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View Full Version : Weekend Warriors - JULY 2009

Black Knight
06-23-2009, 11:32 AM
[size=2][color=black]Well boy and girls, here is July's Weekend Warriors. I am quite pleased with this line up and hope everyone will participate or atleast enjoy it. [/color][/size]
[size=2][size=3][color=black]July 3-5 [/color][color=red]INDEPENDENCE DAY[/color][/size] [color=black]- Its one of the Joes favorite holidays, what do they do to celebrate? What does Cobra do on July 4th?[/color][/size]
[size=2][size=3][color=black]July 10-12[/color] [color=red]WACKY WEEKEND[/color][/size] [color=black]- The comedy weekend is back, lets have a good three day laugh.[/color][/size]
[size=2][size=3][color=black]July 17-19[/color] [color=red]SELF-PORTRAITS[/color][/size] [color=black]- Everyone here has a custom or just a regular Joe/Cobra that they would like to be or that they feel is the best to portray them. Lets see them in action. [size=1](just some ideas... Hammerfel = Kamakura*, Sonn = red sand-viper, you all get the idea)[/size][/color][/size]
[size=2][size=3][color=black]July 24-26[/color] [color=red]REMAKE WEEKEND[/color][/size] [color=black]- I'm sure everyone here has seen a photo here and said to themselves "man, if only they used O-Ring figs instead of 25ths" or something to that effect. Here's your chance to retake the shots how you want to. Don't forget to give the original credit due. [/color][/size]
[size=2][color=#000000]There you have it, enjoy it... oh and I'm still seeking ideas for future Weekend Warriors.[/color][/size]

06-28-2009, 03:06 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight][size=2][color=#000000]There you have it, enjoy it... oh and I'm still seeking ideas for future Weekend Warriors.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]
Last stand
The girls of GI Joe
No prisoners
Accessories (show off your favorite accessories)
POGs (People Other than Grunts)
Small arms
LBC (Lazy Bastard Customs)
Locations: jungle, arctic, dessert, mountain, water, air, etc.
Vehicles: land, sea, air, space
War crimes
Straight-arms (original 1982 series)

06-28-2009, 03:22 PM
Has "Team - ups" been done yet? odd ball pairings?

"Joes at play"

Scuba Steve
06-28-2009, 04:53 PM
Just a shot off the top of my head, how about flashbacks? Show a joe or cobra in their early days before they joined their prospective organizations!

Prince Adam
06-28-2009, 05:21 PM
A few off the top of my head:

Death Traps
Suicide Mission
One Man Army
Ground Assault
Customs (seems everyone's got 'em)
Burn Baby Burn
Hometown Heroes (Joes that are from where you live, kinda singles out the Intl. crowd though :/ )
End of the Line
Year One (original 13)
Unused Figures/Characters
Extraction or Rescue Mission
Comicbook Moments
Prisoners of War
Reckless Abandon
Geek Squad

Black Knight
06-28-2009, 11:27 PM
thank you guys... many great ideas and many to choose from.

06-29-2009, 12:13 AM
[QUOTE=Scuba Steve]Just a shot off the top of my head, how about flashbacks? Show a joe or cobra in their early days before they joined their prospective organizations![/QUOTE]
I like that idea a lot.

07-01-2009, 09:18 PM
this will be my first weekend warrior shots ... now i need to think up great ideas

has anyone suggested a fish outta water theme... like dusty in a snow climate or dreadnoks at a blacktie or something like that