View Full Version : Hasbro Q&A Round something or other...

11-27-2009, 11:39 AM
Here you go...

1. Hasbro, I can not wait to buy more Joes! But it's not enough to just buy figures and vehicles, they need props. Troops need chairs to sit, and Cobra needs tables to layout plans for world domination, and both sides need computer screens and other hardware.
At the San Diego Comic Convention 2009 (SDCC '09), Hasbro had done an impressive diorama display. There were a lot of props. Some looked scratch made, but others looked like they came from a toy-line of their own (specifically the diorama of the Joes in their headquarters). The Star Wars line has some excellent props, and there have been a few props with the ROC series of figures--specifically the Breaker and Covergirl laptops--and not to mention the various briefcases to carry nanomites. But it would really enhance playability, especially from a diorama standpoint, to have other kinds of props as well.
Are there plans for such things as props to be included with figures and/or vehicles? If not, to whom should we contact to help encourage for items like these? This might appear to be a small question, but for diorama enthusiasts, like those of JoeDios and other sites, even these things add tremendous value to playability.

Dear Hasbro: In the 27 years of the line, why has there never been a Cobra Commander or Serpentor sold with a Cobra-esque throne? Given the sheer amount of people using the throne from the mid-90s Flash Gordon toyline as a Cobra throne, it seems like a money in the bank concept.

(I figure these both fall under WE WANT DIO PROPS!!!)

We are glad you liked the Dioramas! Whenever we look at the accessories a
character comes with we need to link it to the fantasy and play value of
that character. The accessories have to make sense in the context of the
story line and the characters mission or behavior. This is done on a case
by case basis. For example it made sense for Breaker to have the laptop as
this is something that relates well to his character. We will look to try
and include more prop like items if possible.

2. with the ROC line in swing is there plans to release some of the other figures from the Original series(ambush ,LowLight,Crazy legs,FastDraw,SneakPeek and lightfoot and co)

Yes, now that you mention it Crazy Legs and a handful of other classic
characters are planned for 2010. Stay tuned!

3. Why is Ireland and england and europe facing a lack of joes for the POC line.
Rumors are that the line won't make it here
Most retailers in international markets are responsible for choosing the
items that are stocked in store. We would like to see POC items on shelf
in all major international markets.

11-27-2009, 01:36 PM
Those were all pretty straightforward and positive answers for the Hasbro Q&As! Not so much of the marketing magic 8-ball-speak "don't hold your breath" type responses!

As someone living outside the US, I wish I didn't already know that if the demand were great enough then there WOULD be Joes on the shelves here -- they've tried every so often since the '02 relaunch but it's just never stuck. I don't get it, what do Power Rangers, wrestling and Ben 10 have that Joes don't?
Hmm... Actually, a regular spot on TV reinforcing interest in the franchise...

11-27-2009, 05:42 PM
For the most part, I am pleased with the response for question 1. My portion of it was also to help encorage the use of props. I wish, though, Hasbro could skip including spring loaded missiles (would probably cut a bit of the cost down too, as that is another demand of plastic, design, and packaging.) Instead, that plastic, design, and packaging space could be used for useful props--folding chair, coffee cup, map, fuel cans, ammo boxes, lockers, etc.

So, I feel okay about the response. I somewhat anticipated Hasbro's answer, and was hopeful there would be some more encouraging words, but at least now they know there is definate interest in props, and that there are diorama enthusiasts out there in the market interested in those things.

11-27-2009, 11:53 PM
Those desk chairs would be sooo nice. Computer stations, how bout some lab/science stuff, medical equip, more ammo and rifle, missile crates, i can keep going... I dont mind so much building these props, it just takes soo much time and money that i would rather spend on stuff produced professionally. I did make a spinal back board complete with straps, head immobilization blocks, an o2 tank with regulator and a medic bag. I think I sent a set to Cory (Fireflyed)Or was it Ender...I dont remember. I still have yet to see them in action....HINT HINT..I wish some of us could go into the business of producing these items for folks like us who can appreciate the need for such things. I applaud you Graham for hopefully making something click finally in the heads of folks there!! If they only knew how much more business they could bring in by producing props that WE, the ones who are keeping thier income steady have been requesting for how long? Supply and Demand Hasbro.. Look into it.. We demand it, so please please start supplying it!!

Lava Boss
11-28-2009, 09:53 AM
Crazylegs of all people. That's interesting.

11-28-2009, 04:48 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Those desk chairs would be sooo nice. Computer stations, how bout some lab/science stuff, medical equip, more ammo and rifle, missile crates, i can keep going... [/QUOTE]

It's a Business First...
I feel Hasbro is not utilizing all of their capability to maximize profit. Let's get one thing out in the open.. Hasbro is a business. I'm sure they like when a child is happy playing with one of their products, I'm sure people in the company feel good when they design something cool and then see that some kid's face lights up with joy. I would feel good. But Hasbro is a business, and they need profits.

Buying Potential:
With that said, Hasbro could increase buying potential by including props. Just for example, lab/science stuff can promote folks who have already bought a Doctor Lewis to buy another figure with a flask or burner. The new Arctic Doc, to me he looks terrible, but I'll buy one b/c I collect. I feel he'll be a peg warmer, though. However, if Doc also had some chairs, or a coffee mug, or came with other props that support other ROC figures, I might have to buy another Doc just to get more of the props.

What Hasbro Does:
Hasbro somewhat does this with SW, with the Build-a-Droid. But props has better potential than Build-a-Droid b/c you don't have to collect all 5 figures to make one thing. You can buy 100 Docs to get 100 of those coffee mugs, and all your Joes can be supplied. Ya know... there's major potential to encourage multiple buying.

That's the thing I am amazed Hasbro is not doing... enabling multiple buying. That could cut down on the number of peg warmers.. b/c one figure has value for other figures via generic props.

Generic Props:
One last point: generic props. Props that can be used by other figures. Breaker and Covergirl laptops can be used by other figures, but Hasbro's response applies to props appropriate for the figure being packaged: i.e. you won't see Clutch with a laptop, or Breaker with a wrench. But aren't there other figures that could benefit from a wrench? Or other figures that could benefit from ammo boxes? Or field rations? Or maps? How about sea charts for Cutter or Shipwreck?

Next Q&A:
Anyway, I will try to hone in on these points for the next Q&A. Maybe from a business perspective/POV Hasbro might be more inclined to hear. All of Hasbro's answers are focused on business responses.. thus ppl say "the same old marketing spin" when discussing their responses. So how about focusing the questions with how such props could increase potential profits.

Business Folks:
If anyone here has business savvy, maybe we can all pitch in and come up with some angle of attack for the next Q&A.

11-28-2009, 05:21 PM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]... maybe we can all pitch in and come up with some angle of attack for the next Q&A.[/QUOTE]

IMO Marauder's is more likely to produce props or a set of props than Hasbro. As you say, it is a business, show Hasbro a good ($$$) business plan and they will think about making props.