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View Full Version : Caption This Photo ~ R&R

The Faceless Master
11-26-2006, 11:07 PM
Rules & Regulations :

1> Only one CTP shot a day is allowed
Lets say Outrider already posted a CTP, nobody else would not be
allowed to post a CTP as well until the next day
You can call dibs for the next day ~ just reply to this thread,
but its pretty much up for grabs no need for a list like Target Range

2> Poster won't post
Just like Swiper will be told No Swiping
the poster of the photo can not caption his own photo
The poster can respond to comments & questions, but cant caption

3> Captions ~ serious or humurous?
All is up to you as you see fit :)
Just make sure you entitle your photo "Caption This Photo #"

4> Play nice
No criticizing the photo
No criticizing the captions

I cant think of any more for the moment, so I'll just modify this as we go on...
Let the fun begin!!!

11-27-2006, 07:33 AM
Uhmmmm, who is going first? Are you going first to kick it off???


The Faceless Master
11-27-2006, 07:21 PM
i unfortunately dont have my digicam now
its with my exwife :(

so anybody have a good looking shot that
could be worth a thousand captions, post em up!! :D

The Faceless Master
11-28-2006, 07:32 PM
added more info to rule #2

Poster can't put captions
but is allowed to respond to questions or comments...

11-29-2006, 04:41 AM
Invariably, you'll have people posting caption pics at the same time, unless you require people to call the next day (it might be a good idea to go for once a week instead, or you'll end up with pics that have zero or one captions when traffic is slow).

The Faceless Master
01-29-2007, 08:28 PM
there hasn't been a CAPTION THIS PHOTO in a while :(

01-30-2007, 10:33 AM
I think we forget about it or something. Engage?