View Full Version : Custom Trouble!

Scuba Steve
07-03-2009, 06:17 AM
Alright, until recently I have been avoiding customs that require this, and I have seen numerous how to's but I am still having a bi$%ch of a time with it! :mad: So is there any of you 25th customisers out there that can give any good advise regarding cracking open a 25th torso without doing extensive damage in the process? :confused:

07-03-2009, 10:00 AM
Figure undergoes major surgury...

I don't trust the methods of using a hammer or pliers or something to quickly separate the body. What I do is just use an exacto knife to carve away slowly the seam on one side of the figure. Sometimes I'll carve away on the other side too, just to make sure that when the sides give way, it'll give way where I want it.

This always troubles me too, so before beginning, I always make sure I have a duplicate of the figure incase it gets messed up.

Scuba Steve
07-03-2009, 11:00 AM
Thanks for that info, your way does sound alot more practical! I have a throw away (tiger force flint) I just want the upper arms from, and we hammered, pryed, and squeezed the crap out of him, and only managed to mangle the body.

07-11-2009, 05:19 PM
I have cracked only a few torsos, but it is actually quite easy with the pliers method.

Wrap your figure with a cloth that is thick enough to protect the plastic from damage, but not so thick that the pliers will slip around.

Two layers of an old t-shirt would work.

Anyway....wrap him up like a sleeping bag, so that the arms are fully enclosed. Make sure everything is snug, and then grab the clothe covered shoulders with pliers.

Make sure that you have the figure and pliers in such a way so that there is even, inward, pressure on the shoulder joints. You will have to squeeze kinda hard and it is kinda scary...but the seams are the weakest point, and they will burst before anything else breaks.

This will surprise you as it happens violently, all at once, but when you open up you cloth roll, you will have a dismembered torso.

When I di this, I used pliers that were too small, and I had to squeeze way too hard, but it worked just fine.

07-20-2009, 08:37 AM
both methods work I have used the hammer one my self, BUT it should be know that some torsos won't seperate, I don't know the whole list but I have given up trying to seperate Flints body.

good luck!