View Full Version : Transformers 2

Black Knight
06-24-2009, 11:10 AM
Ok, so I saw Transformers 2 and it rocked. It has a really good plot-line with elements of all the various generations of TF mixed into it. IMO they did a great job and I highly recommend seeing it.

I would rate it a 8.5 out of 10, they still have issues with TF personallities (mainly autobots) and focus a little too much on Megan Fox (she's hot, don't get me wrong, but its TF not MF).
They also went over the top a few times on jokes, but it was well played into the movie. The Autobot/Decepticon fight scenes were well played and you could actually tell who was who and what was happening, the only real complaint I had was that the Autobots got very little screen-time (except Bumblebee & Optimus) adn I was hoping to see their personalities developed a little more, but thats just me.

So, there you have it... this is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Scuba Steve
06-24-2009, 11:55 AM
Good to here a certified toy nerd, like me, thought it was good! After listening to the radio guys bag on it this morning I was beggining to worry! I did hear that it was 2 and a half hours long though. If so I might just have to wait for the Blue ray (my poor old truck driver knees cant take being bent for that long at a time)

06-24-2009, 01:09 PM
Great movie! :)

Black Knight
06-24-2009, 01:38 PM
[QUOTE=Scuba Steve]Good to here a certified toy nerd, like me, thought it was good! After listening to the radio guys bag on it this morning I was beggining to worry! I did hear that it was 2 and a half hours long though. If so I might just have to wait for the Blue ray (my poor old truck driver knees cant take being bent for that long at a time)[/QUOTE]

I forgot that part... we went to the 12:01 showing and left the theater at 3am... so with previews and credits it was about 3 hours long. It was long, but worth it. They did a good job of making it seem not that long.

06-24-2009, 02:04 PM
I had no idea it was that long until you mentioned it and I checked the clock. It went by fast.

Prince Adam
06-24-2009, 04:25 PM
I took my Dad to see it this afternoon as sort of a belated Father's Day present. He really liked the first one and I think he enjoy ROTF even more.
I liked it, I'm not even going to lie the first time Prime was on screen I got chills. He's the best part of the movie for me. A lot less human characters than the first which was nice. Soundwave was voiced perfectly, and of course Cullen as prime is just awesome. Prime's swords were one of favorite aspects, he did some serious damage with those not to mention his guns. I thought Sam's roommate Leo was pretty damn hilrious too.

Minor nits:

-language (c'mon this is a movie based off a kids toyline)
-cheep laughs (dogs humping, pot brownies, jockstrap, etc.)
-Skids and Mudflap (hated them :rolleyes: )
-Robot chick, didn't care for that subplot. Way too "Species".

06-24-2009, 11:48 PM
Exellent movie, very entertaining, cood laughs (some cheap, but who cares) awesome action secuenses and so on... But I think it suffered from the same problem as Spiderman 3, too much crammed into one movie...


Skids and Mudflap were funny imo, but got way too much screentime... and Ironhide and Ratchet barely said a line in the movie, which sucked...Sideswipe was mainly a statist hanging around and Prime was mostly "absent" the whole time, they wacked Barricade in the first 10 minutes and how the hell was Blackout still alive (and to be killed by Prime, I mean didnt he die in the final batle in the first one already??)

Starscream was a slippery weasel like he should, and got his ass kicked by Megatron a couple of times :D ... Soundwave was pure magic, and so was Ravage, but Jetfire was like Treebeard straight from LOTR, old, in bad shape and kinda senile :confused: ... Megan Fox and her new boobs were in the screen constantly (which was nice, but hey this is Transformers) and a whole lot of decepticons were just "hanging" around without a purpose or name just to be cannon fodder in the last battle...

So a good movie absolutely, but too much going on (Fallen, Matrix of leadership, "Super-Prime" the TF "gods" appearing to Sam etc...)

Liked the first one better... but exellent nontheless...

06-25-2009, 08:33 AM
[QUOTE=EasySimpleStuff]wacked Barricade in the first 10 minutes and how the hell was Blackout still alive (and to be killed by Prime, I mean didnt he die in the final batle in the first one already??)[/QUOTE]

06-25-2009, 09:34 AM
Jay had to point out the same thing to me on JC, Jay I think this proves how confusing that was to everyone (in other words they should have went with another robot).

Alot of the reviews I read were flat out false or overblown, so for fun I desided to review the reviews here (spoilers could not be avoided to explain the inacuracies):


06-25-2009, 09:57 AM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]Jay had to point out the same thing to me on JC, Jay I think this proves how confusing that was to everyone (in other words they should have went with another robot).[/QUOTE]
Sideways at least had different colors and a very, very different altmode.

As for Grindor, I can definitely understand why they'd need to reuse character models (these things are huge and complex!), but I think some more drastically different colors would have helped. Perhaps a new head as well, or at least a different character's head.

General Jones
06-25-2009, 11:12 AM
I saw it last night and I would agree with Prince Adam. It was a great movie, but the Language, the twins, and some other stuff could have been left out. My family went for my brothers birthday and I cringed a couple of times hoping that my nieces and nephews didn't catch what was going on. That being said, I liked it and thought it was a great movie, but for the most part, I liked the first one better.

06-26-2009, 01:09 AM

Oh! my bad.. but regadless, they did look almost identical (well except Sideways altmode, but I just figured it was Barricade in another "car" mode... like Bee was first this crappy camaro and then a brand new later).

So whre was Barricade?.. I mean even Skorponok made a last minute appearance to get killed by Treebeard... I mean Jetfire...

06-26-2009, 07:21 AM
It was a great sequel, with an out-of-the-ordinary-TF-canon storyline. The "Species" thing was a logical infiltration idea, but very ripped-off and almost felt a little "Terminator 3" (ugh). Megan Fox must've gotten paid more than Shia (anyone wanna total their screen times?). And for PG-13, I expected cleaner language and less tongues. Props for keeping Megan and Shia's scenes clean (dare I say "romantic"?). The "twins" were annoying to me, but my kid loved them. Preteens who text/chat a lot on the 'Net probably relate to them.

One thing bothers me a bit: they seem to create new robots just to kill them off. I know war is hell, but they come off very disposable. Except Prime, Megatron, and Starscream (maybe?). Loved old man Aussie Jetfire, and his sacrifice was totally worth it.

General Jones
06-26-2009, 09:14 AM
[QUOTE=cyko] they seem to create new robots just to kill them off.[/QUOTE]
I don't know, I would have liked to see Devastator eat the twins. Wishful thinking, just like wanting to see someone kill JarJar in Star Wars. :(

Black Knight
06-26-2009, 09:58 AM
I'm going to see it again tonight. I'm excited.:D

neapolitan joe
06-27-2009, 07:23 AM
A Real G.I.JOE Movie: there is the W.H.A.L.E, the Flagg, the Patriot Grizzly, etc.... ;)

06-27-2009, 10:01 AM
[QUOTE=General Jones]I don't know, I would have liked to see Devastator eat the twins. Wishful thinking, just like wanting to see someone kill JarJar in Star Wars. :([/QUOTE]
Me too. Just one; you can leave the other. But you can bet they'll be back in all their Spongebob glory when part 3 comes around. And a few more cannon-fodder-bots.

06-27-2009, 10:55 AM
The critics ripped this one apart. They don't quite understand how Michael Bay produced a very good 1st movie then went backwards w/ the 2nd one. They said the 'humor' was very poor, the story was missing, etc etc.

Black Knight
06-27-2009, 12:22 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]The critics ripped this one apart. They don't quite understand how Michael Bay produced a very good 1st movie then went backwards w/ the 2nd one. They said the 'humor' was very poor, the story was missing, etc etc.[/QUOTE]

[color=black]Yeah, but its already been proven that the critics are "socially retarded anal-retentive developmentally arrested proto-adolescents with hostility issues"... so who cares what they think, it was a good movie. Plain and simple.[/color]

06-27-2009, 12:27 PM
That Hama phrase is going to be used alot!

06-27-2009, 01:36 PM
I dunno. Sure, they have higher standards but they WERE comparing the two movies and the huge differences between them. And a lot of people here already cringed at the parts that the critics went after Bay for.