View Full Version : Hasbro Q&A Summer ANSWERS

07-18-2009, 12:41 PM
[COLOR=Purple]In recent years, tie-in comics from both Devil's Due Press and IDW Comics
have featured characters who don't wear outfits that match the toys being
released of them, and vice versa. A lot of the fandom is left wanting
versions of characters seen in the comic books as toys, a desire that
rarely bears fruit from Hasbro. (this question submitter in particular would LOVE
to have a Storm Shadow figure in the outfit from his 2007 Ongoing series).

Is there any reason why these comic book designs are rarely if ever translated to toy, or vice versa why comic books aren't mandated to follow the toy designs more closely?[/COLOR]

There are a couple reasons that characters do not always make it into the
toy line in their comic outfits. The first is timing, toys are usually
developed on a much longer lead time than comic books…so we do not always
have the input needed. The other has to do with audience, some of the
comic books are aimed at adults...while the toys could target kids or 80's
collectors. Sometimes the new character's appearance is not what kids or
collectors are looking for. That said, we think the new IDW books are
awesome and are looking to them for future figure decos.

[COLOR=Purple]2) As an army builder, I am pleased that Hasbro is offering several sets of figures for army building. However, choices are limited. As an army builder, I am looking to buy Vipers, Crimson Guards (in crimson color), Iron Grenediers (spelling?), Resolute Troopers, Snow Serpents, and BATs.

Are there any plans to expand the choices for army building to include these?[/COLOR]

Over the past few years Hasbro had made a real effort to try and get army
builder sets into the hands of fans. As we move forward, you will
continue to see these but they will be in movie styling rather than

[COLOR=Purple]What will it take for hasbro to drop GI Joe MSRP so it does NOT compete w/ Star Wars?[/COLOR]

Ideally all figures in the 3 3/4'' scale will be a single MSRP regardless
of property. The current MSRP's for movie are now set and not scheduled
to change in the near future.

07-18-2009, 02:51 PM
G, this should be pinned.

And it's nice to get some straight answers for a change, especially after how disastrously unanswered our last batch of questions was.

07-18-2009, 07:03 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]And it's nice to get some straight answers for a change, especially after how disastrously unanswered our last batch of questions was.[/QUOTE]


Although in terms of army building, too bad the choices will not include the classics--vipers, crimson guards, etc--but will expand into the movie. I guess I can survive for a while buying up Ice Vipers and more blue shirts. Paravipers are good but once you get to a certain number, then the only reason to continue buying any more is for custom purposes. Too bad. :-(

07-20-2009, 12:57 PM
The MSRP question bugs me. I know Star Wars and Marvel have part of the price being related to licensing fees/agreements. I would expect them to be higher given that. It just screams, blatant (greedy) profit grab.