View Full Version : Togetherness - Who Inspires you to create more?

Urban Saboteur
05-29-2009, 06:05 PM
I thought i'd hit an open discussion, on a board thats full of creativity, at times we all feel the need to be inspired. So I thought I'd ask our members.

Who inspires you to create more on your GIJOE photography and setups?

This could be a person directly at JD or someone close to you to give you words of encouragement.

Heres mine:
Outrider, Vader9900, chrysophylax, Prince Adam, Death_At_Midnight, ThinkTank, Troopsofdoom, haradrel, Flatline, fireflyed, DaveCW2, yorktownjoe, 4-Cobra, Trench-Viper, smutty, Scarrviper & ToneGunsRevisited.

The effects and setups some of you guys do on here are incredibly brilliant, outside in the real world they label it art and it's soon forgotten about.. here we call it work and art i thank each and every one of you for sharing it with us. :)

Thanks dudes!

Black Knight
05-29-2009, 07:06 PM
My inspiration goes to all of you, I don't have a particular favorite among you, however I tend to enjoy works by Tycondrius, Scuba Steve, Fireflyed, ThinkTank (love the Crossovers) and GoCards (even tho he hasn't done anything lately). Like I said though, I really enjoy the work from all of you (except that "Outrider" guy...j/k)

As far as actual dio-stories goes... well, the "Troops of Doom" series and the "Adventures from the Roll-Top" are my two favorites, but thats because I like that type of comedy.

Prince Adam
05-29-2009, 08:09 PM
I started my reply and eventually the whole thing exploded! So my reply is a bit long here. I tried to name names as best I could but I know there's plenty I've missed. :o This has been my favorite site for a long time and the only site of it's kind as best I can tell. As much as life has changed JoeDios has predominantly stayed the same!

Recently I've gotten into telling stories that continue with indivudual pics, as opposed to the one-shots I used to do. I love writing stories and planing them out in my mind and JoeDios is like a blank canvas for that! But everything really comes together thanks to what everyone here does.
Personally I find all the shots here to be inspirational. I know how cliche' that comes off but here me out. Through the few years I've been here everyone I've seen has brought something different to the table. So, to name just a few of the things that stick out in my mind...

Dreadnok Dread's sets.

Black Knight's, Scuba Steve's, Tycondrius', and T Tank's taste for the 25th Anni. figures. Brings a fresh light to classic characters!

Chrysophylax and DaveCW2 pics that look like they're out of a movie!

Ender's sets.

Flint and General Scarlett's group effort shots. I miss these guys.

Fireflyed and the misses (Rachael), a couple that posts pics together! FF's killer vehicle mods are unforgettable.

Flatline's pic-to-pic stories have been a huge inspiration of late. His sets are generally in-doors and really topnotch detailed set ups!

GiTom was the probably the first I'd seen to jump into 12" Joes and he's got a great team!

Guiltridden is another for the killer sets and minty mint figures!

Haradrel's and Roland's and Troops of Doom's angles and focus.

Jay's customs and Macca's repaints.

Monte W. posts some kickass locations (see his sig!) and often some very unique figures/characters.

Neopolitan Joes weapons repaints.

Outrider is pretty much the King of JoeDios, that's not to demean any one by any stretch, you just simply can't deny the effects, angles, clarity, and custom weathering he's become known for!

Scarviper has a fairly unique love for the Headhunters, a group I never really payed much mind to until his shots. Usually dark cryptic sets, I can't get enough of them.

Sonnelion's widescreen shots with the black bars on top and underneath. Seems like Gogrobo used to do this too. Both centered on clarity and look like film reels.

ToneGunsRevisited definitely has some of the BEST locations I've seen..

Urban Sabotuer has had some great teams and ML customs aren't to be missed!

Vader's minty fresh Joes and "catalog" shots.

Yorktown Joe's love for Recondo! :D

In the end we all have different backgrounds, different personal views, and different Joe-Verses, but we're all fans!

05-29-2009, 09:18 PM
What can I say, my list would look pretty much like those above. I really don't want to name names because I know I'll forget someone. There's certain people I look up to as the best photographers on the site (as a complete amateur that's something I work hard at), and others who build awesome sets (never my strongpoint). Then there's the people who have an eye for a great location, and the great posers (if you know what I mean :) ). And finally there's those who always seem to come up with great original ideas (something that seems to get more and more difficult the more shots you've done :( ).
I've learnt so much simply by being a member of this site and looking at the work of the people named above, amongst others. It really shows when I look back at the early stuff I posted (cringe worthy!) compared to what I post now, and there's still room for improvement.
And of course I must mention my wife. She's come up with plenty of ideas for shots over the years, and is always happy to help by holding a plane for a "flight" shot, or holding a light in place for an indoor shot.
As for people looking to me for inspiration, well I've always found that humbling and slightly embarrasing, but it's a nice feeling to have the respect of your peers.
One thing that stands out though is the friendships I've formed with people from Joedios. Again, I won't name names for fear of forgetting someone, but you guys know who you are. Most of you live half a world away, but I feel like I've known you for years, and the support I've received from here during my current illness warms my heart and fires my resolve. Thanks everyone!

Scuba Steve
05-30-2009, 08:23 AM
I am completely amazed that I have made an impression on anyone here! I am always greatful for any comment you guys leave. I have been posting here less than a year and anyone who remembers my first post knows Joe Dios is the first time I have ever picked up a camera! My inspiration comes from just about everyone who posts here. Give me a name and I can probably write a page on just them. But to keep it simple I will run off a few of my personal favorites and as everyone else said I hate to leave anyone out because you are all so good at this!

I have to say a major influence on me as far as over all style goes to DaveCW: His shots/ figure selection/ lighting and style is what I want my shots to look like someday!

chrysophylax / outrider / and new guy Zombiekiller have inspired me with some mad photoshop techniques that I try so hard to emulate!

Vader9900 I have to say blows me away when it comes to photography skill, and i'm a little embarrassed to admit but I chose my camera because it was one that he uses/used!

Flatline / BlackKnight has totally blown me away with the set building aspect, as do many others. Roland has the most bad ass set of minty rare/oldschool and custome figures I have ever seen! Fireflyed is a master of custom vehicals!
Think Tank always gets me with the awesome storys.

If I left you out it's cause I am running out of space not people who inspire. Thanks everyone I enjoy every minute I spend on this site or doing something for it, and I owe all of that to the people here!

05-30-2009, 08:42 AM
I'm sure I would leave someone out if I started naming names, but I really like this community of online users. I am glad to know friends in many other countries and states because of this site. I am also glad when people post "how-to" threads showing some tips/tricks for creating stunning shots. This helps us all become better and "step our game up."

I also appreciate constructive comments like "great shot, keep working on the focus." And tips like "try bouncing light off a reflective service to indirectly illuminate the figure's face." I take comments like that to heart, as someone is trying to help me and encourage me. Much better than other communities where comments are harsher and unhelpful. Unkind responses just start tempers rising and do nothing to encourage others. I am glad we don't have that here. The level of politeness here is highly encouraging!

Thanks to all of you who make this a great place to visit, even when we don't always have time to post a lot.

And a BIG thanks to Mr. Hammerfel for creating a place for all of us to meet and discuss Joes.

Da Talent
05-30-2009, 12:14 PM
I don't want to name names either because I KNOW I will forget someone. I thought I would just take a minute to say thanks for every contributor of JD's. I'm not so good a this mushy thread stuff, but I do love the site and the friends I've made on here. I'll keep it short but you guys just keep pumping out the photos, their all inspiring in some respect. My first photos were horrible, really horrible in retrospect so without the the new pics each day, I'd still blow. Thanks everyone.

05-30-2009, 01:20 PM
A difficult thread to respond to. However, for me I think it's a bit different. I don't focus on specific persons as inspiration, instead it's usually just a pic.

Lots o pics here, some are done really well by folks with lots of photo talent, others with just a lot of enthusiasm. Some photos don't fully affect me, but have parts that do. A custom work here and there, a set, a fantastic angle, a terrific pose, or even a super idea--it's usually not the entire photo that gets me, but something specific about it that makes me want to try my own.

Scuba Steve
05-30-2009, 02:54 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]A difficult thread to respond to. However, for me I think it's a bit different. I don't focus on specific persons as inspiration, instead it's usually just a pic.

Lots o pics here, some are done really well by folks with lots of photo talent, others with just a lot of enthusiasm. Some photos don't fully affect me, but have parts that do. A custom work here and there, a set, a fantastic angle, a terrific pose, or even a super idea--it's usually not the entire photo that gets me, but something specific about it that makes me want to try my own.[/QUOTE]

You hit the nail on the head Death, thats kind of what I was trying to say (In a round about long winded fashon)!

05-31-2009, 11:33 AM
I'm going to do the same as some has already done.
All of you inspire me in so many ways.
There are of course masters within this little circle on the internet that we call home, you all know who you are, you have been mentioned several times already, but I don't want anybody to forget about all the new blood and the seldom seen posters, you also inspire, if its the mood, angle, light, posing, story, idea, concept or just the execution there are so many more things that keeps my interest peeked, it was one of the reasons I wanted to have re-make Thursday up and about, sometimes you just want to take something out of someones picture and make it your own.
Thanks guys and gals, all of you, you make this visually inspired fella feel that his creative cravings get fed whenever I come to ol' Joedios :)
I must also point out that I am quite humbled to be noted in the same breath as some of the brilliant people from this site. I am very happy that my small contributions inspire some of you guys as you do me. What goes around comes around here it seems ;)

neapolitan joe
05-31-2009, 01:23 PM
All of You, All!

05-31-2009, 04:37 PM
There aren't many on this site that don't inspire me! I don't really want to name names because I'm sure I'll leave someone out that I don't mean to... but even though I don't post much these days, I still check out the pictures nearly every day and am constantly blown away by the level of talent on display here. It always makes me want to go snap pictures right then and there, even though 99% off the time, I'm too busy (or tired) to do so...

Prince Adam
05-31-2009, 04:42 PM
I regret nnaming names because there's about six people that I know for a fact I forgot and handful or so more that I'd probably miss again. :o

05-31-2009, 05:57 PM
DaveCW does great shots.

But I usually get my inspiration from video games, movies and tv shows.

Urban Saboteur
06-01-2009, 03:18 AM
I must also point out that I am quite humbled to be noted in the same breath as some of the brilliant people from this site. I am very happy that my small contributions inspire some of you guys as you do me. What goes around comes around here it seems ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm so happy that this is mentioned. I'm glad that sometimes we all inspire each other in different ways, whether it be experimenting with new camera angles or new painting techniques to figure selection or scenery setups.

I've always had a difficult time building sets and scenery and most noteably as you can tell with my photos I opt for nature/outdoor type shots where the scenery is already done. I hope to recreate other scenery in the future though and this is why I like to be an active member of this site.. not just for scenery .. but like i said for inspiration on a multiple different viewpoints on different things.. and each one of you have something different to offer.

I posted this question up with the hope that this would be mentioned and i'm glad it's not just myself that see's the great help and community spirit we have here.
Thank you guys! :)

06-01-2009, 04:17 AM
I find that everyone on this site inspires me in one way or another.

06-01-2009, 07:33 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]I find that everyone on this site inspires me in one way or another.[/QUOTE]
From the first time I found this site I felt the same way Jay. To be one of the names mentioned that inspire anyone is an honor. The calabier of this site is what makes it so great. An honest bunch of guys who will tell you your shot needs work and will praise you for a job well done. Thats what inspires me the whole atmosphere of JoeDios. A talented group of smart funny creative colectors who love GI Joe ;)

Agent Viper
06-02-2009, 10:27 AM
I've been inspired by Outrider,Vader, nto to mention Graham Hughes!

06-02-2009, 07:16 PM
some of the Diostories that came out about 3 years ago or so got me started.

06-03-2009, 01:35 AM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]I've been inspired by Outrider,Vader, nto to mention Graham Hughes![/QUOTE]

I got another shot waiting in the wings. Just too lazy to work on it due to skool and FFXI. and hell, FF14 has been announced!

06-04-2009, 12:16 PM
An interesting topic, the only guys I haven't seen named that really became inspireing after I had already started would have to be Troops of Doom and Yak's Pub, two very very funny dios in their own right. Other than those I have seen all the names of who inspired me I think.

But also one thing not mentioned is inspiration outside the dio world. Most of mine are probably clear already (Sunbow toon, Terminator, Star Wars ect) and of course there is family guy, Simpsons, Matt Fewer, MST3K, even Bob Newhart.

06-04-2009, 01:01 PM
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is awesome!!! I loved watching that.

06-09-2009, 01:16 PM
[QUOTE=Scuba Steve]

Vader9900 I have to say blows me away when it comes to photography skill, and i'm a little embarrassed to admit but I chose my camera because it was one that he uses/used![/QUOTE]

:o Wow! Thanks bro! :o

I have stayed away from this thread, I did not want to hurt anyone's feelings. I know I will forget someone. Everyone here has posted shots that make you go WOW!! The one that does it consistantly is Outrider - Craig does not post a bad one. DaveCW is a pro, his lighting & clarity is something I will hope to one day achive half of his talent in. Flatline is a genius - Marcos can take a wooden spoon, a flower pot, some office equipment and a spiked dog collar and make some of the most believable sets. Prince Adam's 12" customs are a true work of art. Scarrviper's custom figures and Fireflyed's vehicles are second to none. Gunner has got all the great figures. Monte & Toneguns have some of the most beautiful natural backdrops I have ever seen. Guiltridden does some cool angles I would love to try sometime. Hammerfel for opening up his wallet every month and paying for this mammoth website that we all call home.

06-10-2009, 11:16 AM
There are so many people on this site that inspire me Outrider (Craig) just wow all the time long before I joined this site I was always amazed by his pic. Flatline (Marcos) his sets just get better and better and he has made a few little stories that I really enjoyed and inspired me to try my own. Vader9900 (Dave) The lighting and sets are always great. Scarrviper (Kurt) has some of the best customs I have ever seen. Fireflyed (Cory) Some of the paint jobs he does can make some of the lamest figures look cool. I can't name any more off the top of my head but I know I have found ideas to use from everyone on this site.