View Full Version : Chrome Leafing

05-03-2009, 07:25 PM
Hall Of Heroes has some very nice vipers with mirror-like chrome faceplates. Cobra Commander and many other figures could benefit from a similar reflective chrome look. Has anyone tried chrome leafing a figure or onto the rubbery-plastic similar to our figures?

05-04-2009, 12:13 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Hall Of Heroes has some very nice vipers with mirror-like chrome faceplates. Cobra Commander and many other figures could benefit from a similar reflective chrome look. Has anyone tried chrome leafing a figure or onto the rubbery-plastic similar to our figures?[/QUOTE]
yes and its not ez, i have done 2 of them on glenda , doing it by hand is a lot harder then doing it with that gizmo. you can try it, i know other people on other sites that had also try it, its not ez as it looks, but best bet try finding the leaf with the sticky stuff on already, they may have them at A.c.moors or any dollar shops. just trying to give you a ez road.

Agent Viper
05-05-2009, 09:53 AM
Reflecting visors, AWESOME!!

I'll have to see about picking a couple up

05-06-2009, 06:53 AM
I had done an experiment and learned a few lessons. Firstly the process of gold leafing something is simple. Secondly, getting it perfect is not so simple. What makes it difficult with figures is that faceplates are not flat. The Cobra Commander experiment worked mostly in the front, where I focused on making that look as good as possible. The rear of the commander's faceplate remains as smooth as I could get it, but I had to really smooth out wrinkles, especially on the top.

Working with a BAT or Viper has different challenges. Both figures have a boundary around the visor, which the foil also adheres to. Have to take a pin and cut/scrape it off. The adhesive wants to accumulate around the boundary too, causing longer drying time there. Must wait a good 24 hours before handling.

Sealer is a must.

I will try looking for a foil with the adhesive already on it, as suggested by Bravo.

I also need to wait to see how the adhesive lasts over time.. say a week or two. Hopefully it sticks permainently and there's no flaking on the edges.

I don't recommend for every figure to be chromed, just those that might be up close to a camera. I think the chrome is too easy to be rubbed off a bit at a time. Sealer is a must.

All-in-all, it's been fun.