View Full Version : Movie Impressions

Uncle Flint
06-19-2009, 07:56 AM
I haven't been around the site much in the last year or so. I've been too busy with family, work, school, etc. to get my Joes out much, but I've been following the news and rumors about the upcoming movie for the past few months. I haven't had time to read all the forums and get a fan concensus at this point, but I'm really curious to see what all the fans are thinking at this point.

I read the rumors last week that the director got sacked, and Parmount brought in a new guy to try and save the movie during editing. From what I've seen the movie looks to be heavy with gimmicky special effects, without much in the way of coherent plot lines. The director and producer seems to have made little effort to educate themselves regarding the GI Joe mythos, and fans' tastes.

With the exception of Snake Eyes, Baroness, and Storm Shadow the the characters I've seen in both posters and previews are completely unrecognizable. The costumes look cartoonisly absurd, and don't get me started on the stupidity of accelerator suits.

There doesn't appear to be much in the way of character develpoment, but its tough to get a handle of that from a trailer. Still, many of the casting and character choices seem odd.

All the rumors I've read, and film I've seen lead me to believe that this movie will flop badly, and disappoint fans completely. Considering what a great job Michael Bay did with Transformers, its even more painful to see our beloved Joes treated in such a shabby fashion. This movie really has the potential to poison the franchise.

Have any of you seen any early showings? Does anybody have any news that I haven't heard? What's the general concensus of the fans right now?

neapolitan joe
06-19-2009, 08:01 AM
It'll be a nice (NOT G.I.JOE) action movie.

Prince Adam
06-19-2009, 09:28 AM
It's certainly not GI Joe. The casting is horrendous and the costuming is out the window. Snake Eyes is the only recogniable character, imo, and the rubber Shumacher Batman suit kills it.

I've heard the test screenings didn't go well at all and the rumor about Sommer's getting canned has circulated so much that I would find it hard to believe there isn't some truth to it.

Agent Viper
06-19-2009, 09:40 AM
Sheww... just thank Hollywood

06-19-2009, 10:31 AM
I have yet to see anything that makes me feel optimistic about this movie. It looks like its trying to cash in on the popularity of transformers and that is it. I could be wrong but it has that feel (Rushed to open, Shots seemed recycled, movie posters are weak at best, previews showing nothing spectacular, accelerator suits as an excuse to use bullet time).

I could be way off base too, and am waiting to see if I am, but the writing on the wall is definatly not good if you were hoping for a good joe movie.

06-19-2009, 04:27 PM
All the entertainment magazines and whatnot are dissing it already. They figure it'll be a good popcorn movie but not have the coolness that that OTHER hasbro property pulled off (Transformers). The redux Batman and Star Trek, this is not. But as we all suspect, it'll be a fun action movie. Probably will end up with a cult following like Doom. ;)

06-19-2009, 04:53 PM
maybe you belive it or not , but g i joe is the only toy i like and i ever had since a child , hard to belive because im from mexico and always people ask why you like it is an american soldier, c,mon is a toy dudes why everything has to end in some racist stupid ideas

i really dont care saint seita toys marvel dc transformes (i have toys mmmm use to have) so to me , is all about g i joe , me and my brother, 5 years older than me , go nuts playing with g i joe toys and never care the usa color on the vehicles and that stuff

so i dont wanna bored all of you i just wanna share my pasion for the joes

mt point is what the fuc@#k they thinking with this movie c,mon that stormshadow is lame i think i can kick his ass, twice on sunday, and snake eyes look weird , looks small fat and and and weird, with that rubber mouth , theres a lot of grate artist that can do a more better work creating snake eyes outfit , the cobra commander movie aspect hooooooo boy well all of you know they screw big time this great character, and is a never end history

damn the monkey hasbro has as CEO

sorry for my english it sucks i know

06-19-2009, 05:02 PM
i wanna see it, badly. but not as a gi joe movie, but as a movie. like everyone said, it doesnt seem anything like gi joe, but imo neither does transformers, which i hated until i told myself, its not trasnformers, its go-bots or something. then i was able to re-watch it(after a year and half) and enjoyed it.

Scuba Steve
06-19-2009, 05:49 PM
Hasbro has been telling us sense the begining it is for a new generation and not the old school fans! (an excuse I think to get away with the crap they are pulling) but by isolating us and relying on creating a hit with a new generation is a recipe for a big SUMMER BOMB! The sad fact is they have gone so in the tank over this concept it may kill GI Joe forever with Hasbro!

I will go see it and probably enjoy it for the effects and action (popcorn flick value) but it is not GI Joe or anything like it to me! I hope it doesn't bomb for the sake of the franchise but I can't expect us die hard fans to support it either!

06-19-2009, 07:07 PM
[QUOTE=Scuba Steve]Hasbro has been telling us sense the begining it is for a new generation and not the old school fans! (an excuse I think to get away with the crap they are pulling) but by isolating us and relying on creating a hit with a new generation is a recipe for a big SUMMER BOMB! The sad fact is they have gone so in the tank over this concept it may kill GI Joe forever with Hasbro!

Not singleing you out but that statement brought something to mind.

One of my biggest gripes of segments of the fandom of late has been that "You need to grow up and accept change." comments assossiated with trepidation with this film. It's irritating to no end since its not the change but the change for change's sake (that has nothing behind it besides making things different, which never works).

The TF franchise was redone for various reasons (MOstly to make it accessable to new audiences) while Joe doesn't have that feel to it at all.

06-19-2009, 07:44 PM
GI Joe fans, as a whole, are over-analyzing this.

I'm listening to the CREATOR of GI Joe, Larry Hama, who has seen the movie. Check out what he has to say at General's Joes: http://generalsjoes.com/2009/02/27/generalsjoes-interviews-larry-hama/

Two of my favorite quotes from the interview:

GJ: Let’s talk about the big stuff first. You’ve been listed as a “creative consultant” on the upcoming big budget film, G.I. Joe: The Rise of COBRA. Can you be a bit more specific about what your duties were while you were on set?

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]LH: No. But, I saw the rough cut, and I loved it. And I am pretty picky. (I have never seen any of the GI Joe animated versions all the way through because they MADE MY TEETH HURT.)[/COLOR]

GJ: In all honesty, there is a large percentage of the fandom who is very uncertain about the way the film has been progressing. How do you feel about how Paramount and the film makers are treating the “Spirit” or “character” of G.I. Joe?

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]LH: It’s always “cooler” to be negative; If you are a socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues. No, the movie does not adhere to the comic book canon. So what? It was a lot of fun to watch, I liked the characters, and it made sense. To me that’s much better than a sharp stick in the eye or two and half hours of “art.”[/COLOR]

So let's try not to be "socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues". LMAO! :)

06-19-2009, 08:35 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]GI Joe fans, as a whole, are over-analyzing this.

I'm listening to the CREATOR of GI Joe, Larry Hama, who has seen the movie. Check out what he has to say at General's Joes: http://generalsjoes.com/2009/02/27/generalsjoes-interviews-larry-hama/

Two of my favorite quotes from the interview:

GJ: Let’s talk about the big stuff first. You’ve been listed as a “creative consultant” on the upcoming big budget film, G.I. Joe: The Rise of COBRA. Can you be a bit more specific about what your duties were while you were on set?

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]LH: No. But, I saw the rough cut, and I loved it. And I am pretty picky. (I have never seen any of the GI Joe animated versions all the way through because they MADE MY TEETH HURT.)[/COLOR]

GJ: In all honesty, there is a large percentage of the fandom who is very uncertain about the way the film has been progressing. How do you feel about how Paramount and the film makers are treating the “Spirit” or “character” of G.I. Joe?

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]LH: It’s always “cooler” to be negative; If you are a socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues. No, the movie does not adhere to the comic book canon. So what? It was a lot of fun to watch, I liked the characters, and it made sense. To me that’s much better than a sharp stick in the eye or two and half hours of “art.”[/COLOR]

So let's try not to be "socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues". LMAO! :)[/QUOTE]
I'd been approaching this movie with cautious optimism in the past... but thus far the trailers have shown me very little that would make me want to see it.
Coupled with the very negative script review Paramount had yanked, and the news that Sommer had been fired from the film due to poor test screenings... it doesn't give me much hope that this will be enjoyable.

Even my friends who are not Joe fans, who have seen the trailers, have told me that it looked like crap.

So yeah, this is hardly "socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues". This is a generally-shared opinion.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
06-19-2009, 10:16 PM
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]GI Joe fans, as a whole, are over-analyzing this.

I'm listening to the CREATOR of GI Joe, Larry Hama, who has seen the movie. [/QUOTE]

You're not listening to the CREATOR of G.I. Joe though, you're listening to a guy who was the last dude picked to work on a kiddie comic designed to sell toys.

There are HASBRO employees who were far more important in the scheme of things about G.I.Joe than Hama could ever dream of being.

As for G.I. Joe the movie, I like what they did with Ripcord finally he's got a character I can get behind!

06-19-2009, 11:34 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]All the entertainment magazines and whatnot are dissing it already. They figure it'll be a good popcorn movie but not have the coolness that that OTHER hasbro property pulled off (Transformers). The redux Batman and Star Trek, this is not. But as we all suspect, it'll be a fun action movie. Probably will end up with a cult following like Doom. ;)[/QUOTE]

yea but how much can one trust entertainment magazines as most are out of Hollywood and there views against anything remotely patriotic

06-19-2009, 11:44 PM
LH: It’s always “cooler” to be negative; If you are a socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues.

See that comment bugged me in many ways cause I see what it is. Its an old PR tactic to "Kill the messenger" before the messanger is able to give an informed opinion. In other words if the movie is crap, a person after seeing it will be labeled a "socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues" by those who are the "cheerleaders" who negate the consept that Hama was a paid consultant for the movie (and as such has a vested interest in promoting it, especially since he is trying to promote his own stuff of late).

And as has already been pointed out Hama didn't create GI Joe, he wrote the comic for it, also the comic (while having its great points) is far from perfect itself (IE SNAKE EYES featureing gi joe). I never felt the comic hit any form of stride until the teens and really didn't get its rythumn until aroud 30 or so, even after that there were lull points and even the best talls were marred with horrid dialouge (ie Cobra Civil War Serpy and CC use "Has been" and "better a has been than a never was" in thier arguement that sparks the war).

Pit Viper v2
06-19-2009, 11:51 PM
Man, Larry Hamma sounds like a jerk.

neapolitan joe
06-20-2009, 02:10 AM
Sorry, but I think that Mister Hama is the great traitor, the real murderer of his creation.
I'm reading the old Marvel comcs (I.D.W. reprint):
1) G.I.JOE classic 1;
2) G.I.JOE classic 2;
3) G.I.JOE classic 3;
4) The best of Hawk;
5) The worst of Cobra Commander;
6) The worst of Destro;
7) The best of Duke
Great stories, wonderful milestones with unique atmosphere, an awesome amalgama...all in the garbage now. :(
New generations'll see a movie called "G.I.JOE", but it's not G.I.JOE.
Two are the options for me:
1) Mister Larry Hama is nobody (I do not think so because he was the "Creator" of the G.I.JOE team as we know in 1982);
2) Movie makers are dictators...
C'est la vie...

06-20-2009, 04:21 AM
Guys, I don't mean to be rude, but Larry Hama pretty much created GIJoe.
Hasbro came up with the idea for a new GIJoe in a smaller, more affordable scale, and along with their advertising agency Griffin Bacal went to Marvel in hopes of fleshing it out further.
Granted Hama only took the job because nobody else at Marvel would, he still came up with the whole story, adapting his "Fury Force" proposal which Marvel had rejected into a storyline for this new GIJoe. He came up with names, personalities and the personnel dossiers of almost every Joe released between 1982 and 1994.
Of course, the cartoon was watched more than the comic was read, but still Hama came up with the personalities of the characters showcased in said cartoon.

Of course, the man is hardly perfect. Some time around the Ninja Force's introduction, the Marvel comic hit a pretty nasty downward slope that it never recovered from...

zed is right, though. Larry was a paid advisor to this film, so it's normal that he'd plug it... A number of years ago, Courtney Thorne-Smith did a movie with CARROT TOP (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL0WayC7jW0) and had to plug it in spite of it being, you know, a movie starring CARROT TOP.

06-20-2009, 11:03 AM
It’s always “cooler” to be negative;

yea but it is so often true as is seem easier for society to be negative toward something than it is to be positive.

I always say the best way isn't always the easiest way, and too me all the negativity is the easiest way to be.

I read one Hollywood review that said that the only folks that enjoyed Gi Joe as kids was those that where dumb and beat up other kids in school, and those are the folk that will go to see the film.

I took great offense too that and that's way I want to see the film even it bombs just in spite of that type of review

06-20-2009, 02:42 PM
It reminds me of the star trek movie reviews, the reviewers almost spent more time complaining about star trek fans than they spent talking about the movie itself.
I think sometimes that the movie creators feel that comic book fans should be gratefull for that the movie companies "bother" to make movies based on comics.
Instead they should be gratefull for being able to mine the comics for ideas! God knows they need them! It seems to me that they think that a bad movie is better than a good comic, simply because it will garner more money. Bad story telling is bad story telling no matter how hi-tech the medium. Speaking as a movie goer I am a bit tired of wire fu and I am afraid they maybe made it too modern with the acellerator suits stuff. I would have liked to see GI Joe done in the style of the soldiers in the transformers movie, or Jason Bourne style of movie just less brutal.
At the end of the day, its the sincerity of the actors and the director which will carry this movie if they have done a good job then this will be a good movie if they have slacked off and done it tounge in cheek... Then they probably wont get many new fans even though the movie might sell well.
One thing that really worries me is that the same guy that directed the sword fights in the pirates of the carabian sequel have worked in this movie too. The sword fights in the first pirates move was good but the fights in the two sequels were not as interesting.

[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]
As for G.I. Joe the movie, I like what they did with Ripcord finally he's got a character I can get behind![/QUOTE] What did they do to him?

06-20-2009, 03:22 PM
What did they do to him?[/QUOTE]
Played by Marlon Wayans, according to a script review, he's essentially the "stupid guy who's comic relief".

06-20-2009, 04:05 PM
Gotta disagree with Larry Hama here. He's virtually saying "if you dislike the movie your a moron", which is ridiculous. People should remember his vested interest in the film doing well. From what I've seen from the trailers, there's nothing that makes me want to see it - it's definitely not the GI Joe I know and love.

Uncle Flint
06-20-2009, 07:31 PM
In a lot of ways it doesn't really matter if all the rumors and bad buzz are true or not. The damage has already been done either way.

Fan-boys can say what they want about the Transformers movies, but those movies have attracted millions of news fans, generated a lot of money, and the toy line is doing better than ever. Any frachise has to continually attract new fans and continue evolving or it will die. By attracting old and young fans Micheal Bay and his Transformers movies have ensured that the frachise will live on for many years to come.

GI Joe could only dream of the sales that Transformers has produced in recent years, and GI joe has had a really hard time attracting new young fans and toy buyers.

This movie was a chance to put GI Joe back on the map with kids. But beause the GI Joe producers didn't real play the nostalgia angle the way Transformers did, and because the previews have been lame, I just don't see the movie attracting enough of an audience to really propel the frachise or the toy line forward. Even a sequel seems unlikely at this point. (Work on the second Transformers movie started before the first was even out the the theaters.) I'm really disapponted by the how badly Hasbro and Paramount missed the boat here.

I know some fan think of Larry Hama as sort of the Godfather of GI Joe, and I'll admit that Larry Hama was a huge part of comic books' success in the 1980's. But that comic book was only a part of GI Joe universe. The cartoon was seen by far more people than the comic book, and Hama admitted that he hasn't even watched the cartoon. The cartoon and the TV commercials are what drove toy sales in the 80's not the comic book. Its no coincidence that after new cartoon episodes stopped, sales of the toy line tanked.

Reading interviews of Hama, it sounds like he was never really emotionally invested in the characters, beyond Snake-eyes. It sounds like it was just ajob for him, and not something he was ever really passionate about. And let not forget that Hama was responsible for the ninja obsession, and bizarre sci-fi elements that were introduced in the late 1980's-early 1990's. That crap killed the toyline.

06-21-2009, 04:04 PM

Latest (and Most detailed I've seen) trailer yet. to me, this is going to be a big budget generic cyber punk-ish film with G.I. Joe stamped on it. the only recognizable [eople are Snake Eyes (hard to mess him up) Storm Shadow, and Baroness.

06-21-2009, 04:28 PM
There is absolutely nothing Cyberpunk about this film.

06-22-2009, 12:30 AM
I know that Hama created the Joeverse around his vision. He is NOT the end all of GI Joe. his stories, his crap that he pulled, the crap Hasbro pulled... He did what he could. Fact is, ppl see Hama as the creator. He's not. Hasbro is. Hama only worked with what he could but... There were later stories that were his vision. Those are NOT my vision.

I have no problem bringing in another writer. 1 that's not a twat that'll connect CC, SE, Baroness, etc to one story. Look, hama wanted the gi joe story to revolved around certain characters (aforementioned). But MOST of us wanted a war comic like Sgt Rock? Yeah, you gotta have a cast, but making SE this gnarly arse ninja then the cartoon punk'ng him, there's a gap. That's not cool in my book.

The movie, i don't know what it will do to gi joe.

The comment about gi joe kids beating up others. Please. the trendys who wore Gothca/Quicksilver and were into sports and whatnot were FAR worse.

06-22-2009, 07:36 AM
Of course you haven't been around, you and General Scarlett HAVE MY FIGURES!!!!!

06-22-2009, 08:43 AM
Fan-boys can say what they want about the Transformers movies, but those movies have attracted millions of news fans, generated a lot of money, and the toy line is doing better than ever. Any frachise has to continually attract new fans and continue evolving or it will die. By attracting old and young fans Micheal Bay and his Transformers movies have ensured that the frachise will live on for many years to come.

Something to add though, The TF line has only had one year off since its debut in 1983, whereas the joe line has had several breaks. Also TF is often called "The most conistantly selling toyline" in history well before Bay came in. Lastly TF had plenty of media supporting through the years (Beast Wars/Machines, Armada, Energonect, really they are all too numorous to list). In contrast GI Joe really hasn't had a cartoon show since DIC (besides the one special in the corse of a year like Spy Troops VvV and it appears Resolute too).

But beause the GI Joe producers didn't real play the nostalgia angle the way Transformers did, and because the previews have been lame, I just don't see the movie attracting enough of an audience to really propel the frachise or the toy line forward. Even a sequel seems unlikely at this point. (Work on the second Transformers movie started before the first was even out the the theaters.) I'm really disapponted by the how badly Hasbro and Paramount missed the boat here.

I agree on being disapointed in hasbro and Paramout but I have to disagree about the succuess of TF being nostalgia, I think (Like Star Trek, Batman, ect) what TF did was keep the core of the original while updating it, not changing for changes sake which is what I am seeing and hearing from this joe movie (Look at CC for a glaring example)

06-22-2009, 12:55 PM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]Something to add though, The TF line has only had one year off since its debut in 1983, whereas the joe line has had several breaks.[/quote]
Transformers debuted in 84, not 83. You're thinking of the debut year of Swivel Arms here.
1995, 1996 and 1999 were the only years without Joe.

In contrast GI Joe really hasn't had a cartoon show since DIC (besides the one special in the corse of a year like Spy Troops VvV and it appears Resolute too).
They had Sigma Six.

I agree on being disapointed in hasbro and Paramout but I have to disagree about the succuess of TF being nostalgia, I think (Like Star Trek, Batman, ect) what TF did was keep the core of the original while updating it, not changing for changes sake which is what I am seeing and hearing from this joe movie (Look at CC for a glaring example)
I agree there.

06-22-2009, 01:11 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Transformers debuted in 84, not 83. You're thinking of the debut year of Swivel Arms here. [/QUOTE]

More likely I am thinking of the year they were supposed to debut in the Microman line.

[QUOTE=Jay]1995, 1996 and 1999 were the only years without Joe.[/QUOTE]

That is still several breaks vs. just one, But:

Depends on how you view it, all the versions of TF had some version of Optimus and Megetron, the same cannot be said for Joe (Extreame and Savage). Also the basic toy didn't really change that much as the TF line went forward (Of course there were advances in Articuation and how the toys could transform but th progression can be seen as the line goes into different incarnations, but the Bublebee of today can stand beside Trailbreaker from GI and are for the most part the same scale). Conversly Joe has gone from 5". 8", 12", 2" ect (and while TF did have some variance in scale it wasn't through toylines. ie the minis were there with GI with Seaspray, cosmos ect, not as a seperate line).

Thus I really don't count Extreame, savage or even Sigma as they were rubs against the grain (and as such failed). I can see a strong case for 12" figs since they were the orginals and would conseed that point, the others I have a harder time with.

On top of that, Joe kept getting cancelled where as TF would run its course and start anew with new characters and a new storyline (Although Beast machines probably was a poor idea, it at least was follwed up by something in a TF vien that wasn't a total change of heart).

[QUOTE=Jay]They had Sigma Six.[/QUOTE]

Oh I had forgotten that, but the reason I did is cause you could never find it on anywhere. or if it was on the time slots kept getting shifted around.

Black Knight
06-22-2009, 04:40 PM
Wow.... you all bitch alot... yeah I know the GI Joe movie isn't the GI Joe that we grew up with and they may end up screwing it up, but I fully intend to go see it as a modernized GI Joe movie and from their I'll take it or leave it.

Transformers was a great remake and I couldn't be happier with the new "look" of them. If giant alien robots came to Earth do you really think they would look like the blocky TFs from the 80s? No.

Same applies to GI Joe, if the Joes really exsisted, do you think they'd run around in miss-matched outfits fighting a vastly out numbered battle without some kind of "advantage"? The new movie has issues, don't get me wrong, but the issues are (IMO) miniscule compared to the over-all idea behind it.

In short.... I'm all for the new movie. You can label me a traitor to GI Joe, but I'm sticking with it and accepting change. I already converted to the new figures over O-Rings, and I fully intend to see the new movie atleast 2 times. (once IMAX, once regular)

06-22-2009, 04:44 PM
I've no problem with matching outfits.
My problem is with the Accelerator Suits, the stupid story, the ugly Baroness and the excessive use of CGI.

Uncle Flint
06-22-2009, 09:02 PM
[QUOTE=rds13601]Of course you haven't been around, you and General Scarlett HAVE MY FIGURES!!!!![/QUOTE]

I don't now General Scarlett, and i haven't taken figures from anyone. I think you're confusing me with someone else. Perhaps with a similar name.

06-22-2009, 09:13 PM
[QUOTE=rds13601]Of course you haven't been around, you and General Scarlett HAVE MY FIGURES!!!!![/QUOTE]
You're mixing up UNCLE Flint with Flint.

06-22-2009, 09:13 PM

Too bad about the Joe film. Today at the bookstore I was talking to some folks who are not Joe fans at all, don't even know the names of the most prominant characters, talking negative about the film. One person, the manager of the store, said he was talking to someone at Office Depot recently about it and that person also was talking bad about it. People talk to others and the talk seems to me to be mostly negative.

The trailers are what they are seeing and they are not seeing anything that attracts them to the film.

Of course, these are just ppl I know.

But this is worrisome, none-the-less. The more I see the trailers the more my stomach sinks. The movie may be great--it may surprise me--but so far from all that I've read, and from the vehicles and some of the figures, I'm not impressed so far.

If I were to complain, where do I even begin? There's so many places to pick bones at. Reviews of the film get me down, the trailers too, the toy line (with the exception of some figures photo'd here) don't get my hopes up. I'm at a point where I am unsure about even bothering to see the film.

Anyway, some trivia that seems fun:


But then again, maybe it'll be the best thing since sliced bread.

Uncle Flint
06-22-2009, 09:19 PM
I have to admit that I'm excited for the movie opening. Its going to be a lot of fun, even if the movie is awful. Its a series reboot, and I'm okay with that. My only real complaint at this point is that the characters aren't recognizable. I think that's a huge marketing mistake. Recognizable characters draw people in, and add continuity. (Even in a reboot.) If you're really trying to grab the attention of former fans who haven't paid any attention to GI Joe in decades you've got have recognizable charters.

In the recent Star Trek actors with appearance similar to the original cast were chosen. Uniforms were updated, but recognizable. This is obviously harder to do with GI Joe, but it bugs me that they made no effort at all.

Would it have killed Sommers to have chosen and actor old enough to rent a car and had blond hair to play Duke? Did they have to change Stalker's name to Ripcord, and couldn't they show him just once in promo posters wearing BDU's and a beret?

06-23-2009, 11:21 PM

[QUOTE=Black Knight]Wow.... you all bitch alot... yeah I know the GI Joe movie isn't the GI Joe that we grew up with and they may end up screwing it up, but I fully intend to go see it as a modernized GI Joe movie and from their I'll take it or leave it.

Transformers was a great remake and I couldn't be happier with the new "look" of them. If giant alien robots came to Earth do you really think they would look like the blocky TFs from the 80s? No.

Same applies to GI Joe, if the Joes really exsisted, do you think they'd run around in miss-matched outfits fighting a vastly out numbered battle without some kind of "advantage"? The new movie has issues, don't get me wrong, but the issues are (IMO) miniscule compared to the over-all idea behind it.

In short.... I'm all for the new movie. You can label me a traitor to GI Joe, but I'm sticking with it and accepting change. I already converted to the new figures over O-Rings, and I fully intend to see the new movie atleast 2 times. (once IMAX, once regular)[/QUOTE]

Urban Saboteur
06-24-2009, 12:35 AM
[QUOTE=neapolitan joe]It'll be a nice (NOT G.I.JOE) action movie.[/QUOTE]

That is the best way to look at it.

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]LH: It’s always “cooler” to be negative; If you are a socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescent with hostility issues. No, the movie does not adhere to the comic book canon. So what? It was a lot of fun to watch, I liked the characters, and it made sense. To me that’s much better than a sharp stick in the eye or two and half hours of “art.”[/COLOR]

So what Hama is saying is its ok to be positive about something as long as your on the payroll but if you dont like the film it's because your a retard and not because you prefer 'art' over slapstick.

I like slapstick, but give me jim carrey as the mask or Ace Ventura I'm fine... just dont add it to Special Anti-Terrorist Teams that fight around the globe.

[QUOTE=Jay]Played by Marlon Wayans, according to a script review, he's essentially the "stupid guy who's comic relief".[/QUOTE]

You've seen how Will Smith is in independance day right? That's the kind of hollywood B.S your going to see in this film.

[QUOTE=rds13601]Of course you haven't been around, you and General Scarlett HAVE MY FIGURES!!!!![/QUOTE]

Cheers for that... not entirely sure if its related to this subject though.. :o

[QUOTE=Trench-Viper]Speaking as a movie goer I am a bit tired of wire fu and I am afraid they maybe made it too modern with the acellerator suits stuff. I would have liked to see GI Joe done in the style of the soldiers in the transformers movie, or Jason Bourne style of movie just less brutal.

I am pretty much in an agreement with Trench-Viper on this.. a good GIJOE film would be shot similar to the Bourne style or as the Soldiers/Military were in the Transformers film.

Finally it wasn't just ninja force that killed the line, there were a number of very bad marketing decisions and overall choices hasbro made with the gijoe line. Starting with Neon and ending in the cut off of support through comics and cartoons. Factor in the bad marketing and poor product choice and you have a grade A winner for failure. Take a look at the 1983-84 figures and match them to stuff like eco warriors or the mega marines and star brigade :p

I've learnt now to accept Hasbro will never satisfy everyone, I think it stopped trying somewhere in the 80s if I'm honest. I used to care and back the line 100% but whats the point if they aren't willing to listen? They do what they want to do and make it appear to the public like they listen. We've all at some point had the automatic response letter from H. "We're looking into it" kind of thing.

They didn't need to use accelerator suits in the film, they didn't need to change the background of characters from the filecards (Ripcord) as most of the history had been written in for them. Updating the franchise just like TF1 would of been quite fine with me. Shot in the same style as the Soldiers in the film and with a mission to stop a terrorist plot to rule the world.
Just wait until GIJOE 2 : The Commander Arrives.. in this film Cobra Commanders sordid past will be revealed.. how he used to date lady jaye in college and got her pregnant... and how she gave birth to a son who turns out to be firefly..
the film will carry on from where the 80s film did.. with falcon dating jinx as a trainee... it will be falcon who will have to battle a cobra commander clone aboard destro's star destroyer... where he will save the world and save his girlfriend... :p

06-24-2009, 07:30 AM
I've learnt now to accept Hasbro will never satisfy everyone, I think it stopped trying somewhere in the 80s if I'm honest.

I think it was around 1991 (Spring loaded missle launchers was the begining IMO) but after that the line begins to devolve.

06-24-2009, 01:05 PM
I like the spring loaded missile launchers!

I agree, Rich. I'd prefer a military story that has characters that resemble our fave Joes and are even called them. Look at Predator. Yeah, it's sci-fi but it's got enough 'real world' elements to make it great. I'd use Aliens, but that's a tougher sell. It'd almost be MORE fun to do it like STar Trek where you got a crew that's thrown together, they go thru some gnarly mysterious stuff and they just kinda earn their codenames thru the first missions in the movie.

By the end, you could have General Abernathy saying, "Listen up people, we now know this terrorist group called Cobra is for real and we've been tasked to combat them. You Hauser, you call yourself "DUKE", you're in charge. The world's change and so has the battle. We are designated GI Joe. Let's do this!"

06-24-2009, 01:29 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]In short.... I'm all for the new movie. You can label me a traitor to GI Joe, but I'm sticking with it and accepting change. I already converted to the new figures over O-Rings, and I fully intend to see the new movie atleast 2 times.[/QUOTE]

Looking forward to the movie doesn't make you a traitor to GI Joe. We all enjoy different aspects of the line, and some of us will like the movie and some won't - it's no big deal. All I can say is from what I have seen so far, the movie doesn't appeal to me. It bears very little resemblance to the GI Joe that I enjoy so there's no reason for me to go and see it. Having seen the same trailers as everyone else, I don't think it's going to be a very good film even as a popcorn movie - my honest opinion is that it will bomb big time. It's too much of a departure to lure the older fans in, and it doesn't appear to be a good enough movie to create a legion of new fans. If Hasbro is banking on the film to boost toy sales, I suspect they're in for a very rude awakening. I think you'll see the movie toys in the clearance aisle before too long. Of course, the movie could be a huge hit and surprise us all, but I doubt it. The feeling I'm getting now is like the one I got in the early nineties; the brand is in decline and Hasbro will eventually pull the plug.

06-24-2009, 07:08 PM
I think the movie looks like it will be alright. Given there have been several incarnations of Joe already (Marvel and IDW comics, Sunbow cartoon, Resolute cartoon, Sigma Six, numerous dio stories) I don't mind seeing things being done a little differently. The latest trailer looks pretty good. I think the preview comics by Chuck Dixon have all been pretty good as well. If it's good, that's great, and if it's bad, I'll just go back to reading IDW comics and dio stories.

Black Knight
06-24-2009, 07:38 PM
I went to see TF2 last night and the showed the newest GI Joe trailer, and it made me like it even more. Ripcord is the comic-relief, but from the trailer they seem to have kept the comedy "in-line". The part with the "bus/train" where the two of them crash through it had a longer scene and it was kinda funny, the whole theater laughed and at the end of the preview the theater stood and applauded, which was weird.