View Full Version : ROC is the best thing to happen to G.I. JOE!!!!!!!!!
08-15-2009, 09:22 AM
Need I say more............
08-15-2009, 09:26 AM
yes you do . you need to say that you are gona get all these figures for me :P
Beast from the east
08-15-2009, 09:35 AM
They loook cool
08-15-2009, 12:33 PM
I didn't see much that I really wanted. Beach Head and that nite/frag/whatever Viper are at the top of the list.
I discussed most of this with LordRaven and Frk525 last nite. As longas Hasbro pushes the modern age under the guise of ROC, I'm cool. Cuz I'll continue to steer pretty wide of the actual movie figures and still get stuff I want.
08-15-2009, 01:05 PM
I need a better look at this stuff, or at least an explanation. What is with the night viper? Looks like he has wings. Maybe he should be called "Raptor Viper". And that Motorcycle that becomes Body Armor....that is Soooo Anime! Looks like something from Robotech....unless I miss my guess, there WAS a motorcycle in Robotech that converted to Armor and they fought the Invid invasion in it.
My biggest fear is this is gonna derail "Resolute". Now, every figure they come out with, they are gonna slap a "Rise of Cobra" package on, reguardless of whether is will ever be in the movie or not. I guess if it boosts sales and keeps the line going for a while, I should just accept it and STFU!!! LOL
On the positive side, the detail on these figures is phenomenal! I Like it. The only things I don't like about the ROC fgures in general (besides the packaging) is the stupid looking guns (thank God for Marauder!) the spring loaded weapons (Hasn't hasbro learned it's lesson with those? Does anyone on here Really use them?) and my biggest complaint is the inflated prices! $16.99 for a ferret with scrap Iron? C'mon! I'll wait for the clearence!
But, I AM begining to come around and purchase more and more 25th style figures.
Scuba Steve
08-15-2009, 01:18 PM
I completely agree with ender on the vehical pricing! I bought alot of the figures but can't bring myself to pay the price they want for any of the vehicals!
On one hand I really like the new figures (not tha Cobras) It's really cool to get something new that hasn't been done. So many options and new characters. On the other hand It's sad we probably will never see some of our favorites ever made modern style like October Guard or the classic looking Techno Viper or Headman and the Headhunters. With the new ROC mythos and the way Hasbro drools when talking about it, I think classic Joe as we know it is dead!
08-15-2009, 01:26 PM
Listen up. I'm am sticky-ing this TO be THE CONVENTION thread. Please put all your comments and new information as well as questions here. Thanks guys.
And guys, there are pics on the JBL with a dreadlocked dude with a gold mask. WHO THE FRAK is that cuz me want!
I think it's on pages 6-8 off the 2nd to last set of pics or so. And since they are using a different type of picture browser thingy, we can't link. Course, if I dealt w/ hisstank, well, you need a membership to see anythying there. :\
08-15-2009, 02:09 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]And guys, there are pics on the JBL with a dreadlocked dude with a gold mask. WHO THE FRAK is that cuz me want![/QUOTE]
I think he's Shadow Tracker.
I'm really liking those black flight pods. And the club making an o-ring Big Lob sounds interesting too.
08-15-2009, 02:42 PM
As mentioned elsewhere, I'll get one figure of each at least. A lot of the designs are very Anime-like. Some remind me of Microman. That cyclone armor motorcycle is very much like the Robotech Cyclones (I wonder what their powersource is).
That Jungle Viper, the one with the wings, looks interesting, except for the head. Are those supposed to be lenses? Way too long.
Two designs for a HISS? A sentry and a tank? Still, the HISS design has potential for a light tank or automated/semi-automated tank.
Lava-Viper? Might get a few, but not army build. They look like they would make good custom fodder for fire-fighting rescue units.
08-15-2009, 02:47 PM
Yikes! I can't seem to edit the previous post.
Anime-influence -- a sign of things to come?
I'm starting another thread just on this thought.. was gonna post here, but don't wanna hijack the thread.
08-15-2009, 04:00 PM
I know a lot of you guys are excited about this stuff, and I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but I'm sorry, that ain't GI Joe. It's futuristic/anime stuff which has zero appeal for me. If that's the way Hasbro is taking the line then I'm out. :(
08-15-2009, 04:34 PM
Tries to high 5 Outrider but is too short and misses and falls on face.
Guess I'll just have to deal with this stuff as is. :|
08-15-2009, 04:37 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]I know a lot of you guys are excited about this stuff, and I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but I'm sorry, that ain't GI Joe. It's futuristic/anime stuff which has zero appeal for me. If that's the way Hasbro is taking the line then I'm out. :([/QUOTE]
I agree with you, the future doesn't look good for the GI Joe mythos. I find the actual movie figures pretty boring. But a lot of pics from JoeCon look really interesting, though admittedly some not very Joe-like. For me, as long as figure has a cool design and it's 1/18 scale, I'll buy it.
08-15-2009, 04:38 PM
well outrider there is somthing about a O-ring AT figures on the way for club members ! ? if that makes ya happier. personaly i dunno what AT is or was
08-15-2009, 04:41 PM
I can't tell if those are o-ring cuz... They shot a shot with 5 coltons in different gear but they look modern age articulation.
08-15-2009, 04:42 PM
08-15-2009, 04:46 PM
or this even
* - The 2010 3.75" Collectors Club figure will be Big Lob (o-ring)
* - The 2010 12" Collectors Club figure will be the Urban Adventurer (wearing urban rain camo)
* - showed off a 3.75" adventure team set including Dr. Venom and an Adventure Team helicopter (Fang repaint)
* - Another Adventure Team set will feature Dr. Venom, Land Aventurer, a giant Venus flytrap, and a vehicle
* - plants and helicopters for Adventure Team sets are already made, hoping for end of year release or first of 2010
* - If Adventure Team 3.75" sets sell well (buy them!) there is a sea adventurer with Sea Wolf vehicle planned
* - 3.75" o-ring club exclusive Cobra M.A.N.T.A. squad: 4 figures divided into 2 sets on vintage style cards
* - ARAH style Cobra Eel can no longer be produced in O-Ring Form.
08-15-2009, 04:48 PM
Tyco, the problem is that the o-ring is ONLY thru the club. ANd I don't think a lot of people are members or willing to pay $45 for a 2-pack or whate3ver that cost was that MC did a year ago.
[QUOTE=Outrider]I know a lot of you guys are excited about this stuff, and I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but I'm sorry, that ain't GI Joe. It's futuristic/anime stuff which has zero appeal for me. If that's the way Hasbro is taking the line then I'm out. :([/QUOTE]
GIJoe has ALWAYS been futuristic.
Even year 1 had Flash, the JUMP, the HAL and Cobra Commander's Blowdryer Gun. Things like the Flight Pod, the Stellar Stilletto, Battle Force 2000/Iron Grenadiers as a whole and the Terrordrome are, ultimately, no less realistic than the Ice Cutter, the new HISS or even the Cycle Armor.
As for anime, I don't see it. The figures feature realistic head sculpts and lifelike proportions.
08-15-2009, 04:50 PM
mmm that ice cutter looks nice
Da Talent
08-15-2009, 06:21 PM
As for anime, I don't see it. The figures feature realistic head sculpts and lifelike proportions.[/QUOTE]
I guess to be considered anime, some people think you have to have big heads, tiny waits, and gigantic eyes.
-This con has been a let down for me so far. I like vehicles. Plan and simple, and so far all the new ones unveiled suck. I'm underwhelmed and all that transforming crap is not joe to me.
08-15-2009, 06:46 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]I guess to be considered anime, some people think you have to have big heads, tiny waits, and gigantic eyes.
-This con has been a let down for me so far. I like vehicles. Plan and simple, and so far all the new ones unveiled suck. I'm underwhelmed and all that transforming crap is not joe to me.[/QUOTE]
most amine has lifelike proportions but like American artist each have there own style and it's up to what the public likes
now admittedly the eyes are drawn larger but that because, like the saying goes, the eyes are a window to the soul, and the larger eye is a way to expressed a large array of emotions in a character so the audience gets it.
you see it used a lot in Disney animation ever since Beauty and the Beast. in some case certain character in Gi joe like Jaye Jaye
I was happy to see the Frag viper and H.E.A.T viper though I hear they might be customs
08-15-2009, 08:21 PM
How can you not look at that tactical gear on the Artic Duke, Recondo, Ripcord, and the Jungle Viper( I do believe that might be a portable hunters blind thats going around him)and not get excited!!!. The amount of Detail in clothing, skin,and faces!!!!
O ring joes are my childhood favorite but this new new is a far more superior.
The customizing/new charcter creating options are limitless. With lil to no paint apps.
08-15-2009, 08:32 PM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]I guess to be considered anime, some people think you have to have big heads, tiny waits, and gigantic eyes.[/QUOTE]
If the stuff shown had any of that, I could see why some might say it was influenced with an anime style. I really do not see what's so anime like though.
Is it the mech? Cause those aren't really anything new to GI Joe, for the most part. There weren't that many shown at the con either. :confused:
08-15-2009, 11:41 PM
It's mainly the gear and machinery that has the anime influences
08-16-2009, 12:00 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]GIJoe has ALWAYS been futuristic.
Even year 1 had Flash, the JUMP, the HAL and Cobra Commander's Blowdryer Gun. Things like the Flight Pod, the Stellar Stilletto, Battle Force 2000/Iron Grenadiers as a whole and the Terrordrome are, ultimately, no less realistic than the Ice Cutter, the new HISS or even the Cycle Armor.[/QUOTE]
Agreed there has been some "futuristic" stuff in the past, but it was at least conceivable. When they get to transforming motor cycles and Night Vipers with bat wings they've lost me forever. It's starting to remind me of 1993/94 all over again. Jay, if you like the new stuff I'm happy for you, but it just isn't for me.
[QUOTE=Outrider]Night Vipers with bat wings[/QUOTE]
That's actually a high-tech, movable, holographic ghillie suit, not actual flight wings.
Someone who attended the con said the toy's designer described it as such:
The Jungle Viper was described thusly: His suit has a bit of AI to it. It will screen images behind it to how to the front for optical invisibility and will refract/reflect IR light to make it invisible to heat sensing tech. The AI kicks in in that the fins react to the environment to adjust automatically, so you can position them as you want.
08-16-2009, 12:13 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]That's actually a high-tech, movable, holographic ghillie suit, not actual flight wings.[/QUOTE]
OMG, that's just as bad, if not worse... :eek:
[QUOTE=Outrider]OMG, that's just as bad, if not worse... :eek:[/QUOTE]
Yeah, because active camoflage is so far-fetched (
We're more likely to get such things before we ever get laser weaponry.
08-16-2009, 12:24 AM
yep lot of what where seeing in the movie and the toys are future tech and in development
If this stuff is 1993/94 all over again then they're doing right this time.
08-16-2009, 01:09 AM
Some of those figures looked absolutely fantastic. Seriously great looking action figures. Cant wait.
08-16-2009, 08:01 AM
Well just like when the movie line hit I loves some of this and hate others. I plan to pick up what I like and that is all.
Surpizingly the anime stuff is to my liking though.
And Venom was on the adventure team set? I never noticed and now I have to go back and check.
08-16-2009, 09:44 AM
I want some of those nite-wing vipers, they will be my cobra special forces.
And I want a Shadow tracker too... :D
08-16-2009, 10:44 AM
ther Eis Alot To Like And Dis Like I'll Be The First To Admit I Wanted Nothing To Do With The Roc Line But Have Quiet A Few Noe From Th E Images I've Seen I'm Digging
Desert Viper
City Strike Snake Eyes
Duke/looking Like Tunnelrat
08-16-2009, 04:24 PM
not sure wich guy in boewn you mean but the dreds dude is the new cobra Shadow Tracker . if the borwn guy ou mean has blue jeans then its sparring duke or Step-up duke as I like to call him
[QUOTE=Flatline]ther Eis Alot To Like And Dis Like I'll Be The First To Admit I Wanted Nothing To Do With The Roc Line But Have Quiet A Few Noe From Th E Images I've Seen I'm Digging
Desert Viper
City Strike Snake Eyes
Duke/looking Like Tunnelrat
Da Talent
08-16-2009, 04:34 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]Step-up duke as I like to call him[/QUOTE]
Now that is funny!
Roland da Thompson Gunner
08-16-2009, 04:53 PM
This con has been surprisingly bland. I've not been able to find good images of stuff (Surprising that in 2002 we had better images of stuff that didn't get made faster-even though technology has advanced a TON) nothing has jumped out at me either!
The Argentinian Series 2 figure exclusives are hilarious! Blades is boring. The news about O-ring stuff and especially the AT and Dr. Venom stuff becoming 25th style really sucks. I was a hopin' and a prayin' that Dr. Venom would've been usable with my collection full of characters he appeared in the comic with. Alas it was not to be and the one thing I was holding up as the great white hope ended up killing my interest in G.I. Joe :rolleyes:
While I'm not a movie figure fan I do like the way they're going about it with the enviromental chase stuff.
[QUOTE=Jay]Yeah, because active camoflage is so far-fetched ([/QUOTE]
Just because something has a possibility to exist doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid.
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Just because something has a possibility to exist doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid.[/QUOTE]
Don't make me invoke the Rule of Cool ( on you.
08-16-2009, 07:04 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Don't make me invoke the Rule of Cool ( on you.[/QUOTE]
Hah! The Rule of Cool and an image of Death from the Discworld... now my persona is known!!
08-16-2009, 07:44 PM
The new figures do look very good. Lots of detail, lots of equipment. That new Beachhead is fantastic. There's a new scarlett, or several, so I guess time to collect more heads for customs -- err, improvements ;-)
But what happened to Duke? Here (
Looks like he lost a lot of weight or something.. Definately needs to eat more chow!
Hasbro needs to put back Roadblock, or all the joes will suffer from poor eating ;-)
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]The new figures do look very good. Lots of detail, lots of equipment. That new Beachhead is fantastic. There's a new scarlett, or several, so I guess time to collect more heads for customs -- err, improvements ;-)
But what happened to Duke? Here (
Looks like he lost a lot of weight or something.. Definately needs to eat more chow!
Hasbro needs to put back Roadblock, or all the joes will suffer from poor eating ;-)[/QUOTE]
Just a bad shot.
The big problem is that the shoulders don't really fit well into the sockets. Hopefully that'll be fixed with the production model.
Either way, Hiryu is inheriting that body. The training outfit and the sparring gloves and helmet are so fitting for a martial arts specialist. :D :D :D
08-16-2009, 07:56 PM
Thx Jay. now i know whats up with that Duke. I thought it was like, Cobra prison breakout Duke or something. Pffffffft, whatever.
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Thx Jay. now i know whats up with that Duke. I thought it was like, Cobra prison breakout Duke or something. Pffffffft, whatever.[/QUOTE]
I think it's Duke in the outfit he wore when he sparred with Snake-Eyes.
It's even got a removable Reactive Armor chestplate.
08-16-2009, 09:48 PM
The WHATEVER part, just fyi, is towards the fact it's ANOTHER Duke version. Shoot, maybe we can call it Beaten Up Duke! lol
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]The WHATEVER part, just fyi, is towards the fact it's ANOTHER Duke version. Shoot, maybe we can call it Beaten Up Duke! lol[/QUOTE]
You got me there.
I'm strongly considering headswapping the redundant versions of Duke into new versions.
I'm already doing that with training Duke, and I'm really tempted to convert Jungle Duke into a ROC Tunnel Rat.
08-16-2009, 11:08 PM
for the o-ring fans, the club Mantis set is a diver+ underwater demo specialist
2nd is 2 hydo-vipers. paint deco hasn't been decided
more now and then packs are planed with twin figure packs coming
08-17-2009, 12:16 AM
[QUOTE=fightingswords]for the o-ring fans, the club Mantis set is a diver+ underwater demo specialist
2nd is 2 hydo-vipers. paint deco hasn't been decided
more now and then packs are planed with twin figure packs coming[/QUOTE]
Thanks man, I was wondering about the composition of the o-ring Cobra nautical set. I just hope they do a good job on the colours.
08-17-2009, 12:20 PM
[QUOTE=fightingswords]for the o-ring fans, the club Mantis set is a diver+ underwater demo specialist
2nd is 2 hydo-vipers. paint deco hasn't been decided
more now and then packs are planed with twin figure packs coming[/QUOTE]
any picture??? i'd like to see it
08-17-2009, 02:02 PM
[QUOTE=tycondrius23]not sure wich guy in boewn you mean but the dreds dude is the new cobra Shadow Tracker . if the borwn guy ou mean has blue jeans then its sparring duke or Step-up duke as I like to call him[/QUOTE]
:D No not Step-up Duke this fella.
That would be City Strike Beachhead.
08-17-2009, 02:38 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]That would be City Strike Beachhead.[/QUOTE]
08-17-2009, 03:29 PM
yup jays right and its the most Hardcore I've ever seen ol Beachhead, definatly wouldn't want that guy as a drill instructor !!
[QUOTE=Jay]That would be City Strike Beachhead.[/QUOTE]
08-17-2009, 08:31 PM
[QUOTE=Flatline] :D No not Step-up Duke this fella.[/QUOTE]
Its about time we finally got a beach head thats truly worth buying!!!!
08-17-2009, 09:05 PM
I've liked the prior versions of BH. This guy is awesome but he seems burdended down by all that gear! How can he move around? Will he grab a SAW and just stand there? I DO find it amusing how people thought he was a cobra!
And what, no love for Kamakura that's coming???
08-17-2009, 09:31 PM
:eek: :eek: MUST HAVE THIS BH. (drools)
08-18-2009, 08:26 AM
One thing I don't understand about the new figures is that since they fixed the crotches on the 25A figures, Hasbro has been hanging pockets, "skirts", vests and whatnot over the hip joints so a lot of figures still can't sit properly. Doesn't anybody test these things before they go into production? :rolleyes:
That's still a deadly looking Beach Head though.
08-18-2009, 10:28 AM
Beachhead looks okay, his head is too relaxed looking though.
Beast from the east
08-18-2009, 11:13 AM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]One thing I don't understand about the new figures is that since they fixed the crotches on the 25A figures, Hasbro has been hanging pockets, "skirts", vests and whatnot over the hip joints so a lot of figures still can't sit properly. Doesn't anybody test these things before they go into production? :rolleyes:
That's still a deadly looking Beach Head though.[/QUOTE]
Thats the problem with Winter Snake Eyes and Frostbite(Ice dagger) the jacket limits their hip to seat properly.
08-19-2009, 04:54 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]One thing I don't understand about the new figures is that since they fixed the crotches on the 25A figures, Hasbro has been hanging pockets, "skirts", vests and whatnot over the hip joints so a lot of figures still can't sit properly. Doesn't anybody test these things before they go into production? :rolleyes:
That's still a deadly looking Beach Head though.[/QUOTE]
It has to do with the goal of the figure. The goal of the figure sometimes is to capture a movie scene or element, it doesn't have to always do with articulation and poseability. Long time Star Wars collectors have dealt with this trade off since about 2000.
08-19-2009, 07:02 PM
[QUOTE=pbarny1701]It has to do with the goal of the figure. The goal of the figure sometimes is to capture a movie scene or element, it doesn't have to always do with articulation and poseability. Long time Star Wars collectors have dealt with this trade off since about 2000.[/QUOTE]
That is true, but the point of a vehicle driver is to (drum roll please) sit down and drive a vehicle. Joe has always been much more articulated than SW anyway. I do like the added details and accessories and whatnot, but sometimes the skirts are pretty annoying.
08-19-2009, 07:23 PM
Concerning the skirts and stuff, I really don't mind as long as the plastic is flexible enough not to interfere too much, or is removeable.
08-28-2009, 04:10 PM
i just seen the film a loved it i agree it s the best the to happen to gi joe in a while
this what i said over at hiss tank
I just got back from the film. It was an absolutely awesome I didn't pick up any on plot holes, which i usually do in films past. I like the back story and history they gave be between the Baroness, Rex, Duke and Ripcord which i wasn't sure about before the film, but it work very well for this story and set up for some serious conflicted betrayal in the second film
One thing that surprised me is how much I like the character Ripcord. He had his funny moments but he wasn't over the top and very likeable and respectable as character
I didn't feel there was some stuff left out between Storm-Shadow's and Snake-eye's back story that may have been to do editing. I felt there was suppose to be a little more maybe we'll see that in second film.
I not sure if Cover Girl is dead or not simply because the doctor that was treating Hawk said to Duke "they're in critical condition", however they didn't show who the other person the doctor was speaking of.
I see why this film is doing good at the box office.
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