View Full Version : DVD release dates

10-14-2009, 09:52 PM
DVD releases in case anyone is interested in some of the summer movies that were released.
This is just FYI and ACCORDING to amazon.com

Hurt Locker - Supposedly out now. haven't noticed it out there. Supposedly released 09.22.09.

Star Trek - 11.17.09

Transformers : Rise of the Fallen - 10.20.09

GI Joe : Rise Of Cobra - 11.03.09

Angels & Demons - 11.24.09

Night At The Museum (2) - 12.01.09

Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince - 12.08.09

Taking of Phlegm90210 - 11.24.09

Land of the Lost - 10.16.09 (a friday release? wtf???)