View Full Version : Diogasm!
Okay, normally this'd just be in the Booty thread, but it's too great to contain in a lengthy thread.
I managed to score these nice big boxes today:
Those look big, don't they?
"What's in them, Jay?", you ask? I'll gladly show you!
A Corps! tent and watchtowers playset!
(and a stock loose photo because I can't take them out entirely just yet)
And a Power Team Elite Headquarters packed with more vehicles, figures, gear and accessories than I know what to do with!
(stock loose photo again)
Now you may thinking I completely bankrupted myself acquiring these hard to find pieces, right?
In total, these two sets cost me $99 Canadian. That's $90 American!
Did I luck out or what?
Needless to say, I can't wait to be able to fully open them and start snapping away! :D
08-11-2009, 11:59 AM
Those, for the most part, look pretty swell! :D
I like the guard tower stuff most.
Scuba Steve
08-11-2009, 01:48 PM
what a score! nice pieces Jay!
08-11-2009, 02:24 PM
You lucky git!
hmmm I didn't get dogs with my PTE HQ, or is that a different line using the same building?
08-11-2009, 02:35 PM
where did you get those????
awesome haul.
[QUOTE=haradrel]You lucky git!
hmmm I didn't get dogs with my PTE HQ, or is that a different line using the same building?[/QUOTE]
It's legit, it's just a larger value set with more accessories.
Agent Viper
08-11-2009, 03:14 PM
Flippin Sexy!
08-11-2009, 05:33 PM
I have that tent, it's an awesome piece of gear. Nice pick ups Jay!
08-11-2009, 06:14 PM
Nice catch!
08-11-2009, 06:15 PM
very nice haul
More pics!
From the Corps! set:
Large tent:
Useless, undersized APC and useful missile system (sadly not towable like the stock photo indicated):
Supply depot (was cleverly hidden inside the tent, didn't even notice it before I got it!) and destroyed building:
Road signs, spotlight, generator and assorted pieces:
Tank traps and machine gun stations:
Next post, PTE!
As promised the accessory-tastic PTE set!
Rubbery guns, artillery, small dio pieces:
Checkpoint, fences of all kinds, sandbags, tank traps, etc:
Table, chairs, locker, strategy board:
Dirtbike, patrol bike, ATV, guard dogs:
Headquarters with perimiter:
Inside the headquarters:
Did I luck out or WHAT??
Now, the question remains, where can I store it all...
08-11-2009, 07:41 PM
Store it all? I'm wondering when you'll take it outdoors for some dio shots!
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Store it all? I'm wondering when you'll take it outdoors for some dio shots![/QUOTE]
Well by the time everything was out it was too dark to take pics to, you know, show it all off... but hopefully tomorrow I can set something up.
And I managed to store it all, without it being excessively out of reach in the back of a closet somewhere! Go me!
08-11-2009, 09:31 PM
Jay, did you get those from Sears in Canada?
08-12-2009, 08:14 AM
there Is Alot Of Great Dio Pieces In Both Sets Nice Pick Ups, Jay.
08-12-2009, 06:11 PM
I really like the anti-tank defensive things.
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]I really like the anti-tank defensive things.[/QUOTE]
The Czech Hedgehogs?
Yeah, they're neat, but not particularly solid.
You can get them from Marauder Inc here:
And the wraparound barbwire here:
08-12-2009, 07:48 PM
I would like the door with the partial wall. I'm hunting it at eBay, but was never able to find =(.
Congratulations! They are all great pieces, hope to see some shots soon.
08-13-2009, 02:13 PM
awesome haul Jay! I have the Corps set and it's wonderful but I think my tent didn't come with all the accessories. Then again, it was partially opened when I won it.
the other dio set is fantastic. so many cool accessories. I've never seen those dogs before.
08-13-2009, 02:16 PM
one of the dogs looks crazy, lol.
08-13-2009, 07:06 PM
Very cool! We'll be waiting for these to show up in your pics. Excellent score!
08-13-2009, 07:33 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]The Czech Hedgehogs?[/QUOTE]
Thanks Jay for those links. Here's another:
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]Thanks Jay for those links. Here's another:[/QUOTE]
13$ for three... three Marauder Inc hedgehogs would only cost 8$ with the barbwire. Six dollars for three hedgehogs, plus 2$ for three rings of barbwire.
08-13-2009, 09:25 PM
13$ for three... three Marauder Inc hedgehogs would only cost 8$ with the barbwire. Six dollars for three hedgehogs, plus 2$ for three rings of barbwire.[/QUOTE]
Yep, that site is expensive, and inconsistent too. 10 sandbags in the 1/18th area at $9.99, and those same (according to the photo) sandbags in the Joe section at $12.99.
Still, the site does make me want to do my own resin casting.
08-14-2009, 06:31 AM
Still, the site does make me want to do my own resin casting.[/QUOTE]
DO IT!!!! Then I can buy from you ;)
Lava Boss
08-14-2009, 05:37 PM
Big Lots here have the Power Team Elite Marine 3 packs with, IIRC, two hedgehogs for $5.
Some set has the barbed wire fence...maybe the desert marines.
08-16-2009, 03:05 AM
this might tickle your fancy jay
this might tickle your fancy jay[/QUOTE]
Yeah, this was passed along to me yesterday on Joecustoms.
Looks cool enough, but I'll wait till someone else acquires it and posts pictures before I make a decision.
I've already been meaning to get the Battlefield Deluxe ( playset because between the extra dio pieces, the bridge and the tent, I'd be well set... so between that and the bombed out building, it'd be another 99$ spent and I simply don't have the budget for that.
Not now, anyways.
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