View Full Version : your thoughts on the new gi joe comics so far

06-24-2009, 05:11 AM
well i have read somewhere near a dozen of them, and i must admit im loving them so far. only thing i would like to change is dial tone being a women, other then that its near perfect. i would like to see quick kick soon, and some dreadnoks, but you cant rush in characters, if you do you ruin the story.

oh yes, i was gone, but im back. probably wont be around as much as i use to, but i am going to try and work on some dios i had written. whats more is a cousin of mine who played joe with me all my life is working on dios with me. it has already gotten me back into it as his stories reminds me so much of the characters i loved in the cartoons and comics. so hopefully we will get some of that done soon, and finish my outrider story. i had a pretty good start to it.

06-24-2009, 05:20 AM
I have only picked up a couple of issues of the new book, but it seems pretty good. I agree that Dialtone is just wrong but if I keep reading will probably get used to that. I wish my fellow toy buddies collected Joe so that I could build dios with them. One only collects 1/6th WWII and the other just He-Man. I have been helping the later design a huge Snake mountain that he could have in his living room thaat I might use for a few pics as a cobra mountain. The design is about 4 ft tall right now.

06-24-2009, 06:34 AM
Nice to see you back H.

06-24-2009, 06:44 AM
I'm not a big fan of how it's being handled with a giant staff in the thousands and an entire underground city.
Also, the plot seems to be running around in circles.

Of course, that's just the "main" title.

Origin is pretty cool with that Chimera guy and Snake-Eyes being badass without being superninja.

Cobra, I didn't like at all. Formulatic, and a complete bastardization of Jinx for the sole purpose of killing her.

06-24-2009, 06:48 AM
No opinion... haven't bought any, haven't found any. Have found the classic Marvel at the big bookstores, being reprinted in group form. Will buy those first.

06-24-2009, 06:50 AM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]No opinion... haven't bought any, haven't found any. Have found the classic Marvel at the big bookstores, being reprinted in group form. Will buy those first.[/QUOTE]
Good thinking!

And if you find the Storm Shadow solo series TPB, give it a try. It's not really GIJoe but it's a great adventure comic!

06-24-2009, 07:23 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]I'm not a big fan of how it's being handled with a giant staff in the thousands and an entire underground city.
Also, the plot seems to be running around in circles.

Of course, that's just the "main" title.

Origin is pretty cool with that Chimera guy and Snake-Eyes being badass without being superninja.

Cobra, I didn't like at all. Formulatic, and a complete bastardization of Jinx for the sole purpose of killing her.[/QUOTE]

yeah, i like origins better myself, so far. i picked up a few of the movie prequels and 2 of the cobra ones, but havent read them yet, i might do that now since i have free time.

06-24-2009, 07:47 AM
I'm waiting for the TPB collections. Origins and Cobra look interesting.

06-24-2009, 09:17 AM
Welcome back, Lehsreh!

I'm loving Origins so far... I don't have anything bad to say about it! I was a bit worried about Larry Hama's abilities after the Hasbro comic packs that came out recently, but this series proves he hasn't lost his touch!

I've actually enjoyed Cobra for the most part, except for the unfortunate fate of Jinx. But heck, who's to say that was the real Jinx? As Jay points out, it was definitely not her character. Maybe it was someone else using the codename, and the Jinx we all know and love will inherit it from her down the road!

The main book is okay, but it's way too slow-paced. It's been, what, five issues or so, and I feel like nothing's happened! Everything that went on in those issues could've happened in one single issue of the old Marvel title. Also, even though I get that they're trying to give us a younger version of Duke, I find that he's way too casual and nonchalant with everyone. It just doesn't work for me. Likewise, Destro's accent is also a problem. I know he's Scottish, but no one, from Hama to Blalock to Jerwa to Casey to whoever else, has ever written him with an accent! It doesn't work. And what's with his flowing mane of thick, lustrous blond hair?!? This is <i>not</i> Destro!!!

And as others have said, Dial-Tone as a woman doesn't work for me. Why not just use the Devil's Due character Firewall if you want a female comm/tech person? And I also don't like the creation of that new tech guy -- his name eludes me at the moment -- when they could've used Mainframe or even Hi-Tech or Hard-Drive!

But Chuck Dixon is usually a good writer, so I'll give him more time to win me over.

06-24-2009, 09:42 AM
I have only picked up the main book and the pace just killed me on it, really killed my interest in the others as well. I know it has been said the pace is to make the story fit into trade format but really if you sacrifice story that is pointless.

Shame too cause generally IDW is much smarter than that when it comes to many of thier stories.

06-24-2009, 01:31 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]No opinion... haven't bought any, haven't found any.[/QUOTE]

...not looking for any... :)

Black Knight
06-24-2009, 01:41 PM
I currently have the "GI Joe" series, "GI Joe-Origins", and "GI Joe-Cobra" and I find them all to be quite enjoyable and well writen. "Cobra" is over till August and I think "Origins" and "GI Joe" only have one comic left till their break as well.

All three are good stories and intend to keep buying them.

06-24-2009, 03:21 PM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]Shame too cause generally IDW is much smarter than that when it comes to many of thier stories.[/QUOTE]
Clearly you haven't seen what they're doing with Transformers of late.... :(

06-24-2009, 04:58 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Clearly you haven't seen what they're doing with Transformers of late.... :([/QUOTE]Don't get me started!

Everything Simon Furman was building for two years, all the planning and sub-plots and build-up -- all destroyed by that wretched abomination that is All Hail Megatron!!! Glacial in its pace, idiotic in its premise, inaccurate in its character portrayals -- except for the absolutely beautiful art by Guido Guidi, it is everything a Transformers comic should never be!!

And as a secondary "Don't Get Me Started," I absolutely loathe Shane McCarthy's "super-awesome bad-ass bestest-Autobot-ever" Mary-Sue character, Drift. The day he dies a slow, painful death will be a happy one for me. And what's up with the pointless and unnecessary conversion of Peceptor from a thoughtful, absent-minded scientist into a giant-cannon-toting killer? Was there any call for that from anyone?!? "I know -- instead of using someone who already exists and fits this role, I'll just totally change an exisiting character to fit my needs!!!" Please!!

I would hope and pray that Shane McCarthy never touches the Transformers again, but advance solicits from IDW already indicate that's not the case. I can instead only hope that he'll be sidelined in favor of either giving Furman the main story back, or bringing in the guys who wrote Dreamwave's amazingly good ongoing Transformers book -- McDonough and Patyck, their names were -- wrote every character, without fail, as if they'd just stepped out of either the G1 cartoon or comic!

Hmm... I seem to have "gotten started" despite myself. So, how about those IDW Joe comics, eh?

06-24-2009, 07:04 PM
Welcome back Lehsreh.

I've gotten all the IDW comics so far and I've liked all of them, including the movie prequels. I was getting a little behind lately and did some catching up this weekend. The COBRA series was good, though maybe a little darker than I like Joe to be. I think Snake Eyes is being used very well. The reboot has brought mystery back to this character and they aren't over using him like the second half of the Marvel series or the Devils Due series.

I also read the last 2 comic pack issues (Tunnel Rat and Shockwave issues) by Hama, and those weren't nearly as good as the IDW stuff.

Scuba Steve
06-24-2009, 07:23 PM
Good to see you back !

I like em'
Yes they have a slow pace to them but, I am all about story anyway! Action is nice but it isn't always necessary to keep my intrest! I will continue to collect them as long as they are produced!

06-25-2009, 09:44 AM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Don't get me started!

Everything Simon Furman was building for two years, all the planning and sub-plots and build-up -- all destroyed by that wretched abomination that is All Hail Megatron!!! Glacial in its pace, idiotic in its premise, inaccurate in its character portrayals -- except for the absolutely beautiful art by Guido Guidi, it is everything a Transformers comic should never be!!

And as a secondary "Don't Get Me Started," I absolutely loathe Shane McCarthy's "super-awesome bad-ass bestest-Autobot-ever" Mary-Sue character, Drift. The day he dies a slow, painful death will be a happy one for me. And what's up with the pointless and unnecessary conversion of Peceptor from a thoughtful, absent-minded scientist into a giant-cannon-toting killer? Was there any call for that from anyone?!? "I know -- instead of using someone who already exists and fits this role, I'll just totally change an exisiting character to fit my needs!!!" Please!!

I would hope and pray that Shane McCarthy never touches the Transformers again, but advance solicits from IDW already indicate that's not the case. I can instead only hope that he'll be sidelined in favor of either giving Furman the main story back, or bringing in the guys who wrote Dreamwave's amazingly good ongoing Transformers book -- McDonough and Patyck, their names were -- wrote every character, without fail, as if they'd just stepped out of either the G1 cartoon or comic!

Hmm... I seem to have "gotten started" despite myself. So, how about those IDW Joe comics, eh?[/QUOTE]

OK I take my statement back, I haven't read TF in a while (mostly due to money nothing else) and that does sound horrid.

09-03-2009, 01:08 PM
this thread may be dead but i didnt want to start a new one. there have been afew more comics come out so how do you like them now? and what did you think about the helix story? myself i loved it. she can no doubt give snake eyes a run, if you go by the story she can beat him actually. and i like how they are putting cartoon elements into the comics. like the mass device and how it made destro who he is. since i wasnt influenced by the comics anyway, this can be the first take for me.

09-03-2009, 04:46 PM
I liked the Helix comic, I felt it was WAAAYYY too short though, and I for the most part like the main new Joe comic, it's not bad, but I just wish they were longer, both of them.

Origins looked pretty cool too, haven't bought any.

I have no interest in the movie related stuff so I can't say about them.

Also: Female Dial-tone, unlike most Joe fans, I totally dig and welcome the change. Even when I was a kid, I absolutely HATED Dial-Tone. His outfit's design, his dumb back pack, his mustache, the colors the figure's uniform were. Generally ugly figure (in my opinion).

I'd much rather have a young, female GI JOE then some old creeper in a crappy sweater with a big ugly back pack.

09-03-2009, 06:39 PM
I'm still waiting for the Cobra and Origins collections to come out here...

09-03-2009, 06:53 PM
I haven't read the latest issues of the main title or Origins yet, though I did just read Helix last night. Honestly, my first thought, from the very first page was, "Helix is Asian?" Her card art doesn't look Asian, nor, to me, does the figure. Was she Asian in the video game?

Anyway, past that, I felt that she was too good. Jay covered a lot of this in his review of the issue, but she seems worse than Ninja Force-era Snake-Eyes with respect to "inherent awesomeness." She's apparently a savant fighter, and never loses. She can master any fighting style after seeing it once? That's the province of Marvel Comics' Taskmaster, who is a full-fledged super villain! Besides that, she always knows how many bullets are left in every gun in the room? And when Duke asks if she's autistic or something (which could be kind of interesting), Hawk says no. So she's super-powerful, with absolutely no known weaknesses? Please! Even the pinnacle of G.I. Joe bad-assery, Snake-Eyes, is horribly disfigured and can't speak!

Other than that, I've been moderately enjoying this run. I loved Hama's story in Origins -- Chimeara was a pretty neat new bad guy. The main book has been way too slow-paced, but it's kind of interesting. I can't stand that they spell out Destro's accent, though, when he's never been written with one before. I also don't like him as a long-haired pretty boy. He works much better as a middle-aged, distinguished gentleman like in the old comics and the movie. I also don't enjoy the de-aging of Duke. He's not very enjoyable as the "young buck" maverick. He works way better as the "grizzled veteran" maverick (obviously, I didn't like that aspect of the movie, either)!

Oh, and I didn't really like Cobra all that much. I can't understand all the praise its gotten from the fan community. I liked Chuckles a lot better in the Marvel run, when he was generally pretty happy-go-lucky. Now he's just depressing.

09-21-2009, 06:05 PM
Just finished reading the Origins TPB and I really enjoyed it. It focused on a small team of Scarlett, Breaker, Stalker, Rock ‘N Roll, Snake Eyes, Hawk, Duke and... Heavy Duty. (Huh?) It was more based in reality and militaristic than the near future/sci-fi feel of the Marvel series. (I haven’t read IDW comics.) They weren’t constantly introducing new figures and vehicles like the Marvel series so the story wasn’t rushed, there was more time for character interaction and combat scenes. The mythos has been altered a bit but it pretty much ended up in the same spot at the end.

I really liked the artwork. It was gritty, which is perfect for an action comic. Everyone had unique facial features and the expressions and body gestures were well done. Things like weapons and vehicles were accurately drawn which is a big plus for me, I like attention to detail.

The only real negative point is the character who was obviously drawn as Roadblock being called Heavy Duty.

Overall, I’d recommend Origins to any GI Joe fan of the pre-Hollywood era.

Now I’m just waiting impatiently for Chuckles’ Cobra TPB.