View Full Version : International Joe Questions
09-02-2009, 09:29 AM
Hey, gang. I'm working on a top-secret project, and I'm trying to figure a couple of things out. I'm creating an international special forces team, for a purpose to be revealed later, and I'm wondering:
1. Was Quarrel ever given a file name anywhere? As far as I understand, she did not have a filecard, but I'm wondering if one ever turned up anyplace else.
2. I'm probably going to include Glenda in this group as well (using Pilot Scarlett to represent her, of course). However, I think, since the figure was released in Argentina, I'll have her actually be an Argentinian character. So, rather than using her decidedly non-Argentinian-sounding file name (Jane Mullighan), I want to call her something else. Does anyone have any ideas?
I think if I come up with another name for Glenda, and if Quarrel doesn't have a file name already listed anywhere, I might just call Quarrel Jane Mullighan, since that could easily be a British name.
1) Quarrel did come with a dossier. It was on the instructions/blueprints, and reused for the Datafiles:
She's not British, she's Swiss. Even though Action Force was primarily a British-produced thing, it wasn't composed exclusively of Brits, fiction-wise.
2) Well, Fun Publications made her Argentinian in spite of her American-sounding name, like they did with the rest of the Argentina-exclusive Joes. I don't understand why just because Argentina produced a few of its own characters it HAS to suggest the characters themselves are Argentinian... They were all written as being as every bit American as the regular Joes.
09-02-2009, 10:10 AM
Thanks, Jay! For some reason I always forget that Blood for the Baron is my one-stop Action Force info source! I had no idea Quarrel was Swiss... All this time I just assumed she was British. Well, I guess you learn something every day.
Regarding Glenda, I don't think she has to be Argentinian. But as I said, I was thinking about an international team, so I figured why not just make the country of the figure's origin be the country of the character's origin? However, most of the group is shaping up to be from the U.S. and Europe, so maybe I'll do away with the Argentinian background for her after all. I might still have her be British, however, now that I know Quarrel isn't.
Basically, this is a way to work Rise of Cobra figures into my established G.I. Joe/Transformers storyline, without having most of them represent the Joes they were in the movie. I think I came up with a pretty good idea, but we'll see how it works out...
09-02-2009, 10:16 AM
...I want to call her something else. Does anyone have any ideas? [/QUOTE]
Claudia Villafañe. Maradona's wife.
Dora Noemí Kerchen. Dorismar (
Here are more Argentinian female models...
09-02-2009, 10:04 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Thanks, Jay! For some reason I always forget that Blood for the Baron is my one-stop Action Force info source! I had no idea Quarrel was Swiss... All this time I just assumed she was British. Well, I guess you learn something every day.
Regarding Glenda, I don't think she has to be Argentinian. But as I said, I was thinking about an international team, so I figured why not just make the country of the figure's origin be the country of the character's origin? However, most of the group is shaping up to be from the U.S. and Europe, so maybe I'll do away with the Argentinian background for her after all. I might still have her be British, however, now that I know Quarrel isn't.
Well do check out that model list. She can keep her name and be Argentinian. ;)
I'm re-working most of the Action Force that were said to be born in the U.S. to be European born. My Action Force team is the E.U. equivalent of the Joes so Quarrel remains Swiss. A lot of the other members are from European countries too. :)
09-03-2009, 09:16 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]2) Well, Fun Publications made her Argentinian in spite of her American-sounding name, like they did with the rest of the Argentina-exclusive Joes. I don't understand why just because Argentina produced a few of its own characters it HAS to suggest the characters themselves are Argentinian... They were all written as being as every bit American as the regular Joes.[/QUOTE]
Jay, think about it. Every country wants they children getting an indentification with their roots, not USA roots. So Brazil and Argentina made the Joes as we call here, be brazilians or argentinians. In Brazil at '84 we had not G. I. Joes, we had Comandos em Ação (Action Commandos). They were supposed to be a Brazilian force. It is all related, many spoke about a world "americanization" (take Rammstein - Amerika song as a reference) So Brazil wanted to get they childrens getting an identification with our military forces.
09-03-2009, 10:52 AM
Thanks, Rambo! I'll check those out, although at this point, as I said, pretty much every member of this group is shaping up to be from the U.S. and Europe, so it may just become a joint United States-European Union operation.
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