View Full Version : Adventure-con 09

Black Knight
05-26-2009, 06:25 PM
[size=2][color=black]Ok, so I was just informed that Adventure-Con 09 is here in Knoxville, TN and my two Joe suppliers will both be there with their entire O-Ring sales force. The figures will sell between $5.00-$50.00 depending on year, condition, and accessories. This is your opportunity to get any figures you might be wanting![/color][/size]
[color=black][size=2]If you are interested, then send me your shopping list and I'll do my best to fill it.[/size] [/color]
[size=2][color=red](PLEASE, make sure you are able to pay for these after I get them... I don't want O-Ring figures collecting in my house and my wife would kill me if we weren't paid back.)[/color][/size]