View Full Version : Dio stories, whats up?
07-04-2009, 02:54 PM
I know, i know. its been awhile since i last posted any myself. but where have all the dio stories gone to? i have started working on another one with my cousin, may still be a little before it gets done, but im back. we still get adventures from the roll top and TOD, which i dont want to do without, but what about everyone else? anyone still working on any and just taking longer then expected? graham, frank, snake eater, anyone? and what happened to general joes, he hasnt posted a chapter going on a year now.
are we all dying down, or has something just gotten in the way. i was never out of love for gi joe, just the last 5 months or whatever have been odd for me to say the least, and it has been longer since my wal-mart has gotten a single gi joe in. seriously, it was early december i remember. the resolute figures, i bought them but my g/f made me let her wrap them for x-mas. since then they havent gotten a single figure in. i had to get trakker, the underwater trooper and a few more from ebay.
07-04-2009, 03:23 PM
I am currently working on one. It's taking a while because I'm doing all the sets from scratch. The story is written, I've done a storyboard, and started buying props and stuff. The big work is the sets themselves. Most of the work will require blue screen technique, which I have no experience with. So small photos with it are in the works to give me some exposure.
There is a beach scene where the Baroness is on a boat talking with some Eels and there's tourists on the beach in the distance. That dio 4-Cobra recently uploaded, "Preparing to Dive", has given me pause. It is perfect for what I am trying to do.
07-04-2009, 03:32 PM
I have been on again off again working on one for a while. I did my first one as a Teaser picture video about 3 years ago but was never that happy with it. I wanted to expand on that idea but right as I was getting ready to drop off the amount of time I spend at work, I went and got myself promoted and now work even more. Between that and the 2 year old running around its pretty tough going just staying on any of these boards the past 3 years. I am going to rip my video and publish so you all can see it as soon as I find the dvd. I just bough Comic Book Creater so I am going to try that out a bit and see if I can do that. I have spent the past several weeks going through the many, many unlabeled boxs in my basement oraganizing all my Joe's. After that I plan to start buying some set pieces. I have been building the pallets (that i did the sort tutorial for if you missed it in the how to section)for a warehouse seen I have envisioned for the story. I want to make some of the medal framed wooden shelfs for extra stuff to be sitting on for this scene as well. Just taking way more time then I have.
Scuba Steve
07-04-2009, 06:06 PM
I have said from time to time the reason I don't post alot and have been absent from commenting on everyones photos through the week is because I have devoted all my free time to working on my Diostory, It's going to be a while before I finish part one because I have set the bar high for myself, there are so many well produced Diostorys in the Dio section that I really want to make sure mine holds up to them! As time goes on I believe the production will get easier and shorter because right now this is still a learning expierience for me! Although I don't ever see it as being a weekly event I am shooting for every one or two months down the road!
Currently my DS is on hold waiting for some supplies to arrive in the mail, believe me I can't wait to get it out to you guys in hopes you all will enjoy it as much as I enjoy creating it!
Right now there are 7 complete pages that I am totally happy with!
Black Knight
07-04-2009, 06:38 PM
I decided to scrap mine and start over... It was my first dio so it wasn't thought out very well and the picks were blurry.
We just bought a house and we have the closing date on July 31st, so I've been busy packing and stuff, but once we get settled in I plan to start working on mine agian. I also am trying to level my WoW Mage to 80 and also just started a D&D campaign... my plate's overflowing right now, but I'm happy. :D
My dio is going to follow along the same lines as the last, but with better photos, story-line and sets
07-05-2009, 03:15 AM
I've been scripting my first real diostory for over three years. Its really getting to be less a diostory and more a bloody novel. But I, like Scuba Steve set the bar very high and want this first one to be some of my best work. Some of you might remember or mercifully have forgotton the Coffee Table Wars dio I put out earlier this spring. I felt compelled to produce something and that rather lame and short piece was what I created. It had no real script and was shot entirely (gasp) on my coffee table. No sets, no backgrounds, nothing. I want to put out more elaborate stuff like the productions I found when I was first looking at Dios as a hobby. So I continue to work on my script....
Agent Viper
07-05-2009, 10:02 AM
I'm going to try and SEE how it goes
07-05-2009, 10:42 AM
I've been missing a few updates lately due to work and sleep deprivation. I'm trying. I want to go daily but it's just not possible yet.
07-05-2009, 11:30 AM
I've just been too lazy and my interest in GI Joe at this time is waning pretty badly. YOu guys know I been busy doing other things (be it school or FFXI or even READING) and I got a gal now who I'm very happy to be with.
I'll get there. I mean, I have pieces cut out, just need to detail them a tiny bit, put them up and firugre out where to go from there...
07-05-2009, 12:40 PM
Personally, I've just been too busy!! My Joe/Transformers story took three years to complete, and when I finished it, I wanted to take some time off before moving on -- but that time off got filled by other things, and I lost my momentum.
I did take some pictures for a mini-dio sequel a few months ago, but I haven't even found the time or interest to Photoshop or script them lately. I also took pictures for the first scene of what would be the first full-length follow-up to my previous story, but I haven't done anything else since then.
What's frustrating is all the ideas I have in my head! I have loose outlines for four sequels to the Joe/Transformers story! I just haven't had the time or inclination to work on them in over a year...!
07-05-2009, 12:52 PM
I'm still in the writing stages. I wanted to have some of it done and posted before the movie comes out, but that's looking less and less likely every day. And, let's face it, I just haven't been on much. My interest has nearly died because of the lack of good stuff out there.
I've even been waiting for some figures to see official release. I can't WAIT to get my hands on Resolute Roadblock, or Gung Ho. And I'd still love it if the Big H would put out a Resolute Duke with a smaller head. With his noggin right now, I'm lacking a definitive version of the boy scout.
Then of course, there's life.
I'm still tryin' to plug away, though. Hopefully I'll have SOMETHING up, sometime.
Have fun!!!
07-05-2009, 01:53 PM
Well right towards the end of scale wars my mother-in-law got in a very bad car crash (Semi came accross the lane and knocked her 40 ft into a feild). Anyway I wraped up SW finally after many delays and took some time to deal with life and last night (coincedence) began working on the next chap of Toxie's 1:18th Universe (That picks up where SW left off). I am in the shooting stages but got a bit delayed with family stuff. But things are calming down finally so an update should be around the corner I think.
07-05-2009, 07:18 PM
I've been pretty busy lately to the point that continuing the dio was feeling more like work than fun. I hope to at least finish off my Invaders story and I had bought stuff for the story line after Invaders. It also hasn't helped that I can only do outdoor shots on the weekends, and a lot of those have been pretty rainy.
I'm still into Joe, I just read the Above and Beyond movie prequel novel which I thought was pretty fun, and if the movie is like that, I think I will enjoy it. I also enjoyed the Resolute cartoon and the IDW comics.
07-05-2009, 09:42 PM
I'm going to work on "Trakker joins the Joes" pt2 soon.
07-05-2009, 11:59 PM
I think I read somwhere that General Hawk is working on his next episode "The Darkness Falls" but that it being the definite work of his Joeverse its going to be huge and takes a lot of time to produce... but this was a long time ago (after he finished Ghosts) so I dont know what his situation is at the moment... or has he given it up entirely (which I doubt)?
But I'm still eagerly waiting it....
07-06-2009, 01:14 AM
I'am also getting the feeling that a dio becomes more like work, or a obligation :( . This is what happens when your dio extends too much, but now I got more time and I will try to make all the photos and then photoshop it after.
07-06-2009, 06:33 AM
[QUOTE=Darklon]I'am also getting the feeling that a dio becomes more like work, or a obligation :( . This is what happens when your dio extends too much, [/QUOTE]
I think some people do feel like this, Not sure the extent of it however, I have felt like that in the past, but not always. I think people need to remember to have fun with it no matter what.
07-06-2009, 07:01 AM
[QUOTE=snakeeater]I've been pretty busy lately to the point that continuing the dio was feeling more like work than fun.
thats what got me. if anyone remembers the last part of 08, i was putting out a pretty big chapter every 2 or 3 weeks. i loved seeing my work done, but it was taking had off from work and was rushed. but u still loved knowing my joeverse was coming alone. reason it seems so much like work is because i couldnt get to the story i wanted to without doing some boring stuff first that just had to be there. i didnt build sets to keep time down and help move alone, so that helped. with the interest of my cousin, im hoping to get going good. but with him working nights and a family through the day, its hard for us.
07-06-2009, 09:48 AM
It definitely feels like work to me. I'm already at school doing CAD stuff and whatnot and I just really can't get the energy up to fiddle w/ stuff on my own computer. Plus, I'm feeling pretty low w/ GI Joe right now so my interest is definitely not there. On other hand, I started drawing again.
07-06-2009, 10:51 AM
[QUOTE=snakeeater]I've been pretty busy lately to the point that continuing the dio was feeling more like work than fun.[/QUOTE]
Big dio projects can be a downer sometimes. They're so much work and continuity can really limit what you want to do. When my comic starts to feel more like work than fun, I try to do a stand-alone photo for JoeDios. It can be a real relief to do something different and it gets the fun of GI Joe flowing again.
07-06-2009, 01:31 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Big dio projects can be a downer sometimes. They're so much work and continuity can really limit what you want to do. When my comic starts to feel more like work than fun, I try to do a stand-alone photo for JoeDios. It can be a real relief to do something different and it gets the fun of GI Joe flowing again.[/QUOTE]
TOD I was thinking too (and you are a guy who can either agree or disagree) that with comedic stuff it becomes less work because you are constantly haveing fun (I know this is how I feel but when I did "Serious" diostories years ago I felt that"work" thing everyone speaks of).
Just wondering your thoughts on that. To me its just fun to laugh even when its just snapping pictures.
07-06-2009, 09:54 PM
I'm currently working on my next chapter. They take a while. With my lab set, there is gonna be at least 4 Scenes from my new dio take place in there, to include the destruction of the Lab. I wanted to get the other three scenes out of the way before I shot the destruction scene. I took about 75 shots. They came out really dark and some were blurry. Then I adjusted my Camera the next night and a slight change in the apature setting and "WHAMMO!" the pics were near perfect! So, guess what? I had to reshoot those 75 shots again! ARGH!!
When I'm done with this set, I'm gonna take it apart slowly and do a "How-To". I also know how I want my dio to run from begining to end, as far as story and dialog, but what kind of sets do I need? I'm thinking of building an Armory/indoor Range/A training Area. And I need one other site. The whole chapter is going to take place in the Coils secret base. I need to decide where and What I want to happen at which location in that base!
For a while there I was cranking out a dio every 6-7 I try to take a little more time and perfect the look of them. Some of the newer members here have set the bar rather high and I hate to come off looking like a rookie! LOL. It IS a lot of work. And sometimes it gets to be a chore, but hearing people's reactions to my stories makes it all worth while!
I have my timeline planned out for the next dozen chapters or limitations are having places to shoot. And I'd like to do ONE BIG battle, but I need to find a place to shoot it at and be able to get all the toys there! :(
My dios are gonna keep coming....I just want to take my time and put out quality stuff like Blizzard software....LOL!!Rather than rush and put out crap!
07-07-2009, 11:13 AM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]TOD I was thinking too (and you are a guy who can either agree or disagree) that with comedic stuff it becomes less work because you are constantly haveing fun (I know this is how I feel but when I did "Serious" diostories years ago I felt that"work" thing everyone speaks of).
Just wondering your thoughts on that. To me its just fun to laugh even when its just snapping pictures.[/QUOTE]
Hard to say, I haven't done any serious dio stories yet. (I have a short story planned out, just need to find the time.) When it comes to writing, I think comedy is harder to do. In a serious story, if the Joes need to enter a Cobra base you can always have them shoot their way in. With a comedy story you need to think of new and funny way to do it.
For me GI Joe itself is fun, whether I'm doing my humor comic or deadly serious JoeDios shots.
Scuba Steve
07-07-2009, 01:16 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]my limitations are having places to shoot.[/QUOTE]
I have to agree with that statement! I thought the sets were going to be time consuming (and they are) but living in a desert its hard to find convincing pine forrest or jungle!
I also feel bad that part one is a lot of build up, but to tell the story, and everyone after it, it its necessary!
when I get overwhelmed with it, I too do a stand alone and it gets me itchin again. Thats why on the weekends I try to always do a weekend warriors pic just to stay grounded in the fun of what I am trying to achieve!
07-07-2009, 06:01 PM
[QUOTE=Scuba Steve]I have to agree with that statement! I thought the sets were going to be time consuming (and they are) but living in a desert its hard to find convincing pine forrest or jungle!
I also feel bad that part one is a lot of build up, but to tell the story, and everyone after it, it its necessary!
when I get overwhelmed with it, I too do a stand alone and it gets me itchin again. Thats why on the weekends I try to always do a weekend warriors pic just to stay grounded in the fun of what I am trying to achieve![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I know that feeling about the Desert. When I was at 29 Palms, it was easy to find places to long as I was shooting desert. Here at Camp Pendleton, there are loads of swampy areas, but most of them are off limits as wildlife preserves, Areas near ranges, etc., or the water level changes so fast, as soon as I decide to shoot in an area it's either underwater or bone dry. And a lot of the places to shoot around here that look good are MILES away from my house. A small team Dio wouldn't be much problem, but going all out and doing a full scale war would be hell.
The other Issue with outside shoots is TIME! You get everything set up, take a shot, move everything for the next shot, take a pic, by the time you do 4-5 shots, the sun is going down or at least you can tell it's later in the day! then what do you do? Leave your stuff set up and Come back the next day? If I was to make a full scale battle, I'd Have to take 6-7 days to get the whole thing done, and I'm NOT leaving my toys out in the wild!
Scuba Steve
07-07-2009, 06:17 PM
Another issue I am having with outdoor shooting right now is temp! It was 108 today and heading for 116 this weekend! It's impossable to concentrate, or breath let alone set up a shot!
07-07-2009, 06:44 PM
It's been around 104 F recently. Fortunately (in this respect) I don't have any locations to shoot. So will have to rely on making sets and CGI.
Taking my time on it to shoot the whole story instead of installments. If it draws out too long, it'll never get finished, so might as well release it complete.
07-07-2009, 10:30 PM
I'll get back to mine eventually. Maybe the story is just too big or deep. I don't know.
Urban Saboteur
07-08-2009, 01:00 AM
I've not been well the last 2 1/2 weeks. Things have been real difficult just making through 24-48 hours. I've not been keeping food in and as a result i've been overly fatigued and not had any motivation as a result.
I'm at the hospital in about an hour from now, my hopes are that I'll get the meds i need to bring this back under control and i can eventually kick on with my projects.
What do I have goin right now?
My contribution to Craig aka Outrider is up. Both Parts 1 & 2 are finished.
3 & 4 are written but no shots for them yet. I'm hoping this will be soon rectified but that depends on above.
I also have other projects.
Street Work - which focuses around the development of a street scene diorama i'm working on, whilst telling a story about the scenarios and problems making the set it also acts as a brief how-to on making the set.
Brothers In Arms - This is an A-team story i'm doing, this is actually going to be completed right after project street work.
Pirates of GIJOE - Zanzibar's adventures on how he takes down GIJOE. Even with his primitive spear :o
I also have a cobra bunker i'm working on, it's not a dio story but a project involving gijoe.
I'll update you all when theres any developments.
07-08-2009, 07:11 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]
Pirates of GIJOE - Zanzibar's adventures on how he takes down GIJOE. Even with his primitive spear :o
hope you get well soon man. this zanzibar story is the one im looking forward to most.
07-08-2009, 09:14 AM
No to hijack the thread, but new chapters of my dio-story are up.
Funny thing is that I spend about two hours taking pics, but only used three shots.
07-08-2009, 06:12 PM
[QUOTE=jcast]Funny thing is that I spend about two hours taking pics, but only used three shots.[/QUOTE]
That's the thing about dios, they require tons of photos only to actually use a few. And usually the pics you like the most are the ones that are least likely to work in the dio.
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