View Full Version : X men Origins Review (Spoilers)

Agent Viper
05-16-2009, 02:37 PM
Ok, This is a review of Xmen Origins!!!

First and foremost, you have to now this is all about Wolverine..... (as in the title)
But it does have some great cameos. The Blob, Actual DeadPool, Cyclops, Professor X, Gambit, and alot more.

Ok the story is about as un comic following as possible but STILL follows some form or root.

The main thing is this

Sabretooth and Wolvie get put on the firing range, They survive.
Bad part is, they healed, Which is BS because last time i checked, the Healing process was from the Weapon X process!
Also, Deadpool is portrayed as Ryan Reynolds, nice but wheres the costume??

Well the story runs through well, the Special Effects aren't perfect, but they are good...
The fighting was AWESOME
Too bad about the "dead pool" of super powers inflicted to Wade Wilson.

Also not too spoil anything else, their are 2 alternate endings. Each setting up for sequels.
One is Wolverine in a bar in Japan.

2nd, Deadpool regenerates his head.
(thats what i heard)

And also, Fox has recently confirmed a Dead Pool Movie starring Ryan Reynolds!

I give it a 7.5 out 0f 10

05-16-2009, 09:48 PM
I'm yet to see the movie, but I've been playing the game on PS3 solid for a week! :)

gung ho
05-16-2009, 11:56 PM
i've played a demo of the game haven't seen the movie yet but from the demo i think the movie will be good :D

Lava Boss
05-17-2009, 09:13 PM
I got the bar ending. Hardly worth sitting through 10 minutes of credits for.

It was a decent movie. I'm sick of prequels though.