View Full Version : 2009 Co Set dumps o-rings.

04-17-2009, 09:19 PM
Just read on Generalsjoes that the con set this year will be a 25thA reproduction of the 2002 Crimson Strike Team. For all of us o-ring fans that's a real kick in the guts. The con sets were our only chance to pick up new figures, and now we've been denied that one chance. At least I'll be saving my money this year, and won't need to renew my Collector's Club mebership next year. :(

04-17-2009, 09:33 PM
Read that too, super lame, and to think I like the new construction! Remaking an older convention set seems so unnecessary. I didn't even like the original set they're remaking that well.

Sigh, maybe when 25th continues in 2010 they'll make another O-ring Joecon set since the line will be back on shelves.

This year's Botcon set wasn't this disappointing at least...

04-17-2009, 10:46 PM
Even for someone like me that does not collect Orings, this is kinda dumb for Hasbro. Why remake a set they already made? And I bet this set is gonna be super expensive. They should at least throw a bone to the old guard.

04-18-2009, 04:08 AM
Well, as long as they don't make em in fuschia again... :D

On the bright side, I can go back to customizing my Red Shadows, and not have to worry about paying out the whazoo for a Red Shadows con set.

04-18-2009, 06:40 AM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]Even for someone like me that does not collect Orings, this is kinda dumb for Hasbro. Why remake a set they already made? And I bet this set is gonna be super expensive. They should at least throw a bone to the old guard.[/QUOTE]

I think Funpub does the club and convention exclusives actually.

04-18-2009, 07:08 AM
Bad news indeed

Lava Boss
04-18-2009, 09:42 AM
It's a really boring thing to do.

Basically to make a $330 set that could be summed up in a TRU 5-pack for $25. The twins comic pack sat on pegs around here for $10. Now in red they are worth over $20 each?

There's the attendee bonuses and stuff, which may be RAH...but that would be silly since their scale wouldn't match the main set. The paradrop figure is a 12" (Crimson Guard) so that one is a write-off.

I have my doubts as to whether they will go back to vintage style next year. Look at their store, they still have past exclusives in stock.

But then again, if this set bombs...

04-18-2009, 01:30 PM
woah :(

04-18-2009, 01:36 PM
Personally... I'm kind of relieved. ARAH con sets would be must-haves for me at this point and if they're going 25th Anniversary... that's a relief. Maybe that way I can set some money aside and get the older con figures I've been wanting, like the 2003 Cobra Commander, "Tanks For The Memories" Flash and "Most Wanted Mercenaries" Major Bludd to name a couple.

04-18-2009, 02:19 PM
(My opinion, feel free to disagree!)

It sucks that the GI Joe club is ending O-ring con sets. I mean, the 12" collectors still get their traditional stuff and I'm fairly sure that all those molds aren't just hanging around! How would they feel if the GI Joe Club said ..."Sorry, Sigma Six is our currently our line of "large" figures, so all of our Con sets will be Sigma six." I'll bet the 12" collectors would scream bloody murder!

The second thing that sucks is....a "Remake" of a prevous con set? I fear next year is gonna be a remake of the 2003 con set...and so on! Now, not only does every ARAH collector have to "rebuy" their whole collection, they have to "Rebuy" the con sets too?

I think the imagination has run out of collecting. Time to just stick with what I have and hang it up!

04-18-2009, 03:24 PM
[QUOTE=ender098] I think the imagination has run out of collecting. Time to just stick with what I have and hang it up![/QUOTE]

You said it Frank. I'm just about ready to walk away. I don't read the comics, the movie is going to suck big time, and now there's no toys left to buy. The entire line could get canned now and I wouldn't even care. :(

04-18-2009, 03:45 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]You said it Frank. I'm just about ready to walk away. I don't read the comics, the movie is going to suck big time, and now there's no toys left to buy. The entire line could get canned now and I wouldn't even care. :([/QUOTE]

04-18-2009, 04:49 PM
Is Action Team 3.75?

04-18-2009, 05:30 PM
I think the imagination has run out of collecting. Time to just stick with what I have and hang it up!

I say thee NAY!!!!

I actually felt this way about a year ago seriously. Then I heard an awesome quote from Dion "With Rock N' Roll after you have been doing it for a bit you can do one of 5 things, You can die, You can burn out, You can go 100% commercial, You can leave showbiz all together, or you can realize that Rock N roll is something very powerfull and can convey strong feelings and stores and can become very fullfilling even if what others call success never reaches you and no matter what it is that brought you there, if you stick with it, it will return to you believe me."

That quote stuck with me for about a month, and then it hit me that Joes were burning out and I needed to do something, I had been consintrating on GI Joe soley since 2002 and needed something more, I expanded my horizons without losing sight of my Joes at the same time. That which brought me to the dance reemerged and I am much much happier with what I do now.

I say to the rest of you who are feeling burned out, step back take a breath and re-evaluate your stances, that doesn't mean accept crap (like this con set). But a con set shouldn't make you want to quit all together.

As for the set, Stupid MC shines again.

04-18-2009, 05:31 PM
This is one huge stab in the back :mad: . I'm not even going to list all the problems with this since it's already been done enough times already. Worst set ever.


04-18-2009, 05:34 PM
[QUOTE=ender098] The second thing that sucks is....a "Remake" of a prevous con set? I fear next year is gonna be a remake of the 2003 con set...and so on! Now, not only does every ARAH collector have to "rebuy" their whole collection, they have to "Rebuy" the con sets too?[/QUOTE]
Very doubtful.
The "Crimson" set is probably to commemorate the Club's switch to 25th Anniversary constructions.

Who knows... two years from now the sets may be back to ARAH styles if the fan reaction to 25th Anniversary Con exclusives turn out to be overwhelmingly negative (which it appears to be thus far).

Roland da Thompson Gunner
04-18-2009, 05:57 PM
I think they would've been better off going RED SHADOWS even if it was in 25th style. I figure the same thing that happened to the Con with the MOTH set's gonna happen to them again.

But remember this, it'll be YOUR fault, not theirs even though they went away from their bread and butter as well as re-hashing something that was new and exciting 7 years ago.

04-18-2009, 10:39 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]Is Action Team 3.75?[/QUOTE]

Nope those are 12 inches.

Urban Saboteur
04-19-2009, 04:12 AM
lovely... :o so we get reintroduced an old concept with new sculpt 25th designs.. why dont they just tell us they've ran out of ideas and want to ride on the popularity of the movie..
I'll probably get into the 25th line when it's ironed out its imperfections.. and hasbro will deliver on their promise.. :) .... :rolleyes: which could be some considerable time...

Scuba Steve
04-19-2009, 08:45 AM
As a 25th collector, I have absolutely zero intrest in the con set, and I am one who buys everything! I will not pay that price even for a well thought out set of 25th figures. I am in agreement that the convention sets should be for the old schoolers. Unfortunately as seen with the comic con exclusives the collectors will be all over these like it was the cure for cancer! My simpathy to you all :(

04-19-2009, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]You said it Frank. I'm just about ready to walk away. I don't read the comics, the movie is going to suck big time, and now there's no toys left to buy. The entire line could get canned now and I wouldn't even care. :([/QUOTE]

Yeah, I haven't read the comics in a while. Lost interest since the Marvel days. Once it did the battle in Behhzerheen or whatever that desert country was that was paralelling Desert Storm, I lost interest. And not a Minute too soon. I got to miss the Transformers crossover and the ninja Force/everyone brainwashed by the brain scanner era! I got back into it a little with Devils Due, but soon lost interest. The movie I feel will be to "Matrix-y" and unrealistic. (read TOO futuristic).

One thing I do Love is the new Resolute series. That seemed pretty tight. what are your thoughts Craig?

[QUOTE=Jay]Very doubtful.
The "Crimson" set is probably to commemorate the Club's switch to 25th Anniversary constructions.

Who knows... two years from now the sets may be back to ARAH styles if the fan reaction to 25th Anniversary Con exclusives turn out to be overwhelmingly negative (which it appears to be thus far).[/QUOTE]

I Doubt that. When the 25th hit, about 50% of the fan base hated them, and hasbro did what it always does.....keeps shoveling it until we accept it or risk losing the line. I hope you are right, however and they realize we stay with the GIJCC because we want vintage style figures.

But hey, when all this started, I was a 25th hater....now I'm more of a selective collector.

04-19-2009, 12:44 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Yeah, I haven't read the comics in a while. Lost interest since the Marvel days. Once it did the battle in Behhzerheen or whatever that desert country was that was paralelling Desert Storm, I lost interest. And not a Minute too soon. I got to miss the Transformers crossover and the ninja Force/everyone brainwashed by the brain scanner era! I got back into it a little with Devils Due, but soon lost interest. The movie I feel will be to "Matrix-y" and unrealistic. (read TOO futuristic).

One thing I do Love is the new Resolute series. That seemed pretty tight. what are your thoughts Craig?

I Doubt that. When the 25th hit, about 50% of the fan base hated them, and hasbro did what it always does.....keeps shoveling it until we accept it or risk losing the line. I hope you are right, however and they realize we stay with the GIJCC because we want vintage style figures.

But hey, when all this started, I was a 25th hater....now I'm more of a selective collector.[/QUOTE]

I haven't even bothered with the Resolute series Frank, and I'm still don't like the 25th figures, not only because of the construction, but the overall less realistic direction they are taking, and the infuriating and insulting rehashing of the same half a dozen characters over and over ad nauseum. I still buy the odd vehicle though (not that all that many new ones come along these days, and even most of those are rehashes of old vehicles). I truly believe Hasbro has run out of ideas, and are just squeezing the line for every last penny before it's canned.

04-19-2009, 06:53 PM
Craig. You really should watch the resolute Series. I don't know what direction it's gonna take, but so far it's fairly realistic and gritty for a cartoon. The worse that's gonna happen is you're gonna waste 15 min! Try watching episodes 1,2 and 3.....

Is 4 out yet anybody?....anybody???

04-19-2009, 08:38 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Craig. You really should watch the resolute Series. I don't know what direction it's gonna take, but so far it's fairly realistic and gritty for a cartoon. The worse that's gonna happen is you're gonna waste 15 min! Try watching episodes 1,2 and 3.....

Is 4 out yet anybody?....anybody???[/QUOTE]
Indeed, Resolute deserves to be watched.

As for parts 4 and 5, supposedly they'll be released tomorrow...

Stargate Trooper
04-20-2009, 08:19 AM
It sucks that the GI Joe club is ending O-ring con sets. I mean, the 12" collectors still get their traditional stuff and I'm fairly sure that all those molds aren't just hanging around! How would they feel if the GI Joe Club said ..."Sorry, Sigma Six is our currently our line of "large" figures, so all of our Con sets will be Sigma six." I'll bet the 12" collectors would scream bloody murder!

The second thing that sucks is....a "Remake" of a prevous con set? I fear next year is gonna be a remake of the 2003 con set...and so on! Now, not only does every ARAH collector have to "rebuy" their whole collection, they have to "Rebuy" the con sets too?

I agree with Ender098 that this is a mistake for the Club. I would like to add, though, that the 12" Collector has been trampled on for years now. For the last several shows, the 12" set has been only Adventure Team. Now this is okay for a few sets, but it has been the same year in and year out. For me personally, and many other 12" collectors, the Adventure Team is pretty disinteresting. Where are the classic military 12" figures? Other companies produce relatively massive amounts of these figures and people pay a lot of money for them. It seems Hasbro and the Club have lost their edge. I collect both the 1/6th and classic 1/18th scales pretty extensivley, but I have been quite disappointed with the club's offerings for several years.

04-20-2009, 11:43 AM
Maybe Hasbro thinks that the new construction body is an upgrade not a substitution, which sucks anyway. Too bad o-ring collector doesn't have new toys this year.

04-21-2009, 05:39 PM
Haven't been on the forums in a while and seeing this just plain sucks there are so many great sets that they could have made I don't even have the cash to buy these but I am usually able to trade and get the figures I like from the sets. Hasbro you are really pushing me away from your toys.

04-21-2009, 09:11 PM
Guiltridden, check out Resolute. Then get yourself a Resolute Duke. It's already been posted that Reso Roadblock and Destro are coming up!

I could care less what the convention is in terms of construction. I KNOW that ppl wanted original outfits w/ nu skulpt construction. But Hasbro seemed to 'up' that a few steps by doing away with the o-ring. Not sure why... But it's less parts? Less moving parts? Maybe the OLD folks on Hasbro are like, "MY O-RINGS ARE BREAKING!!! We gotta do something that won't break!!!"

This resolute webisodes are pretty gnarly. Let's face it, for those who haven't viewed it yet, Bazooka and Major Bludd are dead. We got blushirts dying left and right. Cobra Commander is a serious mofo and more violent now and ADMITS that he played the assclown in the past. And GI Joe has gotten more serious, something that a lot of us have been waiting for. We haven't heard a "YO JOE!!!" yet!!!

04-22-2009, 07:08 AM
This is an experiment by hasbro to see if it sells. I think its doomed from the get go as nobody is going to pay collectors prices for figures you could get in the store. And I dont care if they are red LoL. Collectors figures are supposed to be remakes of the classics of the past in new and interesting colours.
This is a bad direction to go in.
I was pretty sure it would be the red shadows o ring version but I guess I was wrong.

04-22-2009, 07:14 AM
I was pretty sure it would be the red shadows o ring version but I guess I was wrong.[/QUOTE]
Too obvious.

The very purpose of that "preview blurb" Fun Publications releases is misdirection. This year's Transformers con set was previewed with explicit use of the terms "wreck" and "rule", an obvious callback to the Autobots' elite strike force called the Wreckers and their motto of "Wreck and rule!"... but in the end, the set's theme turned out to be an ancient Autobot unit Kup used to be a part of, called the Cybertron Elite Guard.

04-22-2009, 04:24 PM

The very purpose of that "preview blurb" Fun Publications releases is misdirection.

Ha Ha Ha whats the point of misinforming your customers??

04-22-2009, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=Trench-Viper]Ha Ha Ha whats the point of misinforming your customers??
Surprise them even more when the actual theme gets revealed...
In the meantime, it creates discussion about what it might be.

04-22-2009, 05:58 PM
O-ring is endless....



04-23-2009, 12:33 AM
Could this be one of the "international heroes" said to be a part of the con set?


Roland da Thompson Gunner
04-23-2009, 01:07 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Surprise them even more when the actual theme gets revealed...
In the meantime, it creates discussion about what it might be.[/QUOTE]

Only problem with that is that this time it really backfired, because they got people so hyped up for Red Shadows even though a couple people saw "not in the shadows" and figured it mean't "No not Red Shadows"

Also it's not like 2002 when a Viper was something awesome to see and not everything was made into Crimson something or other

04-28-2009, 08:32 PM
Yeah, it could have been a cool set at one time, if I wasn't basically swamped with CGs in their various forms. They're losing their eliteness as it is!!!

04-28-2009, 11:36 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Only problem with that is that this time it really backfired, because they got people so hyped up for Red Shadows even though a couple people saw "not in the shadows" and figured it mean't "No not Red Shadows"

Also it's not like 2002 when a Viper was something awesome to see and not everything was made into Crimson something or other[/QUOTE]

I think you hit the nail on the head. The Crimson Vipers were special. Something to go after on ebay. But a 25A version? I can understand Hasbro grasping at straws to get back the love, but... C'mon... They should be more imaginative tho it seems hard for them. Honestly, I'd take Red Shadows over the Crimson Army. I dunno, maybe Outrider can agree. Hasbro takes one step forward and 20 steps backwards.

OR they are putting all effort into their OTHER toylines. Yet, Playmate is throwing down with the StarTrek and Terminator Salvation toys! I just picked up the HK (which comes w a t700!)!!! While it's not in-scale, fotoshop will be a must to make it look right. ;)

04-28-2009, 11:59 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I think you hit the nail on the head. The Crimson Vipers were special. Something to go after on ebay. But a 25A version? I can understand Hasbro grasping at straws to get back the love, but... C'mon... They should be more imaginative tho it seems hard for them. Honestly, I'd take Red Shadows over the Crimson Army. I dunno, maybe Outrider can agree. Hasbro takes one step forward and 20 steps backwards.[/QUOTE]
The Con set isn't done by Hasbro, it's done by Fun Publications. Hasbro just lends the molds for the production run, and approves of character usage.

It is entirely possible that legal mumbo-jumbo is preventing Hasbro from doing Action Force and Red Shadows stuff.

And frankly, if it were Red Shadows, the "preview blurb" would've hinted to something else entirely. Like I said, misdirection.

04-29-2009, 10:23 AM
Jay, does that equate to all the toylines that hasbro does? That they don't actually produce the stuff, someone else does and Hasbro just stamps their name on it?

Or is it con-set specific that the Master Collector has someone else to the actual production process?

04-29-2009, 10:32 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Jay, does that equate to all the toylines that hasbro does? That they don't actually produce the stuff, someone else does and Hasbro just stamps their name on it?

Or is it con-set specific that the Master Collector has someone else to the actual production process?[/QUOTE]
Fun Publications rents out their own factory to do their own production runs on figures. Hasbro may end up helping them secure a factory, but in the end it's all Fun Publications's show. Hasbro supplies the molds, gives approval to the characters and makes sure they have the trademarks.

04-29-2009, 10:50 AM
I did not know that! Thanks Jay!