View Full Version : Help Needed - Project Advice.

Urban Saboteur
05-21-2009, 09:02 AM
Hi Guys,
I'm working on a project right now which involves building a hangar or storage area/motor pool. I need some help with measurements on some gijoe vehicles as I want to recreate a building i've seen in a computer game.

Can someone measure up for me a V1 HISS Tank a MOBAT And an AWE Striker please?
I need to know how wide they are, and how long. I would do this myself but i'm only just beginning to buy back what I used to have. I think the building might be complete before the vehicles arrive.

I'll post up pictures when its finished.

Thanks in advance if someone can get me the measurements.


05-21-2009, 10:22 AM
HISS: 9.5" x 4.5"
MOBAT: 13" x 6"
AWE: 7.5" x 5"

Prince Adam
05-21-2009, 10:30 AM
Beat me to it! :p

Urban Saboteur
05-21-2009, 11:31 AM
Thanks vader :) I'll post up some pictures of this and what i plan to create as soon as I can.

Urban Saboteur
05-22-2009, 04:52 AM
Ok. So I managed to take the game shots, some of them are pretty good and shows you the type of building i'm looking to complete.
Image 1
Image 2 - inside the vehicle hangar
Image 3
Image 4

Now judging by the measurements offered to me by Vader for the vehicles, I'll have to mod the front entrance to be taller to fit the HISS. I could probably make this to fit both Joe & Cobra vehicles.

Inside their are supporting struts to the roof, going across the ceiling, any ideas on what i could use to replicate those? I intend to decorate foamboard for the outer walls, and use a piece of board for the floor (obviously change the flooring) so it looks like a concrete base.

Scuba Steve
05-22-2009, 02:00 PM
If your mildly proficiant at working with wood, I would use square dowl rod from the hobbie store! It's cheap, and easy to assemble! I have a piece in my project that is similar and that is what I am going to use.