View Full Version : Hobby House= EPIC WIN

06-19-2009, 05:29 PM
if anyone has plans for a florida vacation, DO make a stop at Dave's store. tons o fun stuff to see (i never really grasped how HUGE the Defiant complex was until i saw it in person O_O) his wife makes the most AMAZING statues, and you finally get to see his Diorama stuff in the flesh. also, his computer screen puts most TVs to shame.

and Dave, you sure know a good Sushi place. that place said "Japan" in freakin SPADES. they even had Japanese TV playing :D

all in all, a must stop on my next trip down. :cool:

Prince Adam
06-19-2009, 09:30 PM
What kind of statues does the wife do? I'm always interested in seeing what people can do with there hands.

Dave, are there pics of the inside of your shop anywhere?

06-20-2009, 08:50 AM
Thanks man, it was great meeting you and the family! Thanks for your purchase too!! Too bad about the Space Shuttle, at least you got to see a rocket go off! Thanks for the kind words as well.

PA, I think Julie has pics of the inside on Facebook or Myspace or one of those sites, I will get you an URL when she gets her butt into work. Man, you are in SC? Thats only about 6 or 7 hours. You ought to make a beach run & come see it in person. :D

Julie scuplts baby dolls from polymer clay, she sews clothes and blankets, makes accessories, baby beds and seats for them. I am fortunate to have married someone who is artistic and likes to collect vintage toys too - I don't have to hear "You sent how much on what??" and " Your 41, your in the back yard on you knees in the dirt with a bunch of toys, your embarrassing me!!"

06-20-2009, 04:11 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]I am fortunate to have married someone who is artistic and likes to collect vintage toys too - I don't have to hear "You sent how much on what??" and " Your 41, your in the back yard on you knees in the dirt with a bunch of toys, your embarrassing me!!"[/QUOTE]

Heh heh, I'm lucky in that regard too Dave. My wife collects Beanie Babies, so she understands my Joe hobby. In fact she not only tolerates it but hunts down rare stuff for me on eBay that I'm too impatient to sit there and look for. She also helps me with a lot of shots, often acting as my "aircraft holder" for flight shots. :)