08-16-2009, 08:17 PM
Howdy all!
Was just browsing the Joe Con images around the net today, looking for closeups and detail shots. Some ideas popped into my brain and I thought it'll be nice to share and do a brainstorming session with everyone here.
I am version 1 HISS fan. If the stores still sold HISS tanks, I would be buying them still. Eventhough the classic HISS is tall, certainly making it an easy target, something about the shape just pleased me. I like looking at it, they looked imposing, and I wouldn't mind having a real one parked outside my house ;-)
The ROC family of HISS tanks have a flare all their own that kinda follows the overall shape of the classic HISS, and yet doesn't. There are currently two photos of ROC HISS tanks--HISS Scout and HISS Sentry. The HISS Scout resembles a light utility vehicle, much like a jeep or something in the early days before a jeep became a jeep. I remember seeing spotty, black-n-white documentaries of the US Army back in the late 30's or early 40's trying out jeep prototypes. Some were pretty much like a powerful go-cart--extremely low to the ground, open, un-armored. The HISS Scout reminds me of such a vehicle. The driver is exposed, as well as much of the mechanism. It looks to be a light, fast, all terrain vehicle that could be used for multiple roles.
I don't care much for the HISS Scout, might as well just use a Ferret, or even a Stinger. But there are some possibilities for the scout.. Has anyone seen the yellow HISS that's being used in the Habro dio scene as a construction vehicle? That's kinda what I would expect from this sort of HISS Scout.. a utility vehicle that could be used as a construction vehicle, logistic transport (hauling some cargo unit), or other. It would be nice to come up with some sort of frame that can be attached to the Scout that would enable the Scout to be used as a basic vehicle template.
For example, the Arctic HISS, it has that black frame piece where the canvas and cargo bin/frame attaches to? Extra armor plating can be made and attached to it too. That's something I want to do with my arctic hiss as soon as I get to a good hobby store that sells sheets of plastic.
The HISS Sentry, I guess this is the classic HISS tank replacement. From what I've seen it looks to be a one person operated vehicle where the two guns are remotely operated by the driver. The whole thing looks like it could be automated, though, like a BAT on tracks. It's a very futuristic looking design, and already the shape is growing on me. That is probably how I'll use them in my Joeverse--unless they come with a driver, of course.
So I'm curious as to you're opinion on the new HISS designs. How will they fit into your existing Joeverse? Do they look like they are more heavy duty tanks than the classic HISS? Supporting role to the classic HISS, or lead role? Tanks with AI (cobra version of a terminator t-1?)
Was just browsing the Joe Con images around the net today, looking for closeups and detail shots. Some ideas popped into my brain and I thought it'll be nice to share and do a brainstorming session with everyone here.
I am version 1 HISS fan. If the stores still sold HISS tanks, I would be buying them still. Eventhough the classic HISS is tall, certainly making it an easy target, something about the shape just pleased me. I like looking at it, they looked imposing, and I wouldn't mind having a real one parked outside my house ;-)
The ROC family of HISS tanks have a flare all their own that kinda follows the overall shape of the classic HISS, and yet doesn't. There are currently two photos of ROC HISS tanks--HISS Scout and HISS Sentry. The HISS Scout resembles a light utility vehicle, much like a jeep or something in the early days before a jeep became a jeep. I remember seeing spotty, black-n-white documentaries of the US Army back in the late 30's or early 40's trying out jeep prototypes. Some were pretty much like a powerful go-cart--extremely low to the ground, open, un-armored. The HISS Scout reminds me of such a vehicle. The driver is exposed, as well as much of the mechanism. It looks to be a light, fast, all terrain vehicle that could be used for multiple roles.
I don't care much for the HISS Scout, might as well just use a Ferret, or even a Stinger. But there are some possibilities for the scout.. Has anyone seen the yellow HISS that's being used in the Habro dio scene as a construction vehicle? That's kinda what I would expect from this sort of HISS Scout.. a utility vehicle that could be used as a construction vehicle, logistic transport (hauling some cargo unit), or other. It would be nice to come up with some sort of frame that can be attached to the Scout that would enable the Scout to be used as a basic vehicle template.
For example, the Arctic HISS, it has that black frame piece where the canvas and cargo bin/frame attaches to? Extra armor plating can be made and attached to it too. That's something I want to do with my arctic hiss as soon as I get to a good hobby store that sells sheets of plastic.
The HISS Sentry, I guess this is the classic HISS tank replacement. From what I've seen it looks to be a one person operated vehicle where the two guns are remotely operated by the driver. The whole thing looks like it could be automated, though, like a BAT on tracks. It's a very futuristic looking design, and already the shape is growing on me. That is probably how I'll use them in my Joeverse--unless they come with a driver, of course.
So I'm curious as to you're opinion on the new HISS designs. How will they fit into your existing Joeverse? Do they look like they are more heavy duty tanks than the classic HISS? Supporting role to the classic HISS, or lead role? Tanks with AI (cobra version of a terminator t-1?)