View Full Version : Custom Help/Advice Needed

04-28-2009, 06:58 AM
Greetings all!

The 25th HISS Driver really bugs me. Specifically the gun holster is really too big for the driver to even sit correctly in the HISS. I am wanting to remove that holster... but the driver will need a replacement weapon. So I am looking to add some sort of shoulder harness with a holster, similar to Hawk or TunnelRat.

Tunnelrat I can find in town in the comic packs, but I really don't want to army build tunnelrats or that stormshadow, mostly because at $12.99 x 25 (for 25 HISS tanks) will really add up in the pocket book. Also the Tunnelrat harness really only fits Tunnelrat. It fits too snuggly on the driver.

Hawk is rare to find in town.

So really, what I need is recommendation on a readily available/accessible figure that is not too expensive since this will be a custom that will be repeated for every HISS I have. Recommendations on Joe or Star Wars figures (since the stores have bunches of them) is welcomed.

04-28-2009, 02:40 PM
hmm how about just removing it and replacing it with a non functioning one or the smaller one from the B.A.T ?

Urban Saboteur
04-28-2009, 03:05 PM
what about that shoulder holster from the oktober guard figure gorky.. i've seen him go relatively cheap on ebay.. and that can fit a pistol in it. ;)

04-28-2009, 04:06 PM
We got Hawks up here!

04-28-2009, 07:35 PM
Thanks for the suggestions thus far.

I've looked at the BAT holster today about an hour ago thinking the same thing. It's on the left leg/hip which might work, and yellow. Might work with a paint that can stick to that type of rubbery-plastic. The big thing is making the figure slip into the HISS without trouble. That BAT holster might work. I'll have to try that tonight.