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Duke and Scarlett kill!
It' s the first time I see this. Real fire weapons: no stupid lasers![/QUOTE]

yea that's great and if they introduce Sgt. Flash he'll be useful

04-21-2009, 09:02 PM
WHAT??? that's it??? zartan is on Duke and Scar's collective booties???

Cool episode. Glad to see that they made Ep6 cater BACK to the story at hand.

04-21-2009, 09:03 PM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]Duke and Scarlett kill!
It' s the first time I see this. Real fire weapons: no stupid lasers![/QUOTE]

Yeah they use lasers... but that terminology is for the kiddies. Cuz realistically, they were using plasma rounds. How else could they eject shells for a 'laser'? Gotta admit, those weapons pack a lot of rounds! lol

04-21-2009, 09:13 PM
Episode 6 was enjoyable.

neapolitan joe
04-22-2009, 01:35 AM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Episode 6 was enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

I agree, Zartan is awesome.

neapolitan joe
04-22-2009, 02:34 PM


04-22-2009, 02:51 PM
Pfeh. Episode 8 was a waste.

Black Knight
04-22-2009, 03:07 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Pfeh. Episode 8 was a waste.[/QUOTE]

no way... I thought it was perfect. From everything we've seen so far, it looks like Resolute is the end-story to GI Joe as we know it. Bazooka, Bludd, Storm Shadow, and possibly Gung-Ho and Roadblock... you tell me. This has gone from childish skirmish battles to a full on war, I don't think either side is holding back anymore.

04-22-2009, 03:43 PM
I really like this so far. I was hoping they would chill with the Snake Eyes / Storm Shadow crap, but that was not going to happen. Duke & Destro both said "Hell", I love it!

04-22-2009, 03:55 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]I really like this so far. I was hoping they would chill with the Snake Eyes / Storm Shadow crap, but that is not going to happen. Duke & Destro both said "Hell", I love it![/QUOTE]

consider it chilled now :eek:

I got a chill when that happened.

Anyways - I don't think there will be a series after this now - since they are killing off characters left and right :(
Or they will have to make a prequel series - the events leading up to this point.

04-22-2009, 04:12 PM
Episode 8 was pretty bad and certainly the worst so far.
The plot of the episode was compleatly obvious and Storm Shadow has gone from a complex character to an stero typical evil asian with distinctivly diffrent speach pattern. The old story was that Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes would rule the clan together as the soft and hard master did but Storm Shadows ultimate test of loyalty towards the clan was to see if he would follow it if someone else led it.
This was just junk story telling. Its good that they have the restrictions for violence and death lifted somewhat but it can not be a replacement for a good story. Dont get me wrong though the series as a whole is good.

04-22-2009, 04:13 PM
Or they will have to make a prequel series - the events leading up to this point.[/QUOTE]
Or they could just make a seperate continuity. Because this series is seperate even though it draws on the old stories.

04-22-2009, 04:30 PM
My jaw dropped when SE took the sword thru his hand! I'm enjoying it. I don't think anything is wrong w/ Stormy's decisions. Seems like they shoulda done that 25 years ago! That fight scene made me EEK in the class room (I wasn't watching it during class but during classes).

And Gung Ho and Roadblock might be dead! That'd be a bummer. I also got the sense that the 2 people w/ Tunnel Rat died too!

neapolitan joe
04-22-2009, 04:35 PM

04-22-2009, 04:38 PM
The biggest surprise so far was Roadblock shooting the squad of Cobra Troopers in the back and laughing the whole time. :D

[QUOTE=haradrel]Anyways - I don't think there will be a series after this now - since they are killing off characters left and right :(
Or they will have to make a prequel series - the events leading up to this point.[/QUOTE]
The GI Joe roster is so huge they could go on killing characters like this for a long time and not run out.

[QUOTE=Trench-Viper]Episode 8 was pretty bad and certainly the worst so far.
The plot of the episode was compleatly obvious and Storm Shadow has gone from a complex character to an stero typical evil asian with distinctivly diffrent speach pattern. The old story was that Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes would rule the clan together as the soft and hard master did but Storm Shadows ultimate test of loyalty towards the clan was to see if he would follow it if someone else led it.
This was just junk story telling. Its good that they have the restrictions for violence and death lifted somewhat but it can not be a replacement for a good story. Dont get me wrong though the series as a whole is good.[/QUOTE]
I liked the old back story better too but considering it's five minute episodes, I think they're doing a good job storytelling and there's a lot going on.

04-22-2009, 04:40 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I also got the sense that the 2 people w/ Tunnel Rat died too![/QUOTE]
Looked like they had parachutes on. They'd be crazy not to, right?

04-22-2009, 05:30 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]I really like this so far. I was hoping they would chill with the Snake Eyes / Storm Shadow crap, but that is not going to happen. Duke & Destro both said "Hell", I love it![/QUOTE]

I like this story too. The good thing is that it could be written and re-written any time. :cool:

04-22-2009, 05:43 PM
Now this is G.I.JOE!!!!!!!!!! I am in full joe gear right now WOW

Beast from the east
04-22-2009, 06:32 PM
I can't believe they killed off Stormy. I am loving the cartoon.

04-22-2009, 06:46 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon] I don't think anything is wrong w/ Stormy's decisions. Seems like they shoulda done that 25 years ago!
Yeah then he would be as well known as Red Lazer! ;)
I liked the old back story better too but considering it's five minute episodes, I think they're doing a good job storytelling and there's a lot going on.[/QUOTE]
I see your point but they did take the time to change the story when it was done better before. They did not have to do that.

04-22-2009, 07:30 PM
Too bad about the Storm Shadow .. "ending". What are they gonna do later.. bring him back from the dead? I rather like the idea of him and Snake Eyes ruling the clan together. Life is a circle kinda thing, a bit of Asian philosophy sorta.. yin/yang as the Hard and Soft Masters were.

There should've been more blood in ep 8.. sword through the hand should've had SE showing more emotion of pain--fighting without using the hand, shielding the hand, etc. Would've given a more despirate appearance to the fight--something that seems to be lacking in this series thus far. At least SS screamed. Still needed more blood.

The prolonged combat reminded me of something written in the manga Lonewolf and Cub, "Ninja acting like samurai."

Any idea who the other two unfortunate Joes were who fell back to Earth? I heard extremely high altitude skydiving is possible, especially if the person has one of those glider-like suits, similar to what SE was using earlier. Hopefully that's what those Joes are using. It strikes me odd that Tunnelrat would be so casual that his fellow Joes would fall to their doom under his command. Afterall, the Joes are supposed to be the good guys.. care for one's own team, buddies you can depend your life on.

Gung Ho and Roadblock... I hope they survived.. made it farther into the structure--far enough to be somewhat safe--before it blew. On YouTube somewhere's is a small vdo of Resolute being introduced in a convention, where Duke and Roadblock are under heavy fire by troopers, and SE drops down to rescue them. It ends with Roadblock saying "A ninja? I didn't know we had a ninja?". If this vdo isn't supposed to be of the past, then I am confident Gung Ho and Roadblock survived.

Other than this, I really like it.

04-22-2009, 08:29 PM
Ok i can't say it enough this keep getting better and better

With that said here are my predictions

Ep. 7

1. Gung-ho and Roadblock are not dead and did not fall for the trap

2. Gung-ho and Roadblock are dead

4. One of the two is dead and the other goes on

5. One of the two is badly injured and the other goes on... and the
injured one is flown into Doc giving Doc something more to do

4. I hope the have a way to rescue Tunnel Rat..... may be the Defiant

Ep 8

1 . Storm Shadow is dead

2 If Storm Shadow is not dead it is because of the injury to Snake-eyes hand making so he could not put full force behind Move #7

and i know one thing Roadblock seems to love his job :D

04-22-2009, 09:16 PM
Storm Shadow a loser in this toon. I'm glad he's dead. I can't believe they wasted all this screen time on this fight when it has nothing to do with CC's plot. Hell, it wasn't even about avenging Bazooka's death. It was about some stupid ninja power techinique.

I hope RB and Gung-Ho are dead. I hate their voices.

04-22-2009, 09:30 PM
I suppose the falling Joes might have 'chutes but it was hard to tell.

I'm gonna assume Stormy is dead cuz it'd be an end to a very long feud. PUll the phoenix thing, I hope not. Anyway, I'm cool with ALL the episodes myself.

04-22-2009, 09:35 PM
Another possibility, they are all dead for the reason that new characters are going to take their place--characters that maybe Hasbro has hopes would steer the Joe story to something new--to re-invent GI Joe.

Hadn't Hasbro lost the copyright to the name "Roadblock"? Why? Was there a lack of interest in Roadblock for long-term Joe stories? Maybe this is a way to kill him off in a blaze of glory for the fans, and still be-done with the character. Onward to new characters with fresher copyrights.

04-22-2009, 09:43 PM
Like, say, Heavy Duty? heh

Hasbro's been trying to make him a 'core' character forever.

Black Knight
04-22-2009, 10:48 PM
I hope RB and Gung-Ho are dead. I hate their voices.[/QUOTE]

I disagree... I like all the new voices, it gives them better character... Stalker has dreadlocks, how cool is that. I think they're doing a great job with it and I can only hope it turns into more than what it is now.

04-23-2009, 04:32 AM
the "we have a Ninja?" clip was shown to give the essence of the style they were aiming for - not in any continuity.

Roadblock survived, if you look at some of the clips out there you can see him fire off a shot with Gung-Ho's gun - the grenade launcher - so he's alive and kicking, Gung-Ho: MIA for now.

I'm not convinced that Storm Shadow is completely dead - if he is then I don't have a big problem with it really. But I don't think that the story can move that much forward from there for Snake Eyes, which is a bummer, since he is my favourite character

neapolitan joe
04-23-2009, 07:57 AM
It's funny, in few minutes we've lost so many main characters...
Is this a "what if?"

04-23-2009, 10:13 AM
I like some of the voices. But the grizzley voice is over played. Its great for Cobra Commander. Ok for Duke. But then when it's Flint, Roadblock and Gung Ho, they all start to sound the same. We might dis Sunbow here and there, but at least they got the voices to sound different for MOST of the characters.

LIke Craig and Frank, I'd like NEW characters. Not 'newer' characters to take up different people's positions. Ie; the Roadblock vs Heavy Duty debate. SHoot, why not just have REpeater come in OR use RnR for once?!?!?

neapolitan joe
04-23-2009, 02:46 PM


04-23-2009, 03:19 PM
Episode 9 was stupid. Duke and Scarlett are right in the middle of a damn CROSSFIRE and don't get hit until after they're out of it, and even then it happens off-screen.

And then Zartan loses all the interesting parts of his personality... and then gets killed.

Resolute gets more and more disappointing, mostly because of characters being pointlessly de-depthified... only to die a few moments later.

Seriously, couldn't Voltar or Cesspool die there in Zartan's place?

Black Knight
04-23-2009, 04:10 PM
Once again I was pleased with the episodes, however I wish it was Scarlett that was hit instead of Duke... Duke getting a "life-threatening" injury has already been done. Not saying by any means I want Scarlett to die, but it would make things more interesting to see someone other than Duke actually get injured.

Zartan... ehh... why not?

I like the fact that it "bounced" off Destro's mask... it should have dented it.

04-23-2009, 05:22 PM
I liked this so far. where is chapter 11?

04-23-2009, 05:59 PM
It's just 10 episodes, right?

I'm not sure how I feel about all these guys getting knocked off. Yeah, people die in war and stuff, but Major Bludd was the 1st one to kinda irk me. I mean, we got no story of how cool (or uncool) he was. Stormy was fine. Bazooka was ok. Zartan, seemed kinda fast and weird. At least Gung Ho and Roadblock lived. The crossfire thing, apparently the Cobra Troopers can't aim worth a darn still. *shrug*

Decent set up if they want to do more. And I guess the 2 Joes that fell from the satellite had parachutes afterall.

So what else is new these days?

04-23-2009, 06:28 PM
There's still a ten-minute finale to go.

04-23-2009, 08:24 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]There's still a ten-minute finale to go.[/QUOTE]

there is some rumor going around the the finale isn't going to be shown on the net

9 & 10 also good :)

04-23-2009, 10:29 PM
These were interesting. But I didn't find them as enjoyable as the others. Didn't like Zartan.. more of a thug than a master of disguise. The Marvel version was better, ultimately.

Getting killed off so quickly was okay as I couldn't stand this new personality of his. I agree with others here, why not kill off some Dreadnok.

Duke and Scarlett should not have survived that crossfire. Semi-automatic weapons verses pistols.. the troopers should've be able to get them both. Scarlett does a Matrix move, shooting accurately while being blown through the air from an explosion...

Destro, I simply do not like his "mask". It's too flexible, he's got a lot of neck.. really doesn't resemble the figures, any of them, other than a black suit and silver mask.

The troopers were not the only ones missing, Gung-Ho and Roadblock should've been able to hit the Baroness or massive Destro, or shoot through those computer consoles/desks.

Glad to see Tunnelrat had a parachute.

04-24-2009, 05:56 AM
The deaths are the best part of Resolute. Now when there's a fight I'm worried somebody might die. Makes for an intense show.

I thought Resolute would make me like Duke. My favorite characters are usually based on what action figures I like the best and he just got his first good figure with Resolute. While I found him boring before, now I definitely hate him. What does Scarlett see in that arrogant quitter?

Why do animators insist on making Destro's steel mask flexible?

Stalker needs a haircut.

Really like the idea of the USS Flagg as their base of operations. Very effective for a mobile force like the Joes.

04-24-2009, 08:08 PM
Agreed: the USS Flagg as the base of operations makes good sense.

Urban Saboteur
04-25-2009, 06:37 AM
I honestly don't know where to start, one side of the fanbase says;
"Oi we want some realism in our fantasy adventure.. lets see someone get killed"

when someone writes and does something good, by killing off characters we're always going to get complaints aren't we... one persons junk.. is another persons treasure and all that ;)

For the most part I loved this.. everything GIJOE should be in modern day, theres a few things that really made me laugh, like over 20+ years of being in a terrorist organization and the troopers from cobra still can't aim? but i think we should be satisfied we have something thats way better than the film could ever hope to be..

I think the animation of them caught in crossfire, is being pinned down by heavy fire before outsmarting their way past the troopers.. at least this is how i see it, it was the same in many programs.. especially the A-Team.. :D

Back to resolute, i like it, not sure about them killing off major bludd without a backing story was a good idea but sonnelion has already mentioned that.

If this makes it's way to dvd i'll definately be getting it, the animation and movement i really enjoyed, the bit where they have to deal with those alley vipers, theres extra camera shake and heavy fire to add to the illusion they really are in trouble, some of the angles are really good too especially with Scarlett, it makes me appreciate her all the more now!! and i liked her anyway!!

Good stuff

04-25-2009, 07:42 PM

Lava Boss
04-25-2009, 07:53 PM
All in all, it was okay. Interesting to see an adult-aimed Joe cartoon. But it felt condensed just an hour.


Firefly's whole role was to shoot a missile, with a hologram maker, at the UN.

Flint was just base guy and LJ was nowhere to be seen. No scenes with Cobra Commander and any named Cobras.

NO BATS, that Resolute 5 pack is a lie, man! :p

Black Knight
04-26-2009, 07:32 AM
I would have to agree, it was a good mini-series and I loved it, however it felt too short, maybe the DvD release will have alot more to it.

What happened to everyone else. Where was Beachhead, Stalker, Gung-Ho, Roadblock, and all the other joes they showed in the first 3-4 episodes. The should have made the finaly a little longer with a little more of a climax... the final episode was not as good as the rest.

neapolitan joe
04-26-2009, 08:39 AM
Episode 11, Cool!

04-26-2009, 08:55 AM
For what it was, five minute episodes, I thought the series was really good.

The HISS Tanks look awesome. If Hasbro makes Resolute HISS Tank and Scarlett toys, I'll be a happy man.

Looking forward to the DVD so I can watch it with good picture quality.

04-26-2009, 09:33 AM
It was decent, but IMO still suffered too much from Cartoon-ism.
Super-staffed and equipped GIJoe team.
The Duke Show, essentially (aside from a brief ninja side story with Snake-Eyes).
Cobra Commander is still a boob.
Deus Ex Victory (target is supposedly locked on Washington yet Duke is still able to just change target with little trouble... OFF SCREEN to boot).

I dunno. It was definitely better than the original cartoon, but still... I was hoping for something more in the veins of Larry Hama's Joe comics.

04-26-2009, 05:17 PM
I’ve been reading various forums about the Resolute deaths and I’m baffled. Comments like “Only for shock value,” “Killing for no reason,” “Excessive deaths,” etc. We’re dealing with soldiers in combat. People die in combat, that’s just the way it is. Personally I have no interest in watching something that pretends war is ok and nobody ever dies.

Bludd and Bazooka (and some Cobra Troopers) were the only ones to get killed. Two named character is a pretty minor death toll.

What about Storm Shadow and Zartan, you say? They’re not dead. Whenever it’s implied that a villain dies but you never see a corpse, they always come back. Guaranteed. :rolleyes:

04-26-2009, 05:27 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]I’ve been reading various forums about the Resolute deaths and I’m baffled. Comments like “Only for shock value,” “Killing for no reason,” “Excessive deaths,” etc. We’re dealing with soldiers in combat. People die in combat, that’s just the way it is. Personally I have no interest in watching something that pretends war is ok and nobody ever dies.[/quote]
This is fiction. In fiction, death happens for a purpose. Otherwise, it is only for shock value.

This has also been pointed out to me elsewhere:
anyone happen to know the casualty rate for Delta operatives? There are 56 casualties from all special forces listed at the Bragg Memorial since 1983. That's Rangers, Delta, Green Berets, I know some Air force TACP and Combat Controllers and of course a dozen or so Navy Seals have been lost too. however all in all since 1983 the special ops world has claimed loosing under 100 men. So I've never been down with "death = realism"
So yeah.

Bludd and Bazooka (and some Cobra Troopers) were the only ones to get killed. Two named character is a pretty minor death toll.

What about Storm Shadow and Zartan, you say? They’re not dead. Whenever it’s implied that a villain dies but you never see a corpse, they always come back. Guaranteed. :rolleyes:
If the gunshot didn't kill Zartan, the whole damn complex going kablooie sure did.

04-26-2009, 05:40 PM
I'm not sure if we agree or disagree? :D
[QUOTE=Jay]If the gunshot didn't kill Zartan, the whole damn complex going kablooie sure did.[/QUOTE]
Wait... That means wounded Duke is really Zartan in disguise! :eek: Duke died in the explosion! :D

04-26-2009, 06:08 PM
Just now watching the final episode. So far it looks good.... Springfield... but who is that wimpering viper? Ahh, good, he got the point.

Was that Covergirl pointing down the corridor, directing ppl during the evacuation of the Flagg?

Hrm, flying autonomous aerial vehicles? Kinda hope Springfield would put a tigher fight. Hrm, super HISS? I wouldn't mind those.. The Resolute Troopers look good even in the cartoon. Snake Eyes hack-n-slash time.. no bandage to the hand.. no fear of infection? Joes must be short on medics.

Fire fight in warehouse-like area.. reminds of DOOM.

Hrm, have a feeling .. yep.. Duke reset the thing to target Springfield... doesn't make sense.. it was already in lock on D.C. And Duke would require some time to learn the system.

Was that it?

Sounds like another episode is needed. Capsule the commander was in is missing, then end of story? No yahoo's and let's remember the fallen? Seems like it's missing 5 more minutes. Ending it says? I don't believe it.. not even any credits.

04-26-2009, 06:18 PM
Well, my thoughts: too bad about the Flagg, it was a cool ship. They need a submersible carrier.

The Springfield battle could've been a whole lot better, and a whole lot longer.

A secondary array in the Micronesian archipelago was good. Was glad to see that.

So Duke studied up on the canon tech? That sorta explains being able to relock the weapon.

At least two HISS's had 788. Is this the .. I don't know what to call it.. some sort of base number ID for Cobra command? Anyway, certainly a nod to the original HISS number from the 80's.

Anyway, the final battle has a lot of potential. But it wasn't done. Too fast. Maybe as dio authors the final battle of Springfield could be remade much better, I think.

I was expecting to see an army of black BATs.

04-26-2009, 07:22 PM
It was fine. I agree with everyone else that this has been too short. NOT that I could write it out for a 22 minute episode myself.

04-26-2009, 07:45 PM
As I mentioned in the "Destro's Voice" thread, I skipped all the webisodes and just watched the whole thing on Cartoon Network last night. My thoughts:

I'll mention what I didn't like first:

1. Deaths: Pointless, unnecessary, shock value. Especially since Bazooka and Major Bludd were both killed <i>off-screen</i> within the first five minutes of the show! There was no point to that other than to tell us that this show is for grown-ups. I think the annihilation of Moscow would have made that point just as easily, without gratuitously killing off two major characters. As Jay pointed out earlier, death in fiction serves a purpose, otherwise it's just death for death's sake. However, although I disagree with Troopsofdoom on the inclusion of such deaths, I am in agreement with him that Storm-Shadow and Zartan could pretty easily be brought back. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Major Bludd and Bazooka, who were both autopsied.

2. Some of the voices: The problem was that they only had like five voice actors working on this thing! Cover Girl only had one line, but she sounded like she had a Southern accent for some reason...? It was painfully obvious in a few scenes that Steve Blum (Duke) was talking to himself as another character. I was impressed, though, with Grey DeLisle as Scarlett, the Baroness, and Dial-Tone. They all sounded relatively different from one another! But -- <i>what</i> was up with Flint's "Batman" voice?!?

3. Snake-Eyes vs. Storm-Shadow: The fight was amazing, don't get me wrong; but it felt totally extraneous to the rest off the plot, and the flashbacks moved painfully slow. I feel like that side-story could have been left out to let the rest of the story breathe a little more.

4. Destro and the Baroness: They came across as kind of incompetent. That whole scene felt like something out of an episode of Sigma Six! But at least they didn't die, I guess...

5. The music: Pretty much a non-entity. I want music to pull me into a show, not lurk, unnoticed, in the background!!

6. The abrupt ending: That was it? No wrap-up or aftermath? And Duke's narration clearly said "On our return to the site...", while the read-out on the screen said "Honor returned to the site...", which, uhh... makes no sense.

7. The lack of "Yo Joe!!" C'mon, not even <i>once</i>??? I counted several opportunities where it could've been used!!

Surprisingly, that's about it. Considering this thing was written by one of my least-favorite comic book writers, Warren Ellis, that's pretty impressive! On to the things I <i>did</i> like:

1. Some of the voices: Though I felt that certain voices didn't fit, I really did like Steven "Spike Spiegel" Blum as Duke (though I obviously would've preferred the return of Michael Bell), as well as the voices for Destro, the Baroness, and Cobra Commander. And the guy playing Snake-Eyes <i>nailed</i> that voice! He sounded exactly like the original version! ;)

(Incidentally, Cobra Commander and Gung-Ho were both played by Charlie Adler, who also played Starscream in the Transformers live-action movie. And all those characters were previously portrayed by the late Chris Latta. Weird coincidence, or something more?)

2. The animation: Probably the very best 2D G.I. Joe animation ever! It was fast, fluid, and gorgeous!

3. The character designs: For the most part, with the exception of Stalker's unfortunate hair, everyone had a very nice update of their classic look. I would love a Resolute Scarlett figure! Destro had an appearance very similar to his Sigma Six character design, I thought, which was not a bad thing. On that note, though, I absolutely loved the Baroness's Sigma Six design. I wish they could have carried it over here, too. Also, Tunnel Rat's team seemed to be wearing outfifts that were a homage to the orange diving suits on the classic cartoon, which I thought was really cool. Oh, and the <i>Flagg</i> looked really neat. Too bad it blew up...

4. Scarlett + Duke: I am by no means a "shipper" (to use the technical term), but given a choice, I strongly believe Scarlett and Duke are a better couple than Scarlett and Snake-Eyes!!

5. The overall story: Except for the "more adult" slant, it reminded me of a classic Sunbow mini-series! Cobra has some huge new threat, and the Joes have to split up, going to different spots around the world, to put a stop to it, before coming together for the big final battle. Very neat!

In summary, though there were aspects I disliked, with the exception of the totally unnecessary killings of main characters, my other quibbles were minor. I would love to see this become a regular, ongoing series, providing they either keep Warren Ellis away from it, or reign him in a bit. Plus, if they could hire a few more actors (and throw in a "Yo Joe!" now and then), that would be nice!

04-26-2009, 10:12 PM
I liked the mini-series (single episode?)

This would be good if it could be continued as an ongoing series. As far as the killing goes, this would not be something for children under 13.

Back in the day, Hama could always figure a way to bring "back" characters (Firefly got out of the locked freighter - Marvel 126) and Storm Shadow has already been killed at least once (oh that's right, he flipped into a trance right before three bullets went through his chest - Marvel 47).


The FLAGG could easily reappear, as could Major Bludd, Zartan and all the rest...

"Joe, how could this be?" you might ask.

A tagline or voice at the beginning of a new show saying, these events take place x time before the Springfield incident, or before the FLAGG incident, or whatever they would use to mark time.

Since they like flashbacks (as evidenced by the ninja flashbacks sequences), there could even be flashbacks to what precipitated the good Major's demise.

Not that I want more killing, but in the original Star Trek series, the guy you had never seen before beaming down to the planet was always the one who didn't make it to the first commercial break. Death, isn't that what greenshirts and blueshirts are for? Their deaths would still be tragic, but they would not affect the story arc...

My two cents...

04-27-2009, 03:36 AM
for those who wondered how Duke changed target. He ask Scarlet for a tutorial on the control systemsw of the partical cannon on the flight to spingfield

04-27-2009, 06:01 AM
I thought Snake Eyes was cool and the action and animation was great.
I hate when deaths happen off screen but not when they happens on screen.
My main dislike about this cartoon was that they removed the nuances and personality in the characters making it a more primitive tale alltogether. Adult does not just mean more sex, violence or swearing but American audiences are so starved for these things that they like any kind of product that comes along containing these things. People died all the time in the comics too but it was done in an plausible manner atleast in the marvel series, the devils due series tried to create the shock value a bit. And it did not work. Deaths should have a point even if that point is that death in war can be senseless and sudden. It is not just GI Joe that have gotten more stupid movies and comics in general have less depth now than they had only ten years ago. A comic about Spiderman and Doctor Octopus working to get eachoter to beg for mercy comes to mind. On the other hand death and sex does not mean that the story become more childish either but most often they do.
I also suspect for whatever reason that there was a last episode cut from the show. Either because the animation team could not finish it on time or because Hasbro dont want to pay for it.