View Full Version : Rise Of Cobra @ SDCC

07-22-2009, 10:40 AM
So PissTank has pics of upcoming products for the Rise Of Cobra toyline.


I'm impressed to see the old Battle Stations make a comeback, but I welcome the Outpost Defender with Roadblock... who appears to be RESOLUTE ROADBLOCK himself, with some different gear. This is just great, although I'll miss the flak vest having that mold come out as Roadblock is good enough for me!
The Cobra Surveillance Port is another welcome surprise, especially to us Dio-ists. :D

07-22-2009, 11:08 AM
i Agree Jay Those Will Be A Welcome Addtion To My Collection. As Will The Dragonfly/hawk. That Thing Looks Sick!!!

07-22-2009, 11:45 AM
I was hoping Hasbro would release some of these old sets. I really want the Bivouac or Mountain Howitzer.

07-22-2009, 12:39 PM
Outpost defender? LAW? Surveillance port? No fair for us old guys who already have all that stuff. Hasbro are so lazy, re-using old molds rather than creating something original. Can't really tell about the Dragonfly/Dragonhawk, the pictures won't load for me.

07-22-2009, 12:52 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Outpost defender? LAW? Surveillance port? No fair for us old guys who already have all that stuff. Hasbro are so lazy, re-using old molds rather than creating something original. Can't really tell about the Dragonfly/Dragonhawk, the pictures won't load for me.[/QUOTE]
Well odds are they'll be retooled/redecoed somehow. These are probably actual vintage ones used to show how it'll look like. The worn stickers on the Surveillance Port are a dead giveaway.

07-22-2009, 02:19 PM
http://www.hisstank.com/gi-joe-news/conventions-9/sdcc-gi-joe-hasbro-booth-image-update-8738/ More pics!

Da Talent
07-22-2009, 02:33 PM
Seems the dragonhawk was also spotted at retail today at some targets. Keep your eyes open!


07-22-2009, 11:24 PM

Since I don't belong to hisstank or plan to, here's another link. It's a general link for ALL stuff at the SDCC. Funny TNI hasn't posted yet or at least, I can't find anything.


And a more specific link

07-23-2009, 02:09 AM
All these pics showing up everywhere are making me wish there was some sort of hub for all the newsbreaks.

Hi$$tank has some pics of upcoming carded toys like Night Adder, Charbroil, Kamakura and Red Fang Ninja (who can't wear his ninja gear properly)

07-23-2009, 06:57 AM
Can find the Dragonhawk at TRU. Here, the TRU got a new shipment in yesterday and they are on the shelves ($24.99)

07-23-2009, 10:53 AM
Cool Toy Review has pictures as well.
A lot of it we've seen before, but the images are much clearer than elsewhere I've seen:

07-23-2009, 11:26 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]Cool Toy Review has pictures as well.
A lot of it we've seen before, but the images are much clearer than elsewhere I've seen:

07-23-2009, 11:31 AM
YET MORE IMAGES AT TNI (http://toynewsi.com/news.php?catid=9&itemid=14711) THE SNAKE RETURNS AND ANOTHER SS TRACK SUIT VERSION :p

07-23-2009, 01:40 PM
The Dragonhawk looks a tad too plastic but I rather like it.

I wish these guys would take pics of the plaques (placks?) too. So we can see who the figures are supposed to be. I saw an updated Grunt somewhere. And I saw we're getting MonkeyWrench (w/ Tunnel Rat) 2-pac. Anyway, they sure are pushing this movie.

I GUESS this is how they'll keep on pushing figures since the 25A has been over for awhile. Not the worst way but i'd prefer more figures that haven't gotten love yet. Repeater and Muskrat, for example.

Lava Boss
07-23-2009, 08:58 PM
I wouldn't mind a Cobra MMS. But for $18...meh.

07-23-2009, 09:28 PM
Uber diapointed in the vehicles, while stuff we had seen before most of it was repaints.

On thing I will say is that the Karmakura/Red claw Ninia wave reuses a ton of parts but in creative ways, which is something that has been lacking for the past 7 years. I keep hearing about how they don't have the money not to do RP's but the parts (in the past) they have reissued were very uninspired (often direct repaintts) but Karmakura is a full on kit bash and looks great because of it.

So figures=win, Vehilces=massive fail.

07-26-2009, 08:59 PM
Outpost defender looks good. I also like the Leatherneck and Ferret.