View Full Version : AVATAR.....thoughts?

12-19-2009, 02:09 PM
I just went to see Avatar. Loved the special effects, but the plot was so predictable Stevie wonder could have seen where it was going. (Can you say "Live Action ***Ferngully, the last Rainforest***"?) And what is James Camerons hard-on with Marines? After watching this, I think he slept with an Ex-Girlfriend of Michael Moore or Al Gore for his insipiration! Oy Vay!

But the Special Effects and the acting was AWESOME! Plot was predictable, but the Actors ALMOST made me forget about it!

12-19-2009, 04:52 PM
I haven't seen Avatar yet Frank, but I know what you mean about James Cameron's predictable plots. When I saw Titanic, I just knew that ship was going to sink! :D :p

12-21-2009, 02:51 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]When I saw Titanic, I just knew that ship was going to sink! :D :p[/QUOTE]
What the hell?? Dont spoil the movie man! :mad:


12-21-2009, 06:29 AM
Haven't seen the movie yet. But I have been buying the little blue savages. They look great for a off-world adventure like Stargate or something. And they look great near Cobra blue.

12-21-2009, 08:01 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]I haven't seen Avatar yet Frank, but I know what you mean about James Cameron's predictable plots. When I saw Titanic, I just knew that ship was going to sink! :D :p[/QUOTE]

12-21-2009, 08:33 AM
I might see it. I'm really not at all into the Second Life style furries as heroes and the Marines as villians (or so the commercials have me believing; I don't know anything about the story, really). But I really like 3D movies. Did you see it in 3D, ender? Anything too sexy for kids?

12-21-2009, 09:27 AM
The critics said it was a great movie up until the end part where Cameron was trying to send a message. But hey, The Abyss did the same thing but all the critics seem to have forgotten about that. If you really think about it, ALL of Cameron's movies have a message in it. It's just whether we the viewers can recognize it.
[size=2]Can't find it in Titanic? Well, that's what they get for building a ship so big!

Also, we ALL know that the people didn't actually die in the Titanic. When the ship flipped over and sank, an underwater air pocket formed which allowed these people to mutate. They've been living in their own Atlantis for many years and want nothing to do with the humanoids of today. (Yes, the later turned into the aliens in The Abyss) [/size]

[size=2]Sorry if I spoiled anyone on that.


12-21-2009, 10:01 AM
I saw the Sigourney Weaver 3 3/4" figure at Walmart yesterday, and was going to buy it... untill I realized it was $9!

12-21-2009, 11:28 AM
Saw it today and enjoyed it. Visually it's absolutely stunning, and while there's some very interesting sci-fi concepts I agree that the overall plot is very unoriginal. Basically Last of the Mohicans/Dances With Wolves/Last Samurai in space. The friend I saw it with argued that it's a "classic" story and it works, so it's OK to retell it in a new way, but I'd have liked a bit more originality beyond the setting.

All that said, I'd like to see it again, in 3-D again, at an Imax cinema if possible this time!

12-21-2009, 08:48 PM
Well, perhaps it IS a CLASSIC story of so-and-so vs the savages or hi-tech cilivization vs 'romantic' way of life.

12-22-2009, 10:15 PM
I NEVER go on the offensive against anything, but don't waste your time on this steaming pile. No 3D movie should be 3 fraking hours long, its going to take me a month to get my eyes uncrossed and back in focus!! Pandora looks like Rainbowbright Land and the savages are 12 foot tall Smurfs! The story SUX, the Amazonian Smurfs whipped up on Gunships and Armored Mechs like Aliens chewing up Colonial Marines (see a trend here!) Oh, and they did it with flying Dinosaurs and bows & arrows. I am glad I waited till $5 movie night because $12.50 would have set me off!

12-23-2009, 09:21 AM
I saw it last night I thought it was a cool movie to see in 3D. I too didnt get how the former Marines / now mercenaries could lose to the aliens, but whatever we all knew it was going ot happen. The Space ships and weapons the Marines used were worth seeing in my opinion.

12-23-2009, 11:27 AM
The Gunships & Mechs were awesome, too bad the flying dinosaurs and bows & arrows took them out though.

12-23-2009, 12:12 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]The Gunships & Mechs were awesome, too bad the flying dinosaurs and bows & arrows took them out though.[/QUOTE]
Oh, I've gotta see it now!

neapolitan joe
12-23-2009, 12:32 PM
Space Marines...Aliens...Jurassic Park...Smurfs...Al Gore...the Nobel prize...Greenpeace...Sigourney Weaver...Gunships...Mechs...Titanic...The Abyss...Michael Biehn...Terminator... :confused:

12-23-2009, 12:38 PM
...oh and don't forget 12 foot smurfette!

neapolitan joe
12-23-2009, 12:48 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]...oh and don't forget 12 foot smurfette![/QUOTE]

Sexy girl... ;)

12-23-2009, 02:10 PM
C'mon guys. Don't forget the fact that the Ewoks beat down the Empire. It is always about 'the savages' winning over the tech dudes (well, maybe not so much in Last Samurai, but you get the idea).

Black Knight
12-23-2009, 02:16 PM
In my opinion it was a good movie and I'd love to see it again. My only comment is that my first thought was World of Warcraft... tall blue people with pointy ears living in a giant tree near floating rocks. My second thought was Furngully.

12-23-2009, 02:20 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]C'mon guys. Don't forget the fact that the Ewoks beat down the Empire. It is always about 'the savages' winning over the tech dudes (well, maybe not so much in Last Samurai, but you get the idea).[/QUOTE]
The Ewoks also had help from the Rebel Alliance Commandos, Han Solo & Chewbacca.
[QUOTE=Black Knight]my first thought was World of Warcraft... tall blue people with pointy ears living in a giant tree near floating rocks. My second thought was Furngully.[/QUOTE]
My first thought was Rainbow Bright. My second thought was the Smurfs.

12-23-2009, 06:31 PM
But it's not like the Rebel Alliance did THAT much! The Ewoks made the chicken walkers trip, they smashed their heads and even whomped some heads so they can play Storm Trooper bongos!

12-23-2009, 08:41 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]C'mon guys. Don't forget the fact that the Ewoks beat down the Empire.[/QUOTE]

Another farce. Primitive, fuzzy little teddy bears defeating professional, highly trained, well armed and armoured troops? The only thing the Ewoks really killed was Star Wars for me!

12-23-2009, 09:35 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Another farce. Primitive, fuzzy little teddy bears defeating professional, highly trained, well armed and armoured troops? The only thing the Ewoks really killed was Star Wars for me![/QUOTE]

they and Jar Jar bins... :confused:

12-23-2009, 09:58 PM
I can't watch Ep6 cuz of those teddy bears.

12-23-2009, 11:29 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Another farce. Primitive, fuzzy little teddy bears defeating professional, highly trained, well armed and armoured troops? The only thing the Ewoks really killed was Star Wars for me![/QUOTE]

I can't agree more. When I see ewoks, to this day, i want to take them outside and smash 'em.

As for the Avatar movie, I think I'll wait for the DVD. I won't spend theater money on this. All this sounds like the ewoks all over again.

12-26-2009, 07:34 PM
Don't get to the movies much, but this week my niece stayed with us for a few days and wanted to see a movie. I've been wanting to see Avatar and thought I could take her to it. She was having none of it though and we saw The Chipmunks.

12-26-2009, 08:09 PM
This might be very unpopular here, seeing as this is what I would consider a very pro-America forum (mainly because of the brand in itself), but low-tech beating a superior force isn't really something new in real life. Vietnam and Afghanistan are two prime examples, and as I've understood it, this was sort of James Cameron way of pointing out what happens when military get privatized e.g. PMC companies ala Blackwater. Of course its a mix mash of dances with wolves as well - a tad Stockholm syndrome, but I think you guys can see my point.

No offense meant by pointing out Vietnam and Afghanistan, but they are basically what inspired Cameron.

12-26-2009, 10:47 PM
BUT it's teddy bears beating guys who could, in theory, just nuke them ALL!!! lol I know, we USAians think that better firepower and technology can beat the guy. But even Frank might understand it's about tactic and strategy in the end. Since the US has never had a proper war on it's on soil, the US really don't know how to use the land for the advantage. Consider that that if we did, surely we'd shoot dinosaurs with satellites! :p

and Okto, how was that chipmunks movie?

12-27-2009, 04:36 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]BUT it's teddy bears beating guys who could, in theory, just nuke them ALL!!! lol I know, we USAians think that better firepower and technology can beat the guy. But even Frank might understand it's about tactic and strategy in the end. Since the US has never had a proper war on it's on soil, the US really don't know how to use the land for the advantage. Consider that that if we did, surely we'd shoot dinosaurs with satellites! :p

and Okto, how was that chipmunks movie?[/QUOTE]

Never underestimate teddy bears:

ehem... Back to topic please *whistles innocently*

12-27-2009, 02:58 PM
Well it was the Chipmunks, lol. I never saw the first movie, but she enjoyed it and I was glad I could take her to see it and do it as a treat for her. I'll get around to seeing Avatar in the next couple of weeks. I'm wanting to see Sherlock Holmes too.

12-29-2009, 05:12 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel]This might be very unpopular here, seeing as this is what I would consider a very pro-America forum (mainly because of the brand in itself), but low-tech beating a superior force isn't really something new in real life. Vietnam and Afghanistan are two prime examples, and as I've understood it, this was sort of James Cameron way of pointing out what happens when military get privatized e.g. PMC companies ala Blackwater. Of course its a mix mash of dances with wolves as well - a tad Stockholm syndrome, but I think you guys can see my point.

No offense meant by pointing out Vietnam and Afghanistan, but they are basically what inspired Cameron.[/QUOTE]

Dont forget the Finns beating the Soviets during WWII... it can be done.
Altough the Polish vs. German in the same conflict ended up in a disaster for the Polish...

But anyway, like Sonneilon pointed out... using ones environment is a crucial factor when fighting battles like that... Vietnamise did it too (jungle) and Finns (cold winter).

Also what Sonneilon pointed out about fighting a war in your own soil. It kinda tends to motivate those whos homes are atacked to try harder now doesnt it.

12-29-2009, 12:44 PM
There is no doubt the underdog wins alot, from David & Goliath to The Turtle & the Hare, It's a classic story that happens often in real life. That's all besides the point that this movie sucks! Between the flying fairies & dragons and Disney cartoon colors - I had to go home real quick and watch the last Rambo movie again on DVD to make sure my manhood was still intact!

12-29-2009, 01:01 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]There is no doubt the underdog wins alot, from David & Goliath to The Turtle & the Hare, It's a classic story that happens often in real life. That's all besides the point that this movie sucks! Between the flying fairies & dragons and Disney cartoon colors - I had to go home real quick and watch the last Rambo movie again on DVD to make sure my manhood was still intact![/QUOTE]

It's to bad you didn't like it. The general population seems to be of a different opinion and at least 2 more are planned and coming.

12-29-2009, 01:10 PM
I can't honestly see what a grown man would like about this film. Please explain to me the attraction. I really liked the military hardware, cool looking stuff...but they got their asses handed to them by the steroid-smurfs.

12-29-2009, 01:18 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]I can't honestly see what a grown man would like about this film. Please explain to me the attraction. I really liked the military hardware, cool looking stuff...but they got their asses handed to them by the steroid-smurfs.[/QUOTE]

Well maybe because you project the name smurfs onto the characters that makes them less real to you.
The story is quite solid, the action, pacing and acting is all great, you have guns, you have epic battles in air and land - what's not to like?

You probably don't like fantasy to much, but prefer sci-fi right? since this boarders on both you probably didn't like it.
The color pallet chosen for the characters and jungle seemed childish to you, so you can't associate with it as well as others.

It's more a story about Sully then anything else that people point out, maybe you're tired of "the chosen one" in movies - or maybe you got into the hype about it and thought you would see something new - which it really wasn't, but that doesn't make it any less well made and entertaining.
I could easily foresee everything that was happening - when they talked about the Makto I immediately realized (as everybody else I hope) that Sully would get one.

It really is just a core story that we have heard a bunch of times before, but its well written and executed, that's why people like it.

12-29-2009, 02:07 PM
Did I mention floating mountains!! One had a water fall coming out of it, where was the water coming from? Your right, that was well written. Epic Battles? Arrows hitting Gunships, at least the Ewoks used boulders and redwood trunks on the AT-STs. Who acted well? What was the deal with the USB hook up in their braids? Sully was a traitor, and he is the hero!

12-29-2009, 02:39 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]Did I mention floating mountains!! One had a water fall coming out of it, where was the water coming from? [/QUOTE]
This is easily explained in sci-fi, ground moisture produced by the insides of the mountains, the gravity field extracting moisture out of the air - rain fall - take your pick.

Your right, that was well written. [/QUOTE]

Epic Battles? Arrows hitting Gunships, at least the Ewoks used boulders and redwood trunks on the AT-STs. [/QUOTE]
You did notice some of the human avatars had machine guns, and a one human with a helicopter - not to mention that the "smurfs" were 9 feet tall with arrows that penetrated the canopy of the aircrafts.

Who acted well?[/QUOTE]
I thought all of them was fairly good, believable in their roles both complete cgi roles and the more human ones. Sully of course, but Colonel Miles Quaritch was awesome! You loved to hate him from the get go.

What was the deal with the USB hook up in their braids?
It was part of the story to get people to understand that they were literally connected to their planet/moon. Quite unique in a movie I would say, and so much easier for the script writers, but it also gives a unique perspective when using a mounted animal - they are literally one, which can be a huge asset in combat.

Sully was a traitor, and he is the hero![/QUOTE]
I don't know how much you caught of the movie plot, but Sully was a traitor to the PMC group mining on the planet yes - he was a hero of the people there and of justice. It's not much to betray if its built upon a false pretense "we are here to get the minerals, yes we want a peaceful negotiation with the locals, but if they don't see it our way we'll just kill 'em".

12-29-2009, 02:45 PM
...the mineral, what was it called? Unobtainium! Give-me-a-frakking-break!

12-29-2009, 03:05 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]...the mineral, what was it called? Unobtainium! Give-me-a-frakking-break![/QUOTE]

probably a placeholder name they used and got used to. I've heard sillier things. Neo = One for instance.

Adamant - ium.

12-29-2009, 06:10 PM
I really did not like the movie. Reminded me far too much of ewoks. If the humans really wanted to get that ore, I'm sure I--and anyone here--could think of a way.

But one thing is true, Avatar figures do present some interesting dio fodder. All I need is to buy an ewok and take some pics of them plotting a counter revolutionary plans with the Na'vi. Maybe have the Joes as the bad guys, and Cobra their arms and training suppliers.

12-30-2009, 03:49 AM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]I really did not like the movie. Reminded me far too much of ewoks. If the humans really wanted to get that ore, I'm sure I--and anyone here--could think of a way.

But one thing is true, Avatar figures do present some interesting dio fodder. All I need is to buy an ewok and take some pics of them plotting a counter revolutionary plans with the Na'vi. Maybe have the Joes as the bad guys, and Cobra their arms and training suppliers.[/QUOTE]

Lol, G.I.Joe/Star Wars/Avatar Crossover, you are the man D. :) I feel it's missing Alf somewhere :D

12-30-2009, 01:47 PM
Death, I am glad I am not the only one on the bandwagon of this movie.

The BATman
01-04-2010, 12:10 PM
I went to see it last weekend. And it wasn't worth the money. Mind you, it's an enjoyable action movie remake of Disney's Pocahontas, with hints of Gorillas in the Mist and any movie about dragon riders, and to top it off a touch of space marines. But as mentioned, the plot is wildly unoriginal and totally predictable, which largely spoils the movie. The soundtrack is horribly uninspired. And the 3D effect does not add anything substantial, making the increased price tag quite annoying (and it was already more expensive because it's a longer movie).

(Oh, and I really like the Ewoks. And I've never had a problem with an entire population of primitive savages overwhelming a technologically superior force with far fewer numbers. It has happened numerous times in human history, so why not.)