View Full Version : Dio annoyance

08-19-2009, 07:13 PM
So i've been working on chapter6 of DoomsDay Machine. I was hoping to start wrapping things up after this chapter but it's not going to work. Chapter6 has been shot and I start the long process of getting the story across as well as fotoshopping. I had planned a huge gunfight (again) in this chapter but I ran into a place that would end the chapter very cleanly and neatly.

Therefore, chapter7 will contain a huge gun fight. Chapter6 will be a bit of a transitional chapter and like all the chapters, it'll feel short (again).

When you guys get around to reading it, you'll probably understand why I cut it off where I did. Don't worry, the dio is still going forward. It's just going to be longer than I want.

No teasers at this time. But shoot, there is some o-ring love! :D

Urban Saboteur
08-20-2009, 04:08 AM
Thanks for the update,
regarding the dio going longer than you wanted, i know this can happen. particularly when parts before it are relatively short and you enjoy shooting the action scenes.

This was the case in my recent Outrider tribute, where I had a good idea of the action scene at the end, how he was going to scout the building and break in, deal with the terrorists etc, but the two or three parts leading up to this were literally just the setup chapters slotting it all into place.

I did try to make each part have the same amount of pages, which ideally would of spaced it out nicely, as it stands i sarcrificed this balance for choosing the right cut off point, ideally you always want to leave the reader craving more for the next page!

I'm on a little project myself right now, but when I'm done i plan to stop by and have a scope on your chapters :)

Agent Viper
08-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Glad ot hear is comming along nice. as of the sets in my nest chapter, they are shaping up nicely