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07-05-2009, 07:22 PM
Greetings all!

Now that we have access to the ROC line now, and we've been buying them, have some days with hands-on experience, I find myself having mixed feelings about them.

It looks to me Hasbro is going all out with the ROC figures. They seem to be loaded with equipment, some so much equipment that there's no place to put them on the figure. The Neo-Viper Commandos have a grappling hook with rope winch, some neat stuff. Yet, it's like something is lacking. I don't consider the big spring gun things, so that's not part of my equation.

Compared to the Resolute line, it seems the design for the Resolutes are better. Concerning ROC, it seems there's potential, yet incomplete. For instance there's a lack of holdsters. Scarlett's face is a highlight of disappointment for me. Heavy Duty doesn't seem to be military fit, just big.

So anyway, I would like to open this thread for your thoughts and opinions about the ROC figures. I have mixed feelings about them, do you?

07-05-2009, 08:22 PM
I finally got some today. I had a choice of all of them, and bought only 3, Shipwreck, Reactive armor HD, and Sgt. Stone. I almost got Storm Shadow, but the skirt would have prevented any leg motion. Maybe next time. The others were meh, blah, and fugly. Scarlett and Cover Girl's head sculpts were very disappointing. CG especially. Scarlett's was also bad. Snake Eyes was very bad IMO. I really wanted the Baroness to be likable, but the anorexic body and very very very skinny legs and the big ol' head ruined it for me. I may get Destro later. The "regular" Heavy Duty looked ok, and I would have gotten one if I had found one with good paint apps on the eyes. The ones I saw all had eyes that looked straight up, like he was having a seizure or something. Desert Duke also looked ok, but very plain. I have better BBi figs if I want that kind of look. The rest were just kinda plain. Breaker and Zartan were practically the same except for the heads. The neo vipers were not appealing to me at all. Finally a Shipwreck I like, no blue jeans and work shirt, he likes like a real military type.

07-05-2009, 08:41 PM
I certainly agree about Shipwreck. Although to me he's more groggy and very "old sea dog" looking that he's more like a captain instead of some sailor. He's very rough and weathered, not years but decades of experience. I can practically see him manning the helm during a storm in the North Sea or something.

07-05-2009, 09:13 PM
What is the difference between the reactive armor that most of the figures come with and the Delta six accelerator suit My Ripcord has? It looks the same except the reactive Armor doesn't have a helmet! On closer look, the Delta-six suit had "Mech" legs. Hmmmm. And in the Movie, weren't the A-Suits silver? I Like the color apps on most of the figures, except some of the "Tag-alongs" like BBQ. (Is he even in the Movie?)

I must agree about the equipment. Did hasbro learn nothing in the 90's about spring loaded crap? The only one that kinda looks cool, it the Baroness's RPG with Nano rocket. And what are some of these things for? Sgt Stone has some sort of Radio thing that plugs into his back or something! Scarlett has some rope with a hook on each end and a harness. How does that work? Even in the 90's, hasbro had the common sense to print instructions on the backing cards.

I like the figures in the reactive Armor and the Accelerator suits, but I'm not impressed with the other figures. Snake eyes and Storm Shadow Look too much like they stepped out of "Reloaded"! And the Vipers/Neo Vipers looks ridiculous. How can you fight in a steel plated life jacket? Maybe it's me.... And their helmets....look more like Range Vipers. WTF?? Cobra Commander? Blech! I wanna see the destro without the helmet. I MAY purchase him.

I like the new Baroness figure, but why didn't she come with the machine pistol from the preview? She's got two crappy little ray guns! They look like $h1t. Nothing an Order from Marauder can't fix.

Basically, I'm gonna get a lot of the movie figures, but they are NOT gonna be the Joes! I'll make them some new team!

07-05-2009, 09:18 PM
I bought just a select few, because as you know at heart I'm an o-ring devotee. They are certainly an improvement over the regular 25th style of figure; they are a lot sturdier and are more realistically proportioned, and they have their chest joints better hidden, but not well enough to convert me totally just yet. I passed on most of them and just picked up a few of the nicer camo schemed ones. The accessories are mostly pretty good, except for the dumb over sized missile launchers.

07-05-2009, 09:35 PM
[QUOTE=ender098] I like the new Baroness figure, but why didn't she come with the machine pistol from the preview? She's got two crappy little ray guns! They look like $h1t. Nothing an Order from Marauder can't fix.[/QUOTE]
I think the machine pistols are only with the longcoat version of Baroness who'll be coming in a subsequent wave.

07-05-2009, 09:40 PM
I'd really like to know what the holes in some of their legs (Desert Duke, for example) are for. No gun he comes with plugs in there. The weapons seem better suited for Star Wars, are somewhat out of proportion, and the plastic seems to be cheap and rubbery. The Cobra soldiers seem kind of scary in those masks. As for those big, goofy spring-loaded things the only one I can see being used would be Breaker's as some sort of automated AA cannon. So far I would say Hasbro has yet to wow me. There are still a few I want that I haven't found yet, though.

07-06-2009, 06:43 AM
I have yet to see them (haven't found any over the weekend not shopped this week yet). I really like some of the designs and feel they are must haves while some are just too short of the goal. Acc suit Scarlett and CG I am going to wait to see in person. I plan to buy both storm shadows, maybe both SE's as well (In person I will make that desision).

For the most part though I hate the blandness, I realize the movie went the x-men route and have no problem with that, but at the same time I avoided X-men movie toys for that same reason.

Still I could see it being much much worse.

07-06-2009, 06:51 AM
i found only 1 of each vehicles at magic mart, no figures. i do want some, but i have to agree that all the projectile weapons are stupid. and everything is green. i think wal-mart was supposed to get them in on the 6th, so im hoping. zedhatch, if you know where the magic mart im talking about in hazard is, go there. i left a few vehicles. but stay away from my wal-mart until im done. i get first dibs.

Black Knight
07-06-2009, 08:34 AM
I am quite impressed with the figures on an over all basis. The female figures are lacking a little and the lack of holsters is annoying, but those are really my only complaints.

07-06-2009, 09:12 AM
I like the design of these stands better than the SW/GI stands that have been included to date. The ID badge/dog tag shape better, as well as just a flat platform, no ramp at the name.

I do like the uniformity. It shows they're part of some organization, also it harkens back to the days of 82 where they all had essentially the same outfits.

That said I am only buying the female figures. I am tired of the substandard o-rings off "relaunched" o-ring line the past decade snapping just by looking at them. I started replacing all these figures for the most part. I haven't been happy with the previous 25th versions to date of them.

I do think the arm/wrist construction of the females does say something about how thin and frail the actresses of the day are becoming. It is either that or Hasbro is making the weaponry way to big. My guess is it is the weapons are slightly out of scale, while capturing the true frame of these ladies.

Finally head sculpt and paint issues. This is one of many things that killed the Indiana Jones line. The uneven paint aps on the faces as well as any small defect is magnified 1000 times on the smaller heads. Also, while I don't want to totally concern the line, but what is it with Hasbro that they can capture some people's likeness perfectly and they struggle mightily with others?

07-06-2009, 11:12 AM
I'm disappointed overall. I haven't seen anything that I want yet.

Just when the articulation of the 25A line improved, they start severely limiting the figures with bulky vests, long coats and "skirts". A lot of these figures won't fit in vehicles either.

Almost everyone is in black, GI Joe and Cobra. It's too much of the same thing. The movie figures don't seem to have any individual personality.

Then there's things like Cobra Commander, who's been changed for no reason.

It's sad that the Resolute line (which seemed to be a hit with fans) has been pushed aside for this. :(

Lava Boss
07-06-2009, 01:01 PM
There's something refreshing about the RoC figures, because they don't have the older 80's version to live up to/compare with.

The vehicles, though, are overpriced. $16 for something that would've been $10 three or four years ago.

As movie lines go, they don't seem that bad. (See some older movie lines...Dragonheart, the Shadow, Water World, Congo, Battlefield Earth, Independance Day, Wild Wild West).

07-06-2009, 01:28 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh]i found only 1 of each vehicles at magic mart, no figures. i do want some, but i have to agree that all the projectile weapons are stupid. and everything is green. i think wal-mart was supposed to get them in on the 6th, so im hoping. zedhatch, if you know where the magic mart im talking about in hazard is, go there. i left a few vehicles. but stay away from my wal-mart until im done. i get first dibs.[/QUOTE]

Tell you what, I will head to Wise VA since I am actually closer to that one LOL.

Scuba Steve
07-06-2009, 03:46 PM
OK, overall I am pleased with the figures I purchased.

Reactive armor (Desert Ambush) Scarlett: was the total win for me! Of course I ditched the head in favor of the Original 25th Scarlett head. The suit all black does not look as much scifi as it does commando. My only issue is that her holster seems slightly large on her little body.

regular Scarlett (grey camo): no problem with the figure other than I need anothr 25th head for her.

Cover Girl: not bad I think the creepy part of her head sculpt is that they painted her eyebrows the same yellow as her hair so doesn't look natural!(You Know what they say about the drapes and the carpet! LOL) I will attempt a fix latter and see if my theory is correct!

Heavy Duty: I think he is cool, but I agree he looks more like a offensive Lineman than special forces! He is going to catch some hell from my Sgt. Slaughter custom!

Desert Duke: bought him for custom fodder, I agree the figure is plain and that head is not duke!

Baroness: I wasn't going to buy her but then I said what the hell, near as I can tell they retooled the 5 pack (good Baroness) body and stuck a (Giant) Siena Miller head on it! for fun tilt her glasses a little to one side and she looks retarded!

Last but certainly not least was Shipwreck, finally a practical combat ready shipwreck one of the jewels of the movieline IMO! A must have!

07-06-2009, 06:49 PM
I bought Deep-Six, or should I say Torpedo, today. My first ROC purchase.

The hose doesn't stay in the backpack well, his face sculpt is goofy (I need a decent "unhooded" head!!), but overall I like him. His missile launcher is a real stinky poo-poo (to think for the same cost we could've gotten a flak vest, an MP5 and an alternate head so he can operate on land!) and even 26 years later, that harpoon gun is still one of the lamest Joe weapons ever.

Scuba Steve
07-06-2009, 06:56 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]I bought Deep-Six, or should I say Torpedo, today. My first ROC purchase.

The hose doesn't stay in the backpack well, his face sculpt is goofy (I need a decent "unhooded" head!!), but overall I like him. His missile launcher is a real stinky poo-poo (to think for the same cost we could've gotten a flak vest, an MP5 and an alternate head so he can operate on land!) and even 26 years later, that harpoon gun is still one of the lamest Joe weapons ever.[/QUOTE]

The only other ROC I wanted but ran out of money!

07-06-2009, 07:50 PM
I wanted to get some others (Paris Pursuit Storm Shadow, Reactive Armor Scarlett) but that wave's not out in my area yet.

I'm also waiting for Arctic Assault Storm Shadow and Kamakura, who are viable options for Hiryu's "25th/Resolute/ROC" body along with the original shirtless Comic Pack Storm Shadow. The head is already chosen and painted, it just needs the proper body, which is one of those three.

07-06-2009, 07:56 PM
I really didn't mind that Torpedo.. although the mask doesn't stay on very well.

I do find it amazing how charged up the ROC figures have seemed to make everyone. The figures themselves are not super great for the most part--they have their high points and low points--but are great for customs, and other possibilities.

So, does anyone know what all those holes in the Joe's legs are for? The only one that I've found that actually holds a weapon is Destro.

07-07-2009, 06:30 PM
Just got the Baroness, attack the Pit version. Swapping the head with either the 25th A or that last 5 pack and it's a great improvement. Must say the removable glasses is good. The two guns have pegs that fit into holes on the sides of the legs. However, she doesn't have any hole for carrying a backpack. I think everyone already knows the head is a bit out-of-scale to her body.. it's too big, however it also sits too high. The neck is flushed forward a bit, like the 25th Scarlett. Some angles she can be posed very well with that head, but on most poses I've tried the head just doesn't work.

However, if you are looking for females in the Cobra ranks, the body is great, just have to find heads that work from the other toy lines.

07-07-2009, 08:37 PM
I think the vehicle drivers for Bravo and Echo vehciles are complete jokes.

For the price we're paying for the vehicle and the figure, I would expect more paint apps than this. It's a complete joke, and further proof that Hasbro simply does not give two $#!+s about this fandom.

07-07-2009, 09:12 PM
I agree. I think Hasbro is with a "only kids buy our product" mentality. That's the only real reason I see as to how they can push those vehicle figures.

07-07-2009, 09:56 PM
I'm in total agreeance Jay. The figure that came with the Steel Crusher in particular is a very poor effort.

Lava Boss
07-08-2009, 11:32 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]I think the vehicle drivers for Bravo and Echo vehciles are complete jokes.

For the price we're paying for the vehicle and the figure, I would expect more paint apps than this. It's a complete joke, and further proof that Hasbro simply does not give two $#!+s about this fandom.[/QUOTE]

They are using oil costs and increased toy safety standards to raise the prices and cut corners of every toy line they make.

Case in point. New Star Wars Clone Wars deluxe figures are $16, includes Revenge of the Sith releases that once retailed for $10 and a speeder bike with clone that just months ago was released in a battle pack with another bike and trooper for $20 (and can still be found some places for $22 to $25).

Of course, Star Wars is licensed. Hasbro owns GI JOE...but for some reason every 3 3/4"/4" figure they make has to retail for around $8 (even the ones they half-@$$, like the animated Wolverine and X-men line).

07-08-2009, 02:29 PM
I got Desert Ambush Scarlett (black armor) and Desert Ambush Duke (Desert Camo)

The quality of the figures are great and they're very sturdy i hope there all this good. The gear is a mix bag. Scarlett's crossbow is good while her pistols are poor. Duke helmet fits good and the night scoop raise up but it still hides his eye when raised, but that's fix by tilting the helmet up or putting a F.O.V helmet on him, as they fit very well. His m-4 sucks, but I gave him a BBI one which he holds well and look great with him. He and Scarlett sit down very well. Duke fits in well along side F.O.V and BBI figures, and he will be a good army builder as he has no markings of any kind. Duke's vest fits on him in a realistic way but dose restrict his head movement. They could have made the collar less bulky and that would have fix that. To take the vest off, as with some other Joes, you have to pop his head off.

Scarlett's face one this version should be the standard, and favors the actress very well. Paint detail is great. Her articulation is right up there with the newer 5 pack Baroness and her crossbow doesn't come apart very easy like the 25th version. The crossbow also clips on the side of her pistol holster/quiver, as I think it was originally intend to be, but they stuck a pistol in there.

I not keeping any of the large missile launchers or the crappy gun so Marauder John will be getting an order from me soon. Speaking Of MJ's weapons, Scarlett holds the "NCM" Rifle very well and it look good with her too. I might be using it as a standard rifle for any reactive impact armor Joes I may get.


07-08-2009, 06:13 PM
I went to TRU yesterday and looked at them. First time I have ever passed on Joes when that many new ones were up on the racks. I might get the RAH Vehicles but still thinking on that one.

07-08-2009, 07:01 PM
Greetings mortals!

Snake Eyes: a shorter figure. Got one paris chase and the other listed as "ninja commando". The ninja commando SE does look a bit shorter, and can hold his sword in both hands, mimicing a pose like that of the movie poster.

I am liking that SE, although not the head.

These new figures don't seem to be able to hold their weapons very well. The Neo-Vipers I'm having trouble with having them hold their weapons securely. I may have to buy some Marauder's (sp?) weapons too. Although I don't have paypal....

Saw the new Cobra Commander today, wasn't impressed. However, all day I've been thinking that I should've bought him. What is it with these figures that have a certain appeal?

I'm glad to hear that the desert ambush Scarlett is an improvement to the Pit one, and I'm glad to also hear about the crossbow, as the Pit version that crossbow is terrible.

07-08-2009, 07:38 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Greetings mortals!

Snake Eyes: a shorter figure.[/QUOTE]
Look up Ray Park's height some time.

07-08-2009, 08:52 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Look up Ray Park's height some time.[/QUOTE]

:-) I'm aware of the height, it's all over wikipedia and imdb concerning ROC.

07-10-2009, 09:24 PM
The Ice Viper I just bought today. I do like the figure. The head doesn't turn much, the visor doesn't open much either. Decent arm movements, the legs are unique: the knee area also rotates. Very much like a SW figure in this respect.

Don't like the rifle it comes with b/c I do have trouble getting the firing finger to fit. It's difficult to securely "grab" the weapon. The pistol fits well, though, but no holster. The spring gun thing is the snow torpedo, which probably makes this spring gun thing the most practical one thus far.

This figure is good for in-base/near base operations and defense. This is what I'll use the Ice Viper for, to defend and maintain my Cobra R&D base. Reading the file card, looks like that is what the movie is using these for too. They would not replace Snow Serpents, though, as these do not seem to be as highly trained as the Snow Serpents, nor do their equipment indicate they are meant to be anything other than defense.

This is probably the only ROC figure I would army-build.

07-11-2009, 08:09 PM
Opinion time!

Here's what I think of everything I bought:

Deep-Six: Hug you, Hasbro, this is TORPEDO! Never owned the 25th Torpedo mold before. Love the colors they used, although I'm disappointed they didn't do the camo on the lower body, especially when the sculpted details were already there... I can't help but feel like to have TRULY been in the spirit of the movie, they should've gone with the Cobra Diver's fully-masked head. Oh, and even 26 years later... that harpoon gun of his still sucks. They should've given him an MP5.
Still, this was my first ROC purchase so if you don't own the Torpedo mold yet (or love it), pick it up!

Paris Pursuit Storm Shadow: An awesome figure, although the paint on the head, especially the hair, is disappointingly lacking, not even getting to the border of the sculpted details. Although I was initally unreceptive of Stormy's movie look, it's grown on me and I like the white jacket and pants. The dual scabbards, ninja swords and sais are great, although I'm a bit disappointed his gun is a weird ray gun instead of an actual handgun. I still fail to understand the purpose of that suction cup with motorcycle handlebars.... Disappointed he doesn't come with the giant shuriken launcher the masked and skirted Stormy has.
In spite of its flaws, though, it's thus far the best ROC figure I've bought.

Neo-Viper: Interesting design, although his chest armor's collar gets a bit too high. Both his rifles can peg into his backpack, although he has no intentionally-designed place to store his raygun pistol, which is the same one Storm Shadow has. Fortunately, since it's hollow, you can fit it in the backpack. Rifles are very sci-fi esque, and I'm not sure what they're intended to be... I love that they painted lines in the helmet's sculpted details though.

Cobra Viper Commando: Same base mold as the Neo-Viper, with a different head, armor and weaponry. I like the head and armor better here, the "snake scales" look works wonders. However, attaching the shoulderpads to the arms instead of the chest armor makes it look goofy when his arms aren't straight down to his side. Points down here, Hasbro. His backpack has a grappling hook that's oversized, and a winch system, so it can work nicely. There's also a place to store an icepick-style knife. His rifle is huge, and looks intended to be an assault rifle, but he can only hold it over his shoulder like it was a rocket launcher. Disappointing. He also has a raygun pistol, smaller than Storm Shadow's and the Neo-Viper's, which can fit in a holster on his removable belt. I like this guy better than the Neo-Viper but honestly I don't get the army builder bug from either of them.

Steel Crusher: Big officially-licensed Humvee that can go from civilian to assault in a heartbeat. I kind of wish there was a way to hide the giant plow, but at least they made it removable. Gunner's hatch has a hole, possibly for a machine gun or launcher but thus far nothing wants to clip. Love the transformation aspect, though, it's like MASK minus all the suck of MASK. Tiny missiles in the rear doors are very oldschool. Overall a great urban assault vehicle, perfect for sneaking in and unleashing the hardware.
Nitro-Viper: On this toy we see two of Hasbro's flaws: 1) picking a body+armor thinking no one will want to take off the armor, because the HISS Driver's armored chest is right under the Nitro-Viper's Motor-Viper armor, and 2) Not bothering to paint. This thing is incredibly barebones, it's disappointing. With his new head and armor this guy had the potential to be great, but sadly a poor body choice coupled with a complete lack of paint apps makes this one a downer.

Rockslide: Interesting snowmobile design, with the driver well-protected and in the warmth of a cockpit, unlike the Polar Battle Bear/JvC Rockslide. Very nicely armed with two machine guns, two torpedo launchers and two missiles, the latter which are sadly stuck to the torpedo launchers and can't be removed at all. The rear treads can readjust to the terrain, and the front skis can turn side to side in unison. I love this little toy and look forward to using it in winter dios... only downsides I can think of are the non-removable missiles, and the fact that the cockpit is so darkly tinted the driver can never be seen, which is disappointing from a dio standpoint.
Snow Job: Cool redeco of the original figure, although apparently we're going to get one single-carded with the rifle and ski gear, so there's some redundancy. I like the green straps and grey camo, although I question what good a revolver is in sub-zero environments. Since Snow Job is a sharpshooter, I was disappointed to see he didn't have a rifle (although I expected it). Fortunately I had a few of his original rifles leftover from the Joe 5-pack so I gave him one, even though I hate that rifle with a passion it is better than nothing.

07-15-2009, 08:03 PM
Nitro-Viper: On this toy we see two of Hasbro's flaws: 1) picking a body+armor thinking no one will want to take off the armor, because the HISS Driver's armored chest is right under the Nitro-Viper's Motor-Viper armor, and 2) Not bothering to paint. This thing is incredibly barebones, it's disappointing. With his new head and armor this guy had the potential to be great, but sadly a poor body choice coupled with a complete lack of paint apps makes this one a downer.

I can not agree more.

Just got the Steel Crusher thing today, and that nitro-viper/motor-viper is extremely disappointing. If it looked bad in the box, it's worse in your hands. However, if you enjoy customizing, you'll like it.

So here I am looking at it and wondering how to make it better. The visor is huge. I want it to go, or at least to resemble the motor-viper more, or replace it. Barebones is right.

07-16-2009, 07:58 AM
Some quicky opinons of what I have seen.

Paris Pursuit Snake Eyes. It seems so odd that a simple trenchcoat would make me go Ga-Ga over SE, but it does. Just makes him seem a different figure. I said at the begining of the year I wouldn't buy an SE or SS again and already I have broken that promise.

Ninja Merc Storm Shadow. I simply fell in love with the new look for the movie. It's original while still keeping the basic clasic Storm Shadow iconic look at the same time. Can't say enough.

Viper Commando: That head sculpt really won me over, I am not too enamored by most of the Neo and other vipers thus far, but that is cool.

Heavy Duty (Uniform): Really had kind of looked over him until I saw him in the store, I am really impressed and he now replaces my V1 (Yes after all the HD's released in new sculpt era I kept the V1 as my default).

Some I have seen and not bought (for reasons listed):

Cover Girl: That's not a model that's a man, baby!!! Ok the square jaw on her really turns me off. I thought I would use her as an almost Toon acurate versiion of CG, but I can't bring myself to pick her up.

Scarlett (camo): Can anyone say crappy head sculpt. Wow that face looks like it was rejected from....well I am not sure what but its bad.

Destro: Not bad, but not as great as the 25th versions, Thus I passed.

Baroness: seems to be a pattern with the females in this line, another horrid head sculpt. Just like CG, besides the headsculpt I like the fig otherwise.

Ninja Commando Snake Eyes: I am probably in the minority but I don't see anything really different here. I will remark I don't like how his joints take away from the mold (hard to describe but its there). But overall its another "Man in black" that I have tons of in different ways. Another reason the trenchcoat surprized me in how much I liked it.

Sgt. Stone: I was all up about a new character until I noticed those arms, he's been "eating his spinich" if you know what I mean.

Vheicles: OUCH, the prices are just too high. Might get steel crusher but there is that eating thing I like to do too.

Not seen a whole lot more else first hand (ie Ractive Armor scarlett, Cobra Commander, ect) so won't comment yet.

07-16-2009, 04:55 PM
sadly, I dont like any of them. I was in target and they had helix, cover girl and baroness and they looked worse than joan rivers!

the neovipers look like a bad customed vapor figure. Congrats you can all divey up my share because I dont like them.

07-17-2009, 12:43 AM
[QUOTE=Skystriker]sadly, I dont like any of them. I was in target and they had helix, cover girl and baroness and they looked worse than joan rivers!

the neovipers look like a bad customed vapor figure. Congrats you can all divey up my share because I dont like them.[/QUOTE]

Wow! You found Helix? I keep finding the same figures over and over. Still waiting for Duke in the D6 suit and the PIT Commandos.

As for the figures....

GI Joes;
Cool outfits. Love the reactive armor and D6 suits. The Urban Camo....ehh! BBQ...ok, why go from day-glo orange to mustard yellow? Is he even in the Movie?(didn't buy him, BTW!) Ship wreck and deep six I like! Not impressed with breaker. How did countryboy Alvin Kibbe suddenly become Arabic? hmmm.... (Didn''t buy him either!) Scarlett...in Black, ok...urban Camo...yuk! Fix the head...and covergirls, too! You can make that clown Daman Wayans and Sienna Miller's action figures dead on....give us a decent covergirl! Heavy Duty in regular cammies and duke in desert...PASSED!!! hmmm...any Joes I missed? The biggest dissappointment is the weapons! Most are Crap! And the Missile launchers...did the 90's teach Hasbro NOTHING? The only guy that has cool weapons is Heavy Duty in Reactive Armor. The oversized Mini gun actually accents the figure!

Forget it. Might as well be the Bugs from Starship Troopers! Other than Destro and Baroness, I can't recognize Cobra! The Vipers, elite Vipers, etc don't look anything like the Cobra I knew!Didn't waste my time with Zartan. Arnold Vasloo is a good choice to play him, but make him look cool. Not like an Air force reject! StormShadow looks too "Reloaded" for me....looks like something out of "Kill Bill". The Only figures from Cobra I like are the APV driver, Ice Viper and Firefly rehash! I saw most of the unreleased figuers. The new Eel looks promising if they could get a brighter clearer picture of him! And the Para Viper looks sweet....why didn't they make the original in these colors instead of the Day-glo highlights!?!?

The biggest heartache I have with these toys is PRICE! A RockSlide, Armadillo and Ferret remake for $16.99? These used to be "b" level vehicles that were usually about $5.99 - $9.99. And $29.99 for a APV? What about that PITT? Even the Terror Drome didn't break the $100.00 mark in it's day! I understand inflation, but doesn't it seem like these toys are a bit TOO pricey for what they are? I'll wait for a clearence! Maybe they should have cut out Marlon Wayans for Comic relief!Then they wouldn't have to take us to the cleaners to recoup his paycheck!

07-18-2009, 02:35 PM
Couple of more acquisitions!

Sgt. Stone: You know who this guy reminds me of? Hammer (http://corpscollector.com/corps/figures/hammer.html), from Lanard's older O-ring Corps toyline. Between the beret, the button-up shirt, the urban camo and the bullpup rifle are definitely reminscent of my favorite Corps! character. The Hammer character is described as an Airborne Ranger who specializes in sniping as well as knife combat, and Sgt. Stone here has a scoped rifle (ideal for sniping!) and a switchblade! First thing I did when I got home was try on a spare Original 13 webgear to enhance the ressemblance, but sadly his torso was too large to fit that on. I now ponder if I could fit Roadblock's webgear on instead. Anywho, as far as the figure itself goes, it's solid. Great-looking sculpt although his forearms are a wee bit too big, good head sculpt MOLDED IN FLESH TONE WOOO and a nice bunch of accessories. Where it's a bit of a letdown is that he has no sheaths or holsters to store the very small switchblade and the pistol, and he has no backpack... His missile launcher is worth mention, as it's the best one I've gotten yet, for a simple reason... it's mounted on a stand. It's not a bazooka, it's a small artillery piece, complete with a control handle! Very cool thing to have.

Paris Pursuit Snake-Eyes: Snake-Eyes is a lefty! Seriously, his sheath is curved so the sword can only be drawn from the left, and his hands are made so he holds his rifle best from the left hand. This is a very cool touch since Ray Park, the man portraying him on the big screen, is also left-handed. The trenchcoat, as expected, hinders articulation a bit, but not enough to detract from this figure's awesomeness. His mask, unlike regular Snake-Eyes's, lacks the "molded mouth" which means it looks just great. Although Snake-Eyes' trademark weapon has always been an uzi, I love that here he's got a kickass G36 assault rifle. On the downside, much like Sgt. HammerStone up there, he has a pistol and a knife but no places to store them. He also comes with a black Timber, which is made from the same mold as the Timber from the last 25th Anniversary 5-pack.

Accelerator Suit Ripcord: As everyone has said, the Accelerator Suit body is a great high-tech armor figure, and the two-part mask just seals the deal. I'm kind of disappointed at his lack of wrist-mounted weapons like Duke has, and Sgt. HammerStone's bullpup rifle isn't much of a consolation. I don't really know what to say about this figure that hasn't been said by others already except: watch the paint job on the facial hair. I came across three Ripcords that had his soul patch pointing to the right before I got one that had it properly placed. Hasbro Quality Control sucks.

07-22-2009, 09:25 PM
Picked up a few new ones today: Elite Viper, Eel and some others. Will try to list my thoughts about them here.

Elite Viper: A nice figure. Comes with two weapons, an ax-like thing, a pistol, and a backpack. The figure can carry all the equipment on the backpack and holster, keeping his hands free. The armor is nicely detailed, and the holster belt has various pouches and equipment molded onto it all around.

It is a nice figure, probably would be nicer within a small squad of other Elite Vipers. The card description says this is a mercenary, works for Destro. Maybe these would be better used as an officer to lead neo-vipers and the like.


Cobra Eel: The new Cobra Eel, in ROC style, leaves me with a mix of impressions. Firstly as a figure, it is nice. It's all black except for the vest and air tank. These are a type of deep brown--although not pure brown. There's another color in there that kinda makes it offset from being a pure brown. He comes with flippers that resemble the Cobra Diver style, a new rifle, a side arm, a knife, vest and air tank. The air tank looks to be the same as with the Croc Master and Terra-Viper, but the hose portion is straight-ish. The tank attaches to the back of the figure, as is expected, and the air hose plugs into the back of the figure's head. This really makes the figure look weird. The side arm fits securely into the side holster on the leg. The knife can fit securely, but unfortunately, rides a bit high, restricting leg movement.

I would probably just get a few of these Eels for photo purposes. But in my opinion, this figure could've been really awesome. There isn't any helmet type item--no diver's mask, no 25th Eel like helmet. It's almost barebones. The air tank is small and has been used before in other figures. Probably saved Hasbro some costs, but leaves the impression that the figure is lacking something more.

07-26-2009, 08:41 PM
I have Firefly, Snake Eyes and Desert Ambush Scarlett. So far they are the only ones that appeal to me. I've seen some pictures of some others coming that look cool, but right now I am content with just these three.