Otto the Otter
01-01-2010, 02:27 AM
OK folks, now that it looks like we can start post pictures again, I adjusted the dates so we can post those shots we weren't able to do during the down time. Since there's only one day to the weekend, let's start next weekend so everybody can have a chance to get ready. Have fun!
Mar 20-21: G.I.*JOE in place of... I took a shot of Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow and Jinx a few months ago, and just for fun I gave it a bit of a Star Wars theme (, putting them in place of Anikan, Ventress and Ahsoka. Take your picture, but put Joe characters in place of characters from another medium. This isn't a "crossover," but replacment of characters, maybe you could have Ace in the Skystriker flying down a trench "Staying on target," or Snake Eyes fighting Storm Shadow while Jinx or Kamakura looks on from behind an energy shield, etc...However try to fit the Joe character in with their counterpart of what ever medum you use; are they the same type of charater, do they have the same personality or same realtionship to the other characters?
Mar 27-28: Obscure character. Take a picture of the most obscure and underused character you 've got in your collection. Try to use a charcater rarely seen here at JoeDios.
April 3-4: Take a Joe to Work Day. Take a picture of your Joe at your place of work, try to include it with items that personifly the type of work you do.
April 10-11: Ninjas. : There's plenty of em in the Joe-verse. It's simple, but I'm willing to bet everybody has at least one ninja in their collection.
April 17-18: Favorites Versus!: Pit your favorite Joe versus your favorite Cobra.
April 24-25: Round Robin.: Now this one is gonna take some participation from a few folks. I'll need every one who wants to participate to give me their names. What we'll do is take the list of names and take a picture like that of the person below you on the list. For example, if my name is on the list and Outrider is below me and Ender below him and Sonne below him. I'd find one of Outrider's pictures I like and try to take the same picture. Outrider would take a picture like one of Ender's. Ender would take one like Sonne and Sonne would take one of mine. Hope that makes sense.
Mar 20-21: G.I.*JOE in place of... I took a shot of Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow and Jinx a few months ago, and just for fun I gave it a bit of a Star Wars theme (, putting them in place of Anikan, Ventress and Ahsoka. Take your picture, but put Joe characters in place of characters from another medium. This isn't a "crossover," but replacment of characters, maybe you could have Ace in the Skystriker flying down a trench "Staying on target," or Snake Eyes fighting Storm Shadow while Jinx or Kamakura looks on from behind an energy shield, etc...However try to fit the Joe character in with their counterpart of what ever medum you use; are they the same type of charater, do they have the same personality or same realtionship to the other characters?
Mar 27-28: Obscure character. Take a picture of the most obscure and underused character you 've got in your collection. Try to use a charcater rarely seen here at JoeDios.
April 3-4: Take a Joe to Work Day. Take a picture of your Joe at your place of work, try to include it with items that personifly the type of work you do.
April 10-11: Ninjas. : There's plenty of em in the Joe-verse. It's simple, but I'm willing to bet everybody has at least one ninja in their collection.
April 17-18: Favorites Versus!: Pit your favorite Joe versus your favorite Cobra.
April 24-25: Round Robin.: Now this one is gonna take some participation from a few folks. I'll need every one who wants to participate to give me their names. What we'll do is take the list of names and take a picture like that of the person below you on the list. For example, if my name is on the list and Outrider is below me and Ender below him and Sonne below him. I'd find one of Outrider's pictures I like and try to take the same picture. Outrider would take a picture like one of Ender's. Ender would take one like Sonne and Sonne would take one of mine. Hope that makes sense.