View Full Version : Mod Cornor: T-1

05-24-2009, 05:41 PM

Found a Terminator T-1 at Walmart today, for about the price of a figure. So, being impressed with the many photos of folks using the T-1, I bought my own. But, it really needs to be customized for use as a COBRA item. The Joes have their Pack-Rats, COBRA needs their own, and they don't really have anything like that except for BATs.

Usually the color for modding something into a COBRA vehicle is black or blue. Black seems too simple a color--details get lost. Blue might not fit right for a T-1. All I know is it's gotta be customized, but I'm at a loss for which direction to take it. Ideas anyone?

Prince Adam
05-24-2009, 06:18 PM
How about a camo paint job? You could do woodland or urban or whatnot depending on where you're most likely to use one.

05-24-2009, 07:04 PM
The camo sounds good. Although woodland doesn't sound very Cobra-ish. If camo, maybe city/urban. I do like the suggestion.

However, I am also not familiar with Cobra vehicles after 1989. If any were in camo, could someone provide a photo or link?

05-24-2009, 07:36 PM
I think camo for that era would be "Fun House Orange," "Plum Crazy" and "Hideous Neon Yellow (Now with 30% more Hideous)." I have the same problem, I think Urban would fit in with its look and its tracked-ness.

05-25-2009, 08:04 PM
I love how if you make the thing roll, the turret swivels back and forth like it's hunting for hew-mons!

05-25-2009, 08:47 PM
I started painting it. So far black as a base coat. Not sure which camo will be the final result, or if it'll be simply blue/black combination.

05-26-2009, 12:22 PM
I'm going to slightly squad build the T-1's and a few Endos, but mine will remain as the forces of Skynet.

For a Cobra camo scheme, black makes a good base. I would use a light and dark shade of blue, and probably grey as the colors. Theoretically, you could leave portions of it unpainted and utilize the metal look it already has!

05-26-2009, 10:45 PM
Black actually looks really nice on it. I bought a second one today and will probably keep that one black.

T-1's look well in a convoy of HISS's. Set three HISS tanks and two black T-1's and it's very nice.

So now my thoughts are more complex. A T-1 would look good painted in desert colors, heavily weathered.