View Full Version : Special Ops Gung-Ho and others

05-23-2009, 03:27 PM
I've been toying around with with cutting heads off of joes, Mu ha ha, and dremeling them out, and then using the hot glue method to make the heads compatible with 25th joes. So far I think I'm doing good with it and it is surprisingly easy. I had an extra VvV Gung-Ho head I did not destroy the other one I posted here.

Here's Special Ops Gung-Ho

Helmet: Cp Hawk with VvV Televiper mic
Vest: VvV Gung-Ho
Head : VvV Gung-Ho
Hands: Snake Eyes (v30) Revision
Torso: Snake Eyes (v29) Revision
Legs : Snake Eyes (v29) Revision
Knife : Snake Eyes (v30) Revision
Pistol Holster and Pistol: 25th Scarlett .45 Caliber
Rifle : Marauder John's "NCM" Rifle
Backpack: Elite Force Combat Command Recon Gear accessory set with Viper backpack peg.


Here are the other heads I've been working with. They are from the P.T.E. Delta force 3 pack.


05-24-2009, 06:37 AM
Great looking customs! I really like the clip you added to that "basic Joe rifle" (that's what I always called it, can't remember it's name); makes it look hella better.

05-24-2009, 06:58 AM
Fantastic customs! Would like to see a how-to one day as I have a bunch of extra's that could really use this method. Really cool!

05-24-2009, 07:44 AM
Good work!

Prince Adam
05-24-2009, 09:49 AM
That's a very unique take on Gung-Ho, I like it a lot!

05-24-2009, 09:50 PM
Thanks y'all

[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Fantastic customs! Would like to see a how-to one day as I have a bunch of extra's that could really use this method. Really cool![/QUOTE]

This is what I use to make the heads 25th compatible once I dremeled them out.


[QUOTE=GoCards]Great looking customs! I really like the clip you added to that "basic Joe rifle" (that's what I always called it, can't remember it's name); makes it look hella better.[/QUOTE]

Thanks I had a few extra magazines from a few marauders john's G-36 and I said what the heck so I glue to them bottom of a few extra Joe laser rifles.

Since there .15 cents a piece I plan to get more and do up all rest of Joe rifle i have that way.