View Full Version : New O-ring figures
12-28-2009, 09:06 PM
Rather disappointing re-release ones really.
12-28-2009, 10:24 PM
I might get the Duke. Kind of like the Oring colors on the torso but the rest of the figures look pretty much like the stuff we already have.
Destro's O-ring mold has the most amount of paint apps that mold's ever gotten.
Very disappointed that neither Duke nor Storm Shadow feature their original arms. The thick Gung-Ho lower arms on teeny Duke upper arms is still as awful as ever, and he's still got the Gung-Ho waist that never works. Storm Shadow's bare upper arms painted in skintone are also awful. Snake-Eyes also still features the 86 Roadblock waist that DOES NOT WORK with the rest of the body.
Considering how the first release, Snow Job, featured his original upper arms, I am quite disappointed that none of these guys have any effort in them.
Considering the "ROC" Snow Job from the Past & Present vehicle set featured original paint apps it's very disappointing to see all the other figures completely unmodified.
12-28-2009, 10:49 PM
Wow. Those are pretty poor choices to re-release or repack or repaint or whatever. The only O ring fig that looks decent is Snake-Eyes. I have already passed on ALL of those new style figs already, why would I buy them now?
Lava Boss
12-29-2009, 07:04 AM
Chrome head Destro and Duke's smg are the highlights...which is sad, so sad.
Eel recasted and movie about that? Ice Viper and (not in the) movie Ice Viper? Even Viper* and Viper Commando? What? recast something? Like we did for Snow-Job? NO WAY! Take these 2005 releases! Troop builders? We don't want fans buying more than one of these sets!
I wish they'd put ARAH figures on single cards like the VvsV figures (and beach-Head) available last year, but they've dumped that idea for Combat Heroes. $3 for the barely poseable kiddie toys! Much cheaper to make.
*It would have that mismatched waist, thighs and legs anyway.
Seriously, those are some of the worst re-makes they could've chosen. Why not dial it all the way back to '83 for Duke and Destro? Those '90s era guys were off then, too. Otherwise, the character choices make sense: big ones in the movie.
I'm not sure who they're targeting here. Can't be adult collectors, we complain too much about mismatched arms. Besides, we'd rather have army builders anyway. You think they're trying to get the younger generation hooked on O-ring figures? Maybe there's a resurgence coming??
12-29-2009, 07:43 AM
I just want that 12 inch neo-commando !!!
12-29-2009, 09:21 AM
For Pete's sake, Hasbro -- I don't complain about anything you do -- some might even call me a Hasbro Apologist -- but please, for the love all that is good and just in this world, either FIX DUKE'S ARMS or STOP RELEASING THAT VERSION!!!! It looks ridiculous!
...Sorry. Had to get that off my chest.
On the plus side, that Duke uses comic pack Duke's head, which I will point out for the umpteenth time is based on the one issue of the comic drawn by cartoon character designer Russ Heath, and therefore it is a cartoon Duke disguised as a comic book Duke.
12-29-2009, 12:35 PM
Meh. Boring repaints of figures that already have dozens of versions, and nothing too different fron what's already out there. Come on Hasbro. A quick look at YoJoe shows around 25 versions of Destro, 35 of Storm shadow, almost 40 of Duke, and almost fifty, yes fifty, of Snake Eyes. Do you think we are that easily pleased? Why not just reduce the line to these four characters and you'll never need to have an original thought again. There's obviously enough fanboys out there to keep you in the money. Plus you want to make us pay for a cr@p 25th style figure to get an o-ring one? Simply another lazy and cynical ca$h in. :mad:
12-29-2009, 02:01 PM
Agree with the Outrider.
12-29-2009, 03:12 PM
This is a good idea but poor execution. If these weren't so sloppy looking they would be ok, since the colors are better than the original comic pack versions of them :) .
Duke- looks great, I like the colors, but the arms are terrible :mad: ! Give him arms that actually have sleeves, not flesh painted like a sleeve you idiots!
Storm Shadow - entirely pointless :confused: . The arms look bad like duke's.
Destro- Great from the waist up :cool: . The CP head looks awesome in chrome, and I like how they painted the upper body, but the legs should be just black. I might get him just to swap out the legs.
Snake Eyes - looks awesome except for that horrible roadblock waist. It doesn't fit and it NEVER will. When will Hasbro learn :( ? Other wise I think he looks good.
The characters are way overused, and those molds have been seen before, but I'm glad at least we are seeing o-rings again. I feel like Hasbro is making these look bad on purpose so they won't sell and then we won't see old school o-ring figures ever again :rolleyes: .
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]This is a good idea but poor execution. If these weren't so sloppy looking they would be ok, since the colors are better than the original comic pack versions of them :) .
Duke- looks great, I like the colors, but the arms are terrible :mad: ! Give him arms that actually have sleeves, not flesh painted like a sleeve you idiots![/quote]
Well technically, the upper arms are sleeved arms (from the original Duke, in fact!) and the lower arms are Gung-Ho's, and they're painted flesh. So there's no "flesh painted like a sleeve" anywhere on him.
Storm Shadow - entirely pointless :confused: . The arms look bad like duke's.
Yeah, he's got the bare upper arms of the Comic Pack Storm Shadow. Hasbro clearly didn't bother going back for the older sleeved arms.
Destro- Great from the waist up :cool: . The CP head looks awesome in chrome, and I like how they painted the upper body, but the legs should be just black. I might get him just to swap out the legs.
Indeed. I really love the detailed necklace and the wrist thingie.
Snake Eyes - looks awesome except for that horrible roadblock waist. It doesn't fit and it NEVER will. When will Hasbro learn :( ? Other wise I think he looks good.
If they haven't learned between 1997 and now, what makes you think they ever will? :(
12-29-2009, 04:30 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Well technically, the upper arms are sleeved arms (from the original Duke, in fact!) and the lower arms are Gung-Ho's, and they're painted flesh. So there's no "flesh painted like a sleeve" anywhere on him.
My mistake :o . It just looked that way I suppose. It still looks awkward.
12-29-2009, 06:01 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]...Why not just reduce the line to these four characters and you'll never need to have an original thought again. ...[/QUOTE]
That is pretty much what they've done with RoC.
Look how many Baroness, Destro, Duke, Heavy Duty, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, & Rip Cords are hanging on the pegs. :rolleyes:
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]My mistake :o . It just looked that way I suppose. It still looks awkward.[/QUOTE]
Oh yes, no argument there. It's looked silly since 1997 but Hasbro won't look for replacements.
12-29-2009, 07:04 PM
Man... What's the point? To show kids what your daddy grew up with and what you get now? This seems like a waste of time, energy and money. The whole lack of o-ring thing doesn't bother me BUT I'm sure Jay and Craig have been saying from day1, "why not just do o-rings BETTER?" I dunno, this stuff is a joke to me.
Maybe it's for collectors to show how far the line has come. But even then, the o-ring stuff has that modern comic pack feel to it. WHich means, it doesn't feel as original as what we had. If the thumbs and crotches don't break off, it ain't real! ;)
12-29-2009, 07:14 PM
If they are going to use "then" figures, they should go back farther than, what? 2005? I would buy a good vintage looking figure, one that takes me back to when I was little, but these don't do that. Hopefully, they will guage the awful reaction from the supposed target market (you know, man-boys exactly my age) on these nostalgia packs, and think again. Gimme a freakin' original Dial-Tone, or Flint v1, or something, besides these awful looking guys.
12-29-2009, 07:21 PM
Uh ThinkTank, what age are you?
I mean... I don't think these things will cater to 8 yr olds or even 21 yr olds. Or 28 yr olds. Well that latter might be pushing it.
12-29-2009, 07:32 PM
Im 34. I was 8 years old when I got my first Gi Joe, straight arm Flash. New Gi Joes were a big deal to me back then and I had to beg and save to get cool toys. Now that I have a little disposable income, I can buy toys pretty much at will. So, if they are gonna release O rings that are only going to appeal to grownups that had them as a child, they are really screwing the pooch. If they want a nostalgia trip, do it right, original molds on original packaging. I would probably leave them carded, just because.
12-29-2009, 08:26 PM
I agree, ThinkTank. I only ask cuz man... People would have to be HIGH to buy stuff like that now. I'd rather spend $$$ for an original MOC than a re-re-re-re-released figure that wasn't even proper 1982 (or around those years) based!
12-29-2009, 09:51 PM
HHHMMMMM Oh boy more Snake Eyes, storm shadow, duke, destro, YIPPIE!!!!
Yeah keep pumping those out hasbro and you will get no new money from me either.
12-30-2009, 08:53 AM
I actually would by that Duke, if he had the correct arms. I like that he's colored closer to the original than any re-release since the 80's, and he has the far superior comic pack head. I wouldn't really do anything with the figure -- it would just be one of those things you buy just to have.
But the arms are the deal breaker here, so I will not be picking him up. And none of the others interest me.
Lava Boss
01-16-2010, 10:15 AM
Well, dont look for these packs anytime soon or maybe ever.
) The Official G.I.Joe Collectors Club newsletter unveiled the 2010 Now and Then figure sets. While we are thrilled, we can't help but notice that, while the Target Exclusive Rockslide/Snowjob set used new parts to keep the vintage figure as 100% accurate to the original as possible, the new two packs use the same, relatively new tooling from the 2004 Comic Pack figures. From our past experiences, these figures had difficulty standing or generally having their parts fit together as to hold a pose (for example, Snake Eyes using a Roadblock waist). Will these figures be changed to more accurately reflect their original vintage counterparts or are we going to receive what we saw in the press photos? Call us spoiled, but after the incredible execution on the Rockslide set, we're so excited to see vintage and new figures together.
When developing any Now and Then product, we always seek to find the most accurate tooling available for the vintage figures. We have not tooled anything new for any Now and Then vintage characters and have been able to use the same tools as the Classic GI Joe. We seek to maintain the highest quality and authenticity for all our products, especially those items that are vintage based. Unfortunately, we will not have any Now and Then packs released for 2010 at this point, but we are looking into them for the future.
What-the-fudge-ever, Hasbro. :rolleyes:
01-20-2010, 04:24 PM
Very blah for me. I long for the days when the comic three packs were coming out.
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