View Full Version : G.I.Joe Outrider

Urban Saboteur
07-15-2009, 10:53 AM
As some of you already volunteered to do stories in tribute to our great site member Outrider I thought I'd post up a reminder to those who frequent this section of the forum.
I couldn't think of a major sizzling title so I dedicated the mission under his codename. :)
I've so far tried to keep things close together so that there is a story release every week or two. It's to save people having to go back and read older pages. I have 3 parts completed with the conclusion coming as Part 4 very soon.

I've posted up a Picture of a preview of Part 3 in the photos section and I've just posted up Part 3 in the diorama section too.

My Photostream on flickr.com has covered the adventure and I also have my free website @ Yola that has them in Pages by Site here: G.I.JOE: Outrider @ UrbanSaboteur - Yola (http://urbansaboteur.synthasite.com/gijoe.php)

Just thought I'd post a reminder and keep you all on your toes.. don't forget .. back Outrider and lets see him open up a can of whoop A$$ on the Terrorists!


07-15-2009, 05:56 PM
I'm going to kick those cowardly terrorist's butts - well, maybe when I'm feeling a little better! :) Thanks Rich, I'm going to check out part three now!

07-15-2009, 07:53 PM
nice Story So Far Rich I Cant Wai To See What Chaos Outrider Causes To Those Terrorist.

Urban Saboteur
07-30-2009, 07:36 AM
Well this isn't really an update, just an explanation is all i can offer right now. The weather here in the UK has been stinky to say the least, i cant remember a day where it hasn't rained. :(
today has been the worst, i did have my camera charged and my boxes out of stuff ready to go but it done nothing but 'can it' down all morning.. :(

I hope that soon i will have the break in the weather to shoot the final part to my Outrider tribute story and that i can get the shots i want.

If anything this serves as a solid reason to not depend... ''EVER'' on the british weather.


Urban Saboteur
07-31-2009, 04:56 AM
Someone up there must like me!
After the complaining of the british weather yesterday I got an open spot in the weather this morning from 8.15 until about 12:40 :)

I've managed to take the concluding pictures of Outriders comic book story and once i've finished editing i'll publish it to my site
URBAN SABOTEUR (http://urbansaboteur.synthasite.com/)
as well as post up the links and photos here for you to see :D

Thanks for the support and keep supporting Craig!!


Urban Saboteur
08-13-2009, 12:07 PM
Well guys its finished.
My Outrider tribute story has been completed in the final part which I published today on my http://urbansaboteur.synthasite.com/.

I'm going to conclude by saying that this story i feel is my best yet, and it helped me learn a few new techniques as well as put a solid tribute to who I feel puts in alot of time, enjoyment and fun to this hobby.

Some of these new techniques, you will see in the 4 parts when you read them and some of them you probably wont notice until you try shooting the scene yourself. There were some new challenges I overcome that i didnt envisage when I opted to do a tribute to Craig aka Outrider.

I'm a member of the flickr.com community, and when i log into flickr and 'cradea2' has uploaded new pictures, i cant wait to see what he's put up. I was always a creative person myself growing up and always had the determination to see my ideas come to fruition, its not to say that i see Craig's pictures and want to do better, or even emulate him as a story teller its more likely i sit back and think 'whoa, the dudes put thought into that one'
so when i am out taking pictures, i retake in different scenarios and think through little pieces like 'if i hit the figure like this, where will the gun drop?' or 'if this figure jumps from here to here' what will his standing pose be?

I notice some subtle changes with Craigs pictures, little touches of customising on his vehicles, a pen or notepad on the desk at the side of a command post or a lurking threat from beyond that hasnt been picked up by the joe soldiers.

Most of the challenges, the extra work i put in really only came about through this member, he made the clock tick those extra few hours because of his own story telling and picture work, but thats cool because when i use the term 'work' i really mean fun, and Craig for me has brought alot of fun towards this hobby that I didnt think was ever possible. I'd like to finish by thanking you personally matey and I will always find it an honour to call you my friend.

I hope that my tribute story reflects my effort and friendship with Craig and at least goes to show some improvement as well as inspire others to get out there and fight the good fight with their own camera.

Thank You Craig aka 'Outrider' :)

08-13-2009, 12:44 PM
Rich, what can I say? If I could write a diostory as good as that I'd be proud. I'm honoured that you would put in all that time and effort for me. Thanks mate! :)