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View Full Version : My Custom Beachhead

11-04-2006, 10:23 AM
Several of you have asked about my custom Beachhead I have in my W.H.A.L.E. review, he is more than just a repaint. I took the 2002 Spy Troops Beachhead torso, head, and waist, added the 2004 VvV Beachhead upper arms, a 2003 Cross Hair lower arms, and the 2005 VvV Snake Eyes Legs. I painted the figure to resemble the 1986 RAH Beachhead, I want to get some sculpy to mold a beret to his left shoulder, for now I painted that part red. I intend to add swivel wrists to him with some different hands, because the Cross Hair hands don't hold BH's weapon as well as I would hope.




I am currently working on making a custom S.E.A.L. team, land based versions of Torpedo, Wet-Suit, Shipwreck, Wet-Down, and Deep-Six. I know there are a few land based versions of Shipwreck and Wet Suit, but I want to have a uniform theme between them. Since 2005 Wave 7 VvV Shipwrecks are a little hard to find, I am thinking of using DTC Footloose bodies for the look, and doing a little head customizing, casting, etc. What do you gusy think about the idea of a unifrom look for a land based team of S.E.A.L.s?

11-04-2006, 11:15 AM
Wow... That's soooooooo gnarly. I don't bother doing customs anymore. Too bad Hasbro couldn't give us a great, cool, definitive version like this! Just the paint apps blow it all away!

11-04-2006, 12:16 PM
[QUOTE=Fisher]I intend to add swivel wrists to him with some different hands, because the Cross Hair hands don't hold BH's weapon as well as I would hope.[/QUOTE]

Crosshair's hands don't hold any weapon very well! BTW that's a cool BH custom, the paint apps are beautifully executed.

11-04-2006, 12:19 PM
Good point, hah.

And thanks for the positive feedback, guys.

11-04-2006, 01:13 PM
Yeah that is really cool. I'm trying to get onto the Custom making train myself but I can never get the paint to not chip away in the joint areas. Any suggestions. And yes that is a very sweet custom, the arms for Crosshair look really good with that Sweater that Beach Head wears, its a shame the hands aren't that great.

11-04-2006, 02:12 PM
The best way I have found to keep the paint from flaking or chipping in the joints is to wash the pieces first, then gently sand them in the joint area and rince clean so the paint stays put. I use acrylic paints over enamel, it dries really quickly and a lot smoother, I think.

11-05-2006, 02:09 AM
I love this custom Fisher, it's better than any beachhead figure or custom I've seen!

11-05-2006, 04:32 AM
I need a Beachhead like that!

The Faceless Master
11-05-2006, 09:16 AM
Nice, i never really did make any customs using new sculpt figures
but I did an unmasked version of Beachhead a while back
when i was still using the donsbabyboo userid

Like i said here as well, i just found it kinda creepy that someone
as visible as a drill sergeant is walking around base with a mask
on all the time...

11-05-2006, 02:57 PM
I like your Beachhead, it looks like it took quite a bit of work. As for the Crosshair hands, I use some of the stick glue from a glue gun. Glue is actually a melted plastic, so it cleans up without too much effort. The glue holds the weapons if you move the character around a bit, however, it's not permanent.

11-05-2006, 03:17 PM
It's customs like these that make me wish I had some real customizing talent so I could make one of my own. But alas, I am relegated to merely admiring the quality work of others. And this is definitely quality work!!