View Full Version : Just saw the Movie!!
08-02-2009, 08:29 PM
That's right true believers, I just got back from seeing the new Movie "GI Joe; the Rise of Cobra" here at Camp Pendleton. I'll give it an overall grade and tell some tidbits, then go over the movie and spoil it for ya.....
Overall Grade A-
Awesome. Awesome special effects! Non-stop action. The charatcers and plot are solid, even if they are NOT 100% the GI Joe team we are Familiar with! If you go in expecting this movie to be 100% faithful to our mythos, then you haven't been watching the trailers and getting in on the HYPE! Go in expecting it to be THE WORST MOVIE on EARTH and you'll come out pleasantly suprised!
08-02-2009, 08:48 PM
Dude. i felt that way with TF but... Joe... it's harder. Course, everyone has their tastes and preferences. y'know mine!
[QUOTE=ender098]If you go in expecting this movie to be 100% faithful to our mythos,[/QUOTE]
Dude, even our mythos hasn't been faithful to our mythos, so no worries there. :p
08-02-2009, 09:27 PM
Where's the spoilers?
I wanna see spoilers! ;-)
08-02-2009, 10:07 PM
*****************Spoiler Alert*************************
The movie starts with James McCullen’s ancestor being imprisoned in a HOT Iron mask for dealing weapons to the French AND English. Cut to Present (well, the “NEAR FUTURE”) James McCullen is showing a Demo tape of MARS new Nano warheads. General Hawk and Covergirl are in the back of the room.
NATO sends Duke and Ripcord and their team to pick up the Warheads from Destro’s Kirgizstan factory and deliver them (Although it never does say where they are delivering them to!). On the way they are ambushed by Baroness and Neo Vipers in a flying gunship. Everyone but Duke and Ripcord are killed, and just in the nick of time, a silver ship (like a jet powered Osprey) swoops in and drops Snake eyes who starts killing Neo Vipers like it’s Cool! Then Scarlett deploys and Heavy Duty lays down cover fire from the side of the ship (as seen in the trailers!) Duke an the Baroness recognize each other, and to make a long story short, GI Joe wins, Baroness gets away.
Duke talks to a hologram of General Hawk while Breaker deactivates the tracking devices in the Warhead case. Hawk and Duke argue over the warheads.(Because Duke still doesn’t quite know who these guys are) Hawk says “Fine come with my guys and we’ll deliver the warheads together”. They fly to the PIT in Egypt (?!) . Destro is online with Hawk via hologram (they still don’t know he’s the bad guy) and wants to inspect the warheads. He gives Breaker the code to Open the case (Also restarting the tracking device!). they check the Warheads…all is well. Hawk tells Duke about GI Joe. International team….elite of the Elite…blah…blah…. Of course Duke and Ripcord want in… Duke tells Hawk he knows he is going after the Baroness and he wants in…because he knows her! Cut to years before…baroness was named hanna and was a Blond engaged to Duke. Her Brother and Duke went on a mission..her brother died, Duke couldn’t face her, so he split! (Another good Movie ruined by romance!)
Back at his base, destro is ticked at Baroness and tells her and Stormshadow they have another chance. This weird Dr. Rex shows off the new Neo Vipers. Injected with nanites, they feel no pain, experience no fear and are hard to kill. (one takes a bite from a cobra and the nanites push the venom out of the wounds). Destro sends them to Baroness and StormShadow! There are 19 of them….#20 is in place in Washington (see later!)
Hawk and team start training Duke and RipCord. They score high (blah..blah!) Oh, did I mention that Duke is a Captain (who wears Major insignia in the flashback with Baroness!?!) and RipCord is an enlisted man who can fly any type of aircraft? Duke spars with snake eyes, and Brandon Frasier referees! :O
Cobra tunnels into the PIT with Bora machines. Zartan stabs CoverGirl and StormShadow almost kills Hawk. They and Baroness use his hand and eye to open his safe and grab the warheads. (Stupidly, they don’t KILL Hawk, and he hits an Alarm). All hell breaks loose. StormShadow goes on a killing spree… does Baroness and the Neo vipers. Heavy Duty blows up their Bora machines so they are cut off. Big battle. Snake eyes and storm shadow have a brief flashback before they engage. Stormshadow manages to grab a glider and get away with Baroness and the Case of 4 warheads. Zartan escapes by acting like a Bedouin camel herder (you have to see it!).
Hawk is in the infirmary, Covergirl is DEAD! :O They find out Baroness is married to a French Baron (DeCobray) who works on a Particle accelerator (and who can program the nanites) They race to Paris. StormShadow and Baroness have her hubby program the nanites, then Stormy kills him. They exit as the Joes are showing up. Duke and Ripcord have the Delta 6 accelerator suits on. Snake eyes jumps on top of the APV the baroness and Stormy are in….Duke and Ripcord persue. Scarlett grabs a motorcycle and Heavy Duty and Breaker follow in a Van. Paris gets torn to hell (you see most of it in the trailers). Baroness and Stormy get to a place where they can attack the Eiffel tower and fire the warhead. Baroness has the killswitch for the nanites (they keep eating until they are turned off!) Duke jumps into a Gunship and manages to hit the switch on Baroness’s side killing the nanites before they destroy Paris.
Heavy Duty, Breaker, Scarlett and Ripcord go to the dead Neo Viper and try to extract info from his brain, but Dr. Rex activates the Nanite and he turns to dust. The Joes are arrested by the French. Hawk shows up and tells them they are disbanded and all troops are going back to their respective countries! On the way to the airport, Breaker looks at images from the Dead Neo Vipers thoughts, and determines Destro is in the North Pole. Hawk says “You were ordered back to the PIT…I didn’t say when you had to be there or what route you had to take”. Smiles…you KNOW they are going after Duke and the warhead!
Dr. Rex injects Zartan with nanites so he can change his eye and skin color and reshape his face. (we find out why later! Oh, and he is always whistling or humming “the Bear went over the mountain”…weird, huh?) Destro we find out has ICBM’s that he is going to arm with Nanites and launch at Major cities.
Duke is brought to the North Pole. He grabs the warhead case and tries to get away. Stormy brings him down easily and asks how he intended to get away across the ice. Cut to the GI Joe Submarine. Breaker says the signal on the case has just been activated (good one Duke…and you thought he was trying to get away!!) Under the Polar Ice Cap is that Huge underwater base seen in the trailer. Duke is taken to Dr. Rex to be injected with Nanites. Now comes the revolution! Dr. Rex is Baroness’s brother! He was a scientist sent to Africa with Duke. Duke sent him in a building to look at something and told him he had 5 min, an Airstrike would hit then. The Planes were early and blow the building up. (we saw this earlier when Duke flashed back in his recalling Baroness and his relationship) but now we see it from Rex’s POV. He found info about MARS Nanotech experiments. The building was a BUNKER! And the scientist in it was Dr Mindbender! Played by none other than Kevin J. O’Conner! The bunker saved him, but scarred him and he made the nanites! He used them on Baroness to make her evil and never told her he was her brother!
The Joes attack. Destro Launches they warheads. Snake eyes uses missiles on one of the rockslides to blow one missile out before it gets very high. Ripcord jumps in a Night Raven and goes after the other two. Baroness overcomes the Nanites and saves Duke before he is injected with nanites, but she is knocked unconscious! Rex, Duke and Destro have a show down while the base is being attacked! Destro doesn’t want Rex to kill Baroness, which he is threatening to do if Duke doesn’t give up. In the scuffle, Destro’s face is burned and he and Rex escape into a waiting Sub. Baroness and Duke escape and persue. Scarlett and Breaker get to the command center and track the missiles, guiding RipCord to them. The first is heading to Moscow.
Heavy Duty and about 50 “Shark” subs attack the base…..they are met by 50 Sting raider subs….GREAT BATTLE! A huge cannon almost destroys the big “carrier” sub of GI Joe and Snake eyes leaves Scarlett and Breaker in the control room to guide Ripcord as he goes to destroy the cannons power source (think Ben Kenobi in Star Wars!). He kills the operators and he and Stormy begin to scrap. Heavy Duty torpedos the cannon as Snake eyes runs Stormy through! Stormy falls into the frozen water at the bottom of the cannon’s reactor tube!
Meanwhile, the Pres of the US is taken to his bunker (made by MARS! Once there, one of the secret service is revealed to be NeoViper #20! He kills everone except the president. Someone steps out from behind a secret compartment and the president gasps. A voice says “Hello Mr. President”.
Ripcord kills the Missile headed for Moscow and goes after the one aimed at Washington. He catches up with it and tries to kill it. At the last second, he blows it, but a cloud of nanites covers his night raven and he takes it into the stratosphere to kill them. He parachutes just in time!
Rex orders the base destroyed, and charges in the ICE pack above detonate. Everyone scrambles to escape! Rex injects Destro with nanites. They eat at his burned face and then form a metal covering. (now he looks like the Destro WE know!) Duke Captures their sub with the help of Heavy Duty, the Sharks and the BIG sub!
The bad guys are in a prison, Baroness is in prison, too. The Doctors say it will be hard for them to remove the nanites. Duke tells her he won’t give up on her (mushy crap ending to that line). The Joes welcome Duke and Ripcord. Scarlett who has been avoiding Ripcord’s advances says something interesting (I forget what) and end…..
So we think….
A crowd of people pat the President on the back and cheer him as he claims victory. Once he is alone in his office, he kicks his feet up and starts humming “The bear went over the mountain”.
Killer spoilers;
1. They killed covergirl! WTF?
2. Baroness and CC are Brother and sister?
3. Rex is CC, the Baroness’s brother?
4. Duke was engaged to Baroness?
5. will Ripcord ever shut up?
6. The scientist in the bunker with CC/Rex is mindbender? We gonna see him?
7. What about that 3 pack of Mars Troopers? Where were they in the movie?
8. Where were the Ice Vipers?
9. Where did Helix come from? She wasn’t in the movie!
08-02-2009, 10:18 PM
Darn! Just went on Wikipedia! A lot of these spoilers are already out! WTF?
08-02-2009, 11:17 PM
Cool. Then the books at the bookstores are fairly accurate to the movie.
I have a more positive feeling about the movie. But we'll see.
Helix, I believe, is only from the vdo game.
I really don't like all the interplay of the characters in terms of brother/sister/friend. Everyone is related to someone in some way it seems. Like it's all some disfunctional family.
Movie sounds cool thus far. If it's anything like these new ROC toys, then the affect to my Joeverse will be minimal.
Thanks for the review and spoiler. Now I can sleep in peace.
Quick question:
I heard from someone that the ending to ROC had been re-filmed, and IDW's comic adaptation showed Cobra Commander donning the toy's helmet, but in pure opaque blue (making it reminiscent of Cobra Commander's "powered body armor" from the final days of the Marvel comic)... would it happen to be the case in the film as well?
08-03-2009, 09:45 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Quick question:
I heard from someone that the ending to ROC had been re-filmed, and IDW's comic adaptation showed Cobra Commander donning the toy's helmet, but in pure opaque blue (making it reminiscent of Cobra Commander's "powered body armor" from the final days of the Marvel comic)... would it happen to be the case in the film as well?[/QUOTE]
Nope, at the end of the movie, as Destro's nanites make Destro's face turn to metal, Dr Rex puts on the clear mask you see on the Cobra Commander figure and hits a control box for the nanites that makes Destro go to his knees and he says "Now you will call ME Commander"
08-04-2009, 12:01 AM
[QUOTE=ender098] **************WARNING*********
*****************Spoiler Alert*************************
The movie starts with James McCullen’s ancestor being imprisoned in a HOT Iron mask for dealing weapons to the French AND English. Cut to Present (well, the “NEAR FUTURE”) James McCullen is showing a Demo tape of MARS new Nano warheads. General Hawk and Covergirl are in the back of the room.
NATO sends Duke and Ripcord and their team to pick up the Warheads from Destro’s Kirgizstan factory and deliver them (Although it never does say where they are delivering them to!). On the way they are ambushed by Baroness and Neo Vipers in a flying gunship. Everyone but Duke and Ripcord are killed, and just in the nick of time, a silver ship (like a jet powered Osprey) swoops in and drops Snake eyes who starts killing Neo Vipers like it’s Cool! Then Scarlett deploys and Heavy Duty lays down cover fire from the side of the ship (as seen in the trailers!) Duke an the Baroness recognize each other, and to make a long story short, GI Joe wins, Baroness gets away.
Duke talks to a hologram of General Hawk while Breaker deactivates the tracking devices in the Warhead case. Hawk and Duke argue over the warheads.(Because Duke still doesn’t quite know who these guys are) Hawk says “Fine come with my guys and we’ll deliver the warheads together”. They fly to the PIT in Egypt (?!) . Destro is online with Hawk via hologram (they still don’t know he’s the bad guy) and wants to inspect the warheads. He gives Breaker the code to Open the case (Also restarting the tracking device!). they check the Warheads…all is well. Hawk tells Duke about GI Joe. International team….elite of the Elite…blah…blah…. Of course Duke and Ripcord want in… Duke tells Hawk he knows he is going after the Baroness and he wants in…because he knows her! Cut to years before…baroness was named hanna and was a Blond engaged to Duke. Her Brother and Duke went on a mission..her brother died, Duke couldn’t face her, so he split! (Another good Movie ruined by romance!)
Back at his base, destro is ticked at Baroness and tells her and Stormshadow they have another chance. This weird Dr. Rex shows off the new Neo Vipers. Injected with nanites, they feel no pain, experience no fear and are hard to kill. (one takes a bite from a cobra and the nanites push the venom out of the wounds). Destro sends them to Baroness and StormShadow! There are 19 of them….#20 is in place in Washington (see later!)
Hawk and team start training Duke and RipCord. They score high (blah..blah!) Oh, did I mention that Duke is a Captain (who wears Major insignia in the flashback with Baroness!?!) and RipCord is an enlisted man who can fly any type of aircraft? Duke spars with snake eyes, and Brandon Frasier referees! :O
Cobra tunnels into the PIT with Bora machines. Zartan stabs CoverGirl and StormShadow almost kills Hawk. They and Baroness use his hand and eye to open his safe and grab the warheads. (Stupidly, they don’t KILL Hawk, and he hits an Alarm). All hell breaks loose. StormShadow goes on a killing spree… does Baroness and the Neo vipers. Heavy Duty blows up their Bora machines so they are cut off. Big battle. Snake eyes and storm shadow have a brief flashback before they engage. Stormshadow manages to grab a glider and get away with Baroness and the Case of 4 warheads. Zartan escapes by acting like a Bedouin camel herder (you have to see it!).
Hawk is in the infirmary, Covergirl is DEAD! :O They find out Baroness is married to a French Baron (DeCobray) who works on a Particle accelerator (and who can program the nanites) They race to Paris. StormShadow and Baroness have her hubby program the nanites, then Stormy kills him. They exit as the Joes are showing up. Duke and Ripcord have the Delta 6 accelerator suits on. Snake eyes jumps on top of the APV the baroness and Stormy are in….Duke and Ripcord persue. Scarlett grabs a motorcycle and Heavy Duty and Breaker follow in a Van. Paris gets torn to hell (you see most of it in the trailers). Baroness and Stormy get to a place where they can attack the Eiffel tower and fire the warhead. Baroness has the killswitch for the nanites (they keep eating until they are turned off!) Duke jumps into a Gunship and manages to hit the switch on Baroness’s side killing the nanites before they destroy Paris.
Heavy Duty, Breaker, Scarlett and Ripcord go to the dead Neo Viper and try to extract info from his brain, but Dr. Rex activates the Nanite and he turns to dust. The Joes are arrested by the French. Hawk shows up and tells them they are disbanded and all troops are going back to their respective countries! On the way to the airport, Breaker looks at images from the Dead Neo Vipers thoughts, and determines Destro is in the North Pole. Hawk says “You were ordered back to the PIT…I didn’t say when you had to be there or what route you had to take”. Smiles…you KNOW they are going after Duke and the warhead!
Dr. Rex injects Zartan with nanites so he can change his eye and skin color and reshape his face. (we find out why later! Oh, and he is always whistling or humming “the Bear went over the mountain”…weird, huh?) Destro we find out has ICBM’s that he is going to arm with Nanites and launch at Major cities.
Duke is brought to the North Pole. He grabs the warhead case and tries to get away. Stormy brings him down easily and asks how he intended to get away across the ice. Cut to the GI Joe Submarine. Breaker says the signal on the case has just been activated (good one Duke…and you thought he was trying to get away!!) Under the Polar Ice Cap is that Huge underwater base seen in the trailer. Duke is taken to Dr. Rex to be injected with Nanites. Now comes the revolution! Dr. Rex is Baroness’s brother! He was a scientist sent to Africa with Duke. Duke sent him in a building to look at something and told him he had 5 min, an Airstrike would hit then. The Planes were early and blow the building up. (we saw this earlier when Duke flashed back in his recalling Baroness and his relationship) but now we see it from Rex’s POV. He found info about MARS Nanotech experiments. The building was a BUNKER! And the scientist in it was Dr Mindbender! Played by none other than Kevin J. O’Conner! The bunker saved him, but scarred him and he made the nanites! He used them on Baroness to make her evil and never told her he was her brother!
The Joes attack. Destro Launches they warheads. Snake eyes uses missiles on one of the rockslides to blow one missile out before it gets very high. Ripcord jumps in a Night Raven and goes after the other two. Baroness overcomes the Nanites and saves Duke before he is injected with nanites, but she is knocked unconscious! Rex, Duke and Destro have a show down while the base is being attacked! Destro doesn’t want Rex to kill Baroness, which he is threatening to do if Duke doesn’t give up. In the scuffle, Destro’s face is burned and he and Rex escape into a waiting Sub. Baroness and Duke escape and persue. Scarlett and Breaker get to the command center and track the missiles, guiding RipCord to them. The first is heading to Moscow.
Heavy Duty and about 50 “Shark” subs attack the base…..they are met by 50 Sting raider subs….GREAT BATTLE! A huge cannon almost destroys the big “carrier” sub of GI Joe and Snake eyes leaves Scarlett and Breaker in the control room to guide Ripcord as he goes to destroy the cannons power source (think Ben Kenobi in Star Wars!). He kills the operators and he and Stormy begin to scrap. Heavy Duty torpedos the cannon as Snake eyes runs Stormy through! Stormy falls into the frozen water at the bottom of the cannon’s reactor tube!
Meanwhile, the Pres of the US is taken to his bunker (made by MARS! Once there, one of the secret service is revealed to be NeoViper #20! He kills everone except the president. Someone steps out from behind a secret compartment and the president gasps. A voice says “Hello Mr. President”.
Ripcord kills the Missile headed for Moscow and goes after the one aimed at Washington. He catches up with it and tries to kill it. At the last second, he blows it, but a cloud of nanites covers his night raven and he takes it into the stratosphere to kill them. He parachutes just in time!
Rex orders the base destroyed, and charges in the ICE pack above detonate. Everyone scrambles to escape! Rex injects Destro with nanites. They eat at his burned face and then form a metal covering. (now he looks like the Destro WE know!) Duke Captures their sub with the help of Heavy Duty, the Sharks and the BIG sub!
The bad guys are in a prison, Baroness is in prison, too. The Doctors say it will be hard for them to remove the nanites. Duke tells her he won’t give up on her (mushy crap ending to that line). The Joes welcome Duke and Ripcord. Scarlett who has been avoiding Ripcord’s advances says something interesting (I forget what) and end…..
So we think….
A crowd of people pat the President on the back and cheer him as he claims victory. Once he is alone in his office, he kicks his feet up and starts humming “The bear went over the mountain”.
Killer spoilers;
1. They killed covergirl! WTF?
2. Baroness and CC are Brother and sister?
3. Rex is CC, the Baroness’s brother?
4. Duke was engaged to Baroness?
5. will Ripcord ever shut up?
6. The scientist in the bunker with CC/Rex is mindbender? We gonna see him?
7. What about that 3 pack of Mars Troopers? Where were they in the movie?
8. Where were the Ice Vipers?
9. Where did Helix come from? She wasn’t in the movie! [/QUOTE]
Helix is from the comics only, thats the only way to know who she is.
[QUOTE=bravo]Helix is from the comics only, thats the only way to know who she is.[/QUOTE]
No, she was created for the video game.
But IDW are total whores so they'll hype her all they can.
Agent Viper
08-04-2009, 06:00 AM
Duke and Baroness?
wow........ that shows what a divorce puts you at. LOL
08-04-2009, 06:23 AM
With billions of ppl in the world, only in a movie is everyone related to someone in some way.
Agent Viper
08-04-2009, 08:35 AM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]With billions of ppl in the world, only in a movie is everyone related to someone in some way.[/QUOTE]
So true.....
08-04-2009, 08:51 AM
What are you talking about? We're only 6 degrees from being related to each other. Just gotta find the right 6 degrees. :P
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]With billions of ppl in the world, only in a movie is everyone related to someone in some way.[/QUOTE]
It's still better than The World Revolving Around Snake-Eyes from the old Marvel comic.
08-04-2009, 02:06 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]It's still better than The World Revolving Around Snake-Eyes from the old Marvel comic.[/QUOTE]
so true
08-04-2009, 03:54 PM
Speaking of Snake Eyes, one thing that irked me in the Movie is his mask had "lips" molded under the visor. And you're right....Snake eyes as the Center of the universe sucks.....but somehow I see that if they are NOT careful, duke will start to be like this in these films (when they make sequels!)
Urban Saboteur
08-04-2009, 04:25 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Hawk tells Duke about GI Joe. International team….elite of the Elite…blah…blah…. Of course Duke and Ripcord want in… Duke tells Hawk he knows he is going after the Baroness and he wants in…because he knows her! Cut to years before…baroness was named hanna and was a Blond engaged to Duke. Her Brother and Duke went on a mission..her brother died, Duke couldn’t face her, so he split! (Another good Movie ruined by romance!)
:o :D :p :) lmao.. this is hilarious.. must of been written for the jerry springer show..
08-04-2009, 04:26 PM
[QUOTE=ender098] (when they make sequels!)[/QUOTE]
One can only hope.
08-04-2009, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]:o :D :p :) lmao.. this is hilarious.. must of been written for the jerry springer show..[/QUOTE]
Did I say the Baroness lived in a trailer park with a toothless black lesbian and was a former Male Midget BEFORE she took growth hormones and became a woman before Duke? NO....this is NOT Jerry Springer Material......General Hospital, Guiding Light or One life to Live.....MAybe! :eek: :rolleyes:
General Jones
08-05-2009, 09:48 AM
[QUOTE=Flatline]One can only hope.[/QUOTE]
Read an article that said that the whole cast and director was committed to a second Joe movie
08-05-2009, 09:51 AM
[QUOTE=General Jones]Read an article that said that the whole cast and director was committed to a second Joe movie[/QUOTE]
Signed for three as all stars are these days when it comes to franchisees.
Looking forward to seeing it the 14th... When its out here...
08-05-2009, 03:26 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]I really don't like all the interplay of the characters in terms of brother/sister/friend. Everyone is related to someone in some way it seems. Like it's all some disfunctional family.[/QUOTE]
I feel the same way here. C'mon, it's military, it's not supposed to have love, but firefight :D.
And I was not disapointed with TF, TF2 and will not be with G.I. Joe - RoC. I want some 2h of fun and action, just like on Triple X or another movie like that. :)
The best movies from my youngth were full of action, jumps, explosions, shots & good and bad guys. After a good popcorn movie I go home just wishing to watch it again since I never get tired with this type of action.
Think about, there is not much things to be discovered like on Da Vinci Code, what means you aren't for the mistery. So you can watch and rewatch it how many times you want.
I also have to ask.
Who does Brendan Fraser play?
08-05-2009, 06:51 PM
He was slated for Gung Ho but rumor has it he's Sgt. Stone or that Stone dude.
EXCEPT, I don't his name listed on IMDB. If he's not there... Well, I have a hard time believing that Fraser would get top billing for this movie or some sort of billing.
And hey, Jonathon Pryce plays the US President! :D
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]He was slated for Gung Ho[/QUOTE]
No he wasn't. He was RUMORED, but he himself debunked that rumor very quickly.
08-06-2009, 11:55 PM
This movie is awesome. It starts rockin and never quits! Baroness and Scarlett are both hot! Duke's not suck a putz and Ripcord worked very well. I will see it at least once more in the theater. The best movie I have seen since The Empire Strikes Back!
08-07-2009, 12:18 AM
Lots of fun, lots of action, and really well done. I was pleasantly surprised. I am going to see this again this weekend. My gf even loved it. It's like Frank said, don't expect it to be Joe you Know, and you are fine. But it holds true to what G.I. Joe is and the camaraderie is there between teammates.
General Jones
08-07-2009, 07:33 AM
Saw the show last night at Midnight. FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!! Loved it. Even one of my friends who isn't into G.I. Joe and didn't expect much was pleasantly surprised. Non stop action. It was pretty loud, but great. Highly recommend it to anyone who wants to have some good clean fun. :D
08-07-2009, 12:15 PM
Then why ask since he's not even in the movie?:
[QUOTE=Jay]No he wasn't. He was RUMORED, but he himself debunked that rumor very quickly.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Then why ask since he's not even in the movie?:[/QUOTE]
He was RUMORED to play Gung-Ho. He debunked THAT.
But he IS in the movie. That is fact, confirmed by Brendan Fraser himself.
08-07-2009, 02:08 PM
Just saw it and I like it. It is what I want from an action movie. Sienna Miller is dang too hot. But I still hate clown Wayans.
Brendan played Lt. Stone. As a movie TDK is better. Ah.... and Mindbender is there! :D
Can't wait for the second part.
[QUOTE=Rambo]Brendan played Lt. Stone.[/QUOTE]
Unless Brendan's changed his look considerably, the toy and package art for Sgt. Stone are really poor likenesses of the actor.
08-07-2009, 03:34 PM
I've been watching the feedback come in on and all day; negative trendlines aren't good. Confirmed what I thought by brining this group together (not good/positive).
I'll wait for Netflix, Instant Watch, and only than if I have nothing better to do for 2 hours.
08-07-2009, 05:55 PM
[QUOTE=pbarny1701]I've been watching the feedback come in on and all day; negative trendlines aren't good. Confirmed what I thought by brining this group together (not good/positive).
I'll wait for Netflix, Instant Watch, and only than if I have nothing better to do for 2 hours.[/QUOTE]
Honestly dude, if I based my movie watching on Rotten Tomatoes and the pompous arses at IMDB I would've missed alot of movies I enjoyed. If you like GI Joe at all, you will like this movie. It is a good, fun movie.
08-07-2009, 07:58 PM
[QUOTE=silentdusty]Honestly dude, if I based my movie watching on Rotten Tomatoes and the pompous arses at IMDB I would've missed alot of movies I enjoyed. If you like GI Joe at all, you will like this movie. It is a good, fun movie.[/QUOTE]
Why when I have never enjoyed and asked for my money back after seeing the Mummy and have never bothered with another Steven Sommers film? I never have seen a movie of anyone but Dennis Quaid, and I only like him half the time. I've hated everything ever made into a movie by this set of screen writers.
If by pompous you mean people who can divorce GI Joe and analyze things like plot, pacing, character development etc, all things that matter when you only get $60 to spend on things like movies/books/toys a month, you have to be very careful with your money. IMDB is mostly movie fans, people who just go to movies because they like the theater. Rottentomatoes is minus most of the critics this time, so it's not just critics who are panning it.
I don't have to like something just because they slap GI Joe on the banner. Excuse me if I ask for quality or at least people capable of it.
Scuba Steve
08-07-2009, 08:35 PM
I guess Im just picky but the diostorys here are more entertaining to me! It just wasn't GI JOE to me to begin with but the horrible acting just ruined any enjoyment there was left for me! It was CG'ed to death and just off base with anything Joe too me!
I am probably alone on this one but I thought the best part in the movie was surprisingly Marlon Waynes!
08-07-2009, 09:32 PM
I just saw the movie. I both liked it and yet also felt there's lots of room for improvement. I bet that Storm Shadow will return .. I'm sure he's got some of those nanomites in him and the cold water has instantly preserved all life functions. Didn't like the Snake Eyes mouth, or the back story with SE and SS as kids. A lot of CGI, well done, but too much. Remember that Clint Eastwood film about some super USSR jet.. Firefox I think it was. Even though it was in the 80's, some scenes made that jet look like it was traveling faster than the Night Raven. Would've liked to see more straight flying, through clouds, etc, to give that zoooming look of high speed instead of twist and turns at super sonic.
I felt the movie was decent. Better than what I expected. It will not influence my Joeverse, though. At the end, CC had such a deep voice that I thought he was going to say something like what Darth Vader would.. "Duke, I am your father!" ;-)
Breaker wasn't too bad. Liked the part with the bubble gum. Ripcord was good. I wouldn't mind seeing his character more. That Baroness is cute. I like how she walks. Those long strides.... :-)
SE did good shooting that missile that destroyed the other missile.
Wished Covergirl would've lived.
Who was what cute Joe girl with the short black hair during the scenes in the Joe sub? Hawk gave a speech about breaking orders, the camera panned around and briefly you see this cute girl. Later in the battle scene the camera again focuses briefly on her. I wonder what her character name is supposed to be.
All in all decent, entertaining. Good effort to tie up loose ends from the classic story. But, but still think the classic story made better sense (Vietnam days, Stalker, blue uniform with chrome faceplate, etc)
A thumbs up though.
08-07-2009, 09:49 PM
I don't have to like something just because they slap GI Joe on the banner. Excuse me if I ask for quality or at least people capable of it.[/QUOTE]
More and more I am seeing people say that "GI Joe=quality" and if you have a different opinion you are "negitive" or "can't accept change"
I think its Ironic that people are saying that about the same people who embraced the Transformers movie and the same fanbase that is nessessary for the GI joe film to have a sequal.
Sorry but GI Joe fans cannot carry this alone.
My local comic shop had a rather negivie view of this film, I am still going to watch it but I think that the fact these guys who have loved things like TF, Iron man, ect didn't like this might hold bad tidings for this film. I suppose the next week will truely tell the tale though.
08-07-2009, 10:04 PM
[QUOTE=pbarny1701] If by pompous you mean people who can divorce GI Joe and analyze things like plot, pacing, character development etc, all things that matter when you only get $60 to spend on things like movies/books/toys a month, you have to be very careful with your money. IMDB is mostly movie fans, people who just go to movies because they like the theater. Rottentomatoes is minus most of the critics this time, so it's not just critics who are panning it.
Well, most people who go to the movies because they "like the theater" prefer movies with little actions, a lot of drama and dialog. (Movies like "The English Patient" and "Remains of the Day".) SilentDusty is like me I think. We have enough Drama and Dialog in our daily lives and we go to the movies to "suspend our disbelief" and lose our minds!
I find it hard to believe that the movie going public liked that CGI mess called "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" and doesn't like THIS film. Oh well.
08-07-2009, 10:09 PM
I get the feeling that a lot of hard core Transformers fans look down upon GI Joe, as some sort of rival. I get often the same feeling from many hard core Star Wars fans. I am mostly talking about the toy lines.
I wouldn't be amazed to learn that some Transformers fan would not like a GI Joe movie simply because it's GI Joe.
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]I get the feeling that a lot of hard core Transformers fans look down upon GI Joe, as some sort of rival. I get often the same feeling from many hard core Star Wars fans. I am mostly talking about the toy lines.
I wouldn't be amazed to learn that some Transformers fan would not like a GI Joe movie simply because it's GI Joe.[/QUOTE]
As a Transformers fan I find those suppositions offensive.
I loved Revenge Of The Fallen and I'm sure I'll love Rise Of Cobra too. I like fun action movies, and even if it doesn't match Marvel and Sunbow continuities I'll get a kick out of it.
08-08-2009, 03:24 AM
Unless Brendan's changed his look considerably, the toy and package art for Sgt. Stone are really poor likenesses of the actor.[/QUOTE]
The toy packaging was a dead give away, the actor however did not go through the same procedure as the rest of the cast to laser etch his face into a perfect mold.
He's not one of the starters so he doesn't get that treatment, should be obvious enough really.
I still have to wait a whole week for this movie....
08-08-2009, 09:45 AM
The movie makes the cobra gunship look good. I got a feeling ppl will start buying it .. i need to get one.
08-08-2009, 01:08 PM
yeah that thing was hardcore . as sumone mentioend elsewere i fwonder if it was Firefly piloting that thing ?
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]The movie makes the cobra gunship look good. I got a feeling ppl will start buying it .. i need to get one.[/QUOTE]
08-09-2009, 05:28 PM
I found that it was very TF vs GI Joe when I grew up. *shrug* TF looked down on GI Joe just as the JOe fans looked down on TF. Just how things worked here with kids.
As well, it Brenda Frasier was NOT listed as part of the cast for the GI Joe movie by IMDB. However, those who have seen it KNOW he's in it. IMDB DOES have Fraser listed under their TRIVIA page and believe it or not, he plays a descendant from the O'Connell family.
Please note, IMDB is open to corrections/additions to info they have missed. So depending on which view you took. IMDB doesn't have Fraser on the cast listing which some would assume he's not in the movie. IF i were to dig further, there's a trivia piece on on him. For those who saw the movie, they KNOW he's in there as a cameo. So then, why was he excluded other than IMDB got a predraft?
08-09-2009, 08:51 PM
Did anyone notice that it was mentioned that Snake Eyes took a vow of silence since the "hard" master was killed? I don't remember if it had a duration.. such as until the murder could be avenged. If so, could it be possible that since Storm Shadow is currrently killed--believed to be killed--we'll have a talking Snake Eyes in the future?
Gosh I hope not.
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Did anyone notice that it was mentioned that Snake Eyes took a vow of silence since the "hard" master was killed? I don't remember if it had a duration.. such as until the murder could be avenged. If so, could it be possible that since Storm Shadow is currrently killed--believed to be killed--we'll have a talking Snake Eyes in the future?
Gosh I hope not.[/QUOTE]
The original script had Snake-Eyes say a line at the end of the film, but Larry Hama said "AW HELL NO" and the director and producers listened.
As Larry said, having Snake-Eyes speak simply goes against his character's core.
Roland da Thompson Gunner
08-09-2009, 09:06 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]I get the feeling that a lot of hard core Transformers fans look down upon GI Joe, as some sort of rival. I get often the same feeling from many hard core Star Wars fans. I am mostly talking about the toy lines.
I wouldn't be amazed to learn that some Transformers fan would not like a GI Joe movie simply because it's GI Joe.[/QUOTE]
I doubt Transformers fans even care about G.I.Joe.
G.I. Joe is a toyline that has spent 10 of the last 12 years struggling to be more than a novelty line for a bunch of h/c collectors. The 25th brought a lot of dudes into it but it still didn't sell like a real line (TF/Star Wars) The reason people had trouble finding waves wasn't because they were selling like hotcakes, but because Hasbro knew if they sent out a lot it'd be Indian Joes and you could get wave 5 for .99 a peice
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I doubt Transformers fans even care about G.I.Joe.
G.I. Joe is a toyline that has spent 10 of the last 12 years struggling to be more than a novelty line for a bunch of h/c collectors. The 25th brought a lot of dudes into it but it still didn't sell like a real line (TF/Star Wars) The reason people had trouble finding waves wasn't because they were selling like hotcakes, but because Hasbro knew if they sent out a lot it'd be Indian Joes and you could get wave 5 for .99 a peice[/QUOTE]
How wrong of you to say Transfans don't care for Joe. (
08-11-2009, 10:25 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]The original script had Snake-Eyes say a line at the end of the film, but Larry Hama said "AW HELL NO" and the director and producers listened.
As Larry said, having Snake-Eyes speak simply goes against his character's core.[/QUOTE]
Ever find out what that line was? He does a little satisfactory "grunt" at the end there. :)
08-11-2009, 10:31 PM
Just saw it with my son and we both LOVED it. I like the new twists, the origins of CC, Baroness, Destro, SE & SS. The action sequences were astounding! I also loved that the good guys didn't always win (Paris, the PITT)! How refreshing! And a villain could be redeemed (Baroness)! That only happened with SS (who was pretending to be a Cobra all along) and Mercer in the comic Joeverse.
And most astounding to me, PEOPLE GOT SHOT and even STABBED! How amazing is that!?! A Neo-Viper even got his head blown off by a grenade!
Plus, unlike Transformers, we got deep back story on
1. Destro
2. Baroness
3. Duke
4. Cobra Commander
5. Snake Eyes
6. Stormshadow
and even a little personality and motivation from Scarlett (all science, linguistics, intelligence, resists emotion) and Ripcord (wants to be a fly-boy, digs Scarlett, clumsy but tenacious).
That's more than most movies can fit in 2 hours and still have crazy action. The opening rescue action sequence was insane. Especially Scarlett with her crossbow. It showed how she wasn't super-human and had to adapt and overcome to beat the armored Neo-Vipers. And Duke rescues his bud before going after the WMD's? Show's heart, something the Duke character could use more of.
I just loved it, and so did my 7 year old son. Glad I didn't read all the negativity before seeing it.
I do wish the Cobra gunship toy looked more like the movie version, and I also don't like the whole "vow of silence" thing. No Elite unit would allow that kind of thing, but I imagine they did that because they already had 4 characters in the movie get their faces burnt off, they didn't want to push for a 5th and get an R rating.
Quibbles, though. That was a fun movie!
$20 says Ripcord takes on a the new code name "Ace" in the next movie!
One correction to the original posts, I think CC's mask at the end is silver, not transparent, and I was looking pretty closely, as I'd read there were questions about it. It looks like a mix between the hood and chrome faceplate of traditional CC.
Oh, and Baroness's name is Anna, not Hannah, as in Anastasia (
08-12-2009, 06:52 AM
I had noticed also the face mask looked silver. Wasn't sure if it was just my angle of viewing the screen (was sitting at the side of the theater instead of in the middle). The toy has a gradient transparent and opaque silver, and I kinda assumed what I saw was silverish with some transparency in there. But it looked opaque.
Agreed, the gunship toy needs to be more like the movie.. longer and the movie looked more sleek.
08-12-2009, 07:16 AM
Finally saw it, been formulating my opinion, I have to say there was tons of stuff about that movie that needed work. Not all bad but not suxxors either.
The Good.
I LOVED Selina Miller, she was awesome (until a certain plot point that bothered me, but more on that later).
Pretty much everything with Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes Rocked (besides SE's Lips).
Liked the Pit attack, Ambush, and most of the paris chase (with the exception of a few moments with the suits)
What little Zartan did was kind of cool. Also liked the breif exchange with Zartan and Storm Shadow in Hawk's office.
Heavy Duty was much cooler than expect dispite his small roll.
The Bad:
baroness becomes a "good Guy" WTF!!!! Baroness is now an unwilling victim iwth a heart? NO! She is evil and making her a victim shatters the whole character. I can deal with not having a European background, I can even deal with her not being aristocratic, but this "innocent victim" crap totally messes up her character.
Felt a majority of the movie was a rip off of X-Men. Two people attacked by an unknown group go to a secret installation that is underground, met an unusal group of people, one of which happens to be a scientist type with red hair. Even had thier master of disguise taking the place of a person of power in the government at the end. Not a total rip off but definatly had too many elements that were impossible not to notice.
Too many "deleated sceans" that were too obvious, especially at the end. HD's sub is half the size and his co-pilot is missing for instnace. Also the "Wild weasle-esce" siut that wrapped around ripcord had disappeared by the point he had pulled his chute.
The Ugly
Rex, the whole character. One day just desides to be a bad guy and takes over the world. No real motivations for him there. Don't get me wrong, he did the best with what he was handed but really it was crap.
Not enough Destro, especially being the main vilan.
Flashbacks killed teh pace of the film
Too many "OH hey I know what they are doing" without any clues as to how the characters would have figured it out.
Plot holes you could drive a mack truck through (Destro stealing his own weapons, no real explaination of why nanites need to be weaponized or why, What was Rex's thing he had to do when he went into that bunker. Let's put the rookies in the multi million dollar suits on thier first mission with the unit.
Some very dry acting (the worst being Chaning Tatum, but even Quaid was a bit guilty of it too.
Thing is the elements are all there for a great film but the aplication just falls short. While some great parts come through, muchof the film was trudges along just trying to get somewhere.
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