View Full Version : Variation in 25th Breaker

07-03-2009, 03:35 PM
Greetings all!

I was just busy today placing all my Joes into 3"x5" re-closeable bags when I noticed something odd with 25th Breaker. I have more than one, and have found a variation. In one, the arms rotate up where the shirt sleeve ends on his arm. In the other, the wrist is where it rotates.

Has anyone found this variation also? I'm going to go through all my Breakers tonight to double check. It's not listed on YoJoe.com and I haven't yet tried any customization .. so it's nothing I did.

Prince Adam
07-03-2009, 03:40 PM
Sounds cool, they did the same to Clutch and Doc. As far as I know there's no Duke v1 like that, but the Tiger Force version is.

07-03-2009, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=Prince Adam]Sounds cool, they did the same to Clutch and Doc. As far as I know there's no Duke v1 like that, but the Tiger Force version is.[/QUOTE]
Doesn't Screamin' Duke have the fixed arms?

07-03-2009, 06:10 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Greetings all!

I was just busy today placing all my Joes into 3"x5" re-closeable bags when I noticed something odd with 25th Breaker.[/QUOTE]

I have been doing this for a about 3 weeks now with all my Joes. Taking forever if you ask me but I know were alot more of my stuff is just by taking a littl;e time.

07-03-2009, 07:00 PM
Yes, the re-closeable bags are proving to be a smart move. Before I kept all Cobra weapons in a clear box, all Joe weapons in another clear box. But to find the weapons when I needed took a lot of effort. Now every figure has their weapons with them.

But still working to put them all in bags.. about half done. Have to order another 300 bags though.

Mysterious Stranger
07-03-2009, 09:46 PM
Clutch and Breaker (RAM pack) had a running change where they got the new fixed arms in later cases. Those are the ones showing up in stores in the carry forward assortments. So far those are the only ones (and the second run of Doc) that have the fixed arms. Leatherneck (AWE Striker), v.1 Duke and the others with the infamous Duke arms haven't been fixed. Tiger Force Duke was the first to get the new arms and so far all the Duke arm figures that have come out since have had them.

07-03-2009, 10:09 PM
[QUOTE=Mysterious Stranger]Clutch and Breaker (RAM pack) had a running change where they got the new fixed arms in later cases. Those are the ones showing up in stores in the carry forward assortments. So far those are the only ones (and the second run of Doc) that have the fixed arms. Leatherneck (AWE Striker), v.1 Duke and the others with the infamous Duke arms haven't been fixed. Tiger Force Duke was the first to get the new arms and so far all the Duke arm figures that have come out since have had them.[/QUOTE]

Duke from the best of 80's set aka screaming Duke also has the fixed arms.
It's not so much a variation as it is a repaired version! ;)
I've gotten a couple of fixed arm version Breakers to fix up my Rock N Roll & replace my old Breaker.