View Full Version : Missing Mass Device Question

08-28-2009, 08:58 PM

Okay, maybe a little silly b/c I know this is a hot item, but has anyone found where to get that DVD box set with the final MASS Device part? I think Alpine is in it.

Anyway, the primary reason I'm asking is if anyone has seen it at the HTS? It's nearly time for another round of emails to the Hasbro folks and I aim at asking about this. The last time they mentioned about it, it was that it's up to the stores to put them out on the shelves, that they were shipping. Thing is, I haven't found it on the HTS, ya know.. not even Hasbro's own store has it on the shelves. If the folks who produce the darn toys don't even list it in their store, ... grr.. where's the logic in that?

08-28-2009, 10:43 PM
According to a past Q&A, Hasbro said that retailers couldn't stock the last pack until all the shelfwarming ones sold...

08-28-2009, 11:35 PM
I just saw the shelf warming DVD packs on clearance at Kmart. I saw the last pack on HTS. It went from "Coming soon" to "Out of Stock"...Like a lot of stuff on there, I never saw it actually offered. I have such a hate for that crap. You figure if ANYWHERE has it, HTS should! And it shouldn't sell out in 3 min like BLIZZCON tickets!

I think it was a ploy by Hasbro to make us buy 16 crappy figures and then take the big weenie when the distribution of that last set was non existent! I had to buy mine off Ebay and it cost almost double what retail would have been!

HTS, like Hasbro in general SUCKS!

Beast from the east
08-29-2009, 09:36 AM
I had to get Sonneil to ship it to me off ebay.the seller wouldn't ship to canada; so I had it shipped to him and then to me.
I never seen it locally here at all.

Lava Boss
08-29-2009, 10:22 AM
Build-a-things only work if it's all released at once.

And build-a-things kinda suck anyway. Take Star Wars, there's Wal-Mart exclusive 2-packs, most of which include one nearly worthless repack figure,...but you have to buy all 5 to get the parts to make Dark Trooper.

Me, as a casual fan might buy a Dark Trooper figure. But I will not hunt down Wal-Mart exclusives and pay nearly $100 to get parts to one deluxe-sized robot. Could've saved some hassle and slapped the figure in a box for $15 or whatever.

Same with the MASS device. Could've been a vehicle box set with some figures.

08-29-2009, 10:42 AM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]Build-a-things only work if it's all released at once.
Same with the MASS device. Could've been a vehicle box set with some figures.[/QUOTE]
Don't give them any ideas :D

08-29-2009, 11:14 AM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss] Take Star Wars, there's Wal-Mart exclusive 2-packs, most of which include one nearly worthless repack figure,...but you have to buy all 5 to get the parts to make Dark Trooper.

Funny you should mention that! I saw a group of these on clearance at Walmart last night and they had at least 3 complete sets of all 5! I was stunned!!

08-29-2009, 11:40 AM
I never seen the last pack. Frank sent me Alpine and that's that. Honestly, I really don't even care about the last piece now. I rather like what I have now for the funky cannon thang! :D

Ebay's about the only route these days, right?

08-29-2009, 12:32 PM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]And build-a-things kinda suck anyway ... Same with the MASS device. Could've been a vehicle box set with some figures.[/QUOTE]I dunno -- My Marvel Legends Galactus, Sentinel, and Apocalypse beg to differ with you.

I actually <i>love</i> that they made the M.A.S.S. Device (and Weather Dominator)! I thought it was one of the most inspired ideas in the entire 25th line! Plus, I really like most of the repaints from these sets -- Stalker, Roadblock, Destro, Major Bludd, P.O.D. Snake-Eyes, chrome Cobra Commander, and Duke (after a head-swap) have all become my primary, default versions of the characters!

To answer the original question -- yes, they were on HTS, for like ten minutes one day. I have the shipping invoice to prove it. I just got lucky and saw a heads-up about them being available on another forum. I ordered immediately, as the second wave of DVD packs had been hard enough to find in my area. Other than the one that I own from HTS, I have never, ever seen another.

08-29-2009, 02:37 PM
The Best of 80's dvd ( Alpine set ) has been poping up at marshells. I was able to find one there my self.

08-29-2009, 02:56 PM
I really want alpine but I haven't seen any. I dont buy stuu from eBay or online in general so I'm also kind of pissed about this pack. I don't have marshalls locally so I guess I'm screwed. Unless somebody out there has one to sell to me

08-29-2009, 06:05 PM
I saw it in jan this year, grabbed it then and never seen it since, glad I did now too as it appears to have been shorted nation wise.

As for hasbro saying this and that, I never trust that company to deliver the truth. I mean anyone think they will ever admit "Oops we screwed up." even when its obvious.

In this case, they didn't ship these in a ratio that made sence and the first 4 warmed the pegs thus no demand (at the retail level) for the last set, the stores only know there are 5 sets and not what is in them, thus they don't react when all this comes down, the result is a mass of #5 that never made it to regular retail (and is showing up in stores like marshelles< I bet TJ Maxx is next as well).

Lava Boss
08-29-2009, 08:15 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]I dunno -- My Marvel Legends Galactus, Sentinel, and Apocalypse beg to differ with you.


Yeah, but weren't those were made from parts of waves of figures that were all released at the same time, like Star Wars' single carded build-a-droid (Not being a Star Wars completist, i've never complete any of those droids...mine are frankensteins).

That's why MASS device failed...you had to wait months...and some people are still waiting. It was a cool idea in theory, but a botched execution.

Scuba Steve
08-30-2009, 06:02 AM
I bought mine for about 35 bucks from a guy on Pisstank, and I haven't come to regret it yet because I have never seen one at retail to this day!

08-30-2009, 10:38 AM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]Yeah, but weren't those were made from parts of waves of figures that were all released at the same time, like Star Wars' single carded build-a-droid (Not being a Star Wars completist, i've never complete any of those droids...mine are frankensteins).

That's why MASS device failed...you had to wait months...and some people are still waiting. It was a cool idea in theory, but a botched execution.[/QUOTE]All right, I'll give you that point. Though as I recall, there was barely any wait between sets 3 & 4 and set 5 (for those that got it). But it's true that there was a few months' wait between sets 1 & 2 and 3 & 4.

08-30-2009, 11:43 AM
[QUOTE=Scuba Steve]I bought mine for about 35 bucks from a guy on Pisstank, and I haven't come to regret it yet because I have never seen one at retail to this day![/QUOTE]

Same here. Bought one complete plus the tv camera from ebay....

08-31-2009, 02:45 PM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]I really want alpine but I haven't seen any. I dont buy stuu from eBay or online in general so I'm also kind of pissed about this pack. I don't have marshalls locally so I guess I'm screwed. Unless somebody out there has one to sell to me[/QUOTE]

I've also heard that some are showing up a Ross

08-31-2009, 05:02 PM
I found that pack way back in December at Wal-Mart of all places. It suffered from case assortments (more of the first two), and than being short packed.

09-01-2009, 08:14 PM
I have never seen #5 at retail here either. Not even in Marshalls or TJ Maxx.
I had to get a whole case from BBTS just to get it.
Your best bet is just to try TJ Maxx, AJ Wright, or Marshalls. Or if you have a Tuesday Morning store I heard they had some too. These are all closeout stores so none of the regular stores will have any left.
Build a piece items only work well when every piece is available.
Then again all I want from the B-A-D Star Wars figures is the HK-47 droid! :mad: