View Full Version : The update.

01-04-2010, 09:14 PM
first off i would like to thank every one on helping make the right decision on what path i need to go down with her, if you miss it here a recap on what had happen.
now here's what went down after , she call me yesterday morning with the same thing on how much she needs me, but she was getting depress when she got a text from the guy who i didn't know she was trying to date, and she read it to me and he just did nothing but curse her out, and call her names, i dint know if i should tell her how i felt . but i did, and come to find out she landed in the hospital trying to kill her self , i guess they got her to comedown and all but she keep calling me and for me to come down and see her and i was like no, i don't love you, but she was saying i do and i know somewhere in your hart you do to. she just don't get it,so she just keep calling me and i didn't answer it, finally getting tire of her call i told her look there's nothing between us no more so just move on, then she told me they moved her to a mental hospital, and she needs me more then ever, at this point i froze and dint know what to say.and she went on saying all her trouble and i was part of it do to i wont lover her. so i just put it up there and i hope i did the right thing with out trying to make her not go crazy. its over , it was over, just because we had lunch together doesn't mean were back together , she was like is that the way its going to be, and man she was crying, at the same time it was killing me, but i move on, and i said goodbye, again, i just pray that someone will take care of her, i just don't need to get in to that mess. so i think i did the right thing after all,

01-04-2010, 09:33 PM
You did the right thing for sure. You are not responsible for what she did to herself, she is. Don't let her lay the guilt trip on you, be strong.

Otto the Otter
01-05-2010, 02:19 AM
Yeah, the postion she was trying to put you in sucked, but good for you for sticking to your guns. I'll go along with what Outrider said.

C-GDSM 2487
01-05-2010, 04:07 AM
stay strong
i agree with what outrider said he hit the nail on the head

01-05-2010, 06:30 AM
I for one would like to say that: You are better off for doing what you did Bravo. This nut job (no disrespect) has to figure out what's wrong with her before she can be with someone in a relationship. She would of just brought you down again. KUDOS on listening to your gut feeling. I Wish her the best in figureing out how to heal herself. Now you can go on and it should be without any guilt or remorse for what you did. :)

01-05-2010, 06:55 AM
Well done Bravo. It was hard now but it will be sweet later.
She will move on later.

01-05-2010, 08:32 AM
I'm sorry you had to go through that, it was obviously hard to deal with, but I'd definitely say you were right to stick to your guns. If you'd relented and even just gone to see her, she'd likely have seen that as a sign of hope for the future or that things were better than you'd said. If you'd pursued the relationship out of guilt rather than any real desire to be with her, it wouldn't have been healthy for either of you.

01-05-2010, 02:34 PM
Hey Bravo,

I'm new around here and I don't know a whole lot about the situation and history, but I did read your previous post and this recent update. I felt compelled to write to try and offer support for you and your ex.
First off, congratulations on following your gut and trying to do the right thing. I think your plan of staying away from her is probably for the best. Second, if you somehow get dragged back into relating with her, I suggest you tell her the following :
"I don't love you. You need to take time to work out some issues yourself so you can become someone that I, or someone else, could fall in love with. Try and be strong and get the help that you need. When we meet again I hope you're in a better situation in life."

Good luck,


01-06-2010, 09:58 AM
This girl clearly had bigger issues than just looking for someone to love her before you had lunch with her and you did the right thing. The most important thing for you both is that she gets the help she needs and that you're moving on.

01-06-2010, 02:50 PM
That's the best thing to do. End it. Walk away and don't look back. People like her use their depression and threats of harm to themselves to keep people around them. It's like reverse spouse abuse. Where a guy usually tells a woman "You leave me, and I'll kill you" or "If I can't have you, no one will", women (or men) with this illness will threaten to kill themselves everytime you try to walk away. You get put in a situation where your choice is stay and be miserable forever, or walk away and have your consciounce eat at you. She knows you're a good person and uses that to try to keep you with her. The fact that you care, and feel bad shows you are a good person, but it doesn't mean you love her....but she will tell you otherwise. You did the right thing. Let it go. Live and learn. She'll find someone else to blame for all of her failings.

BUT, if you're next 3-4 relationships do the same thing, you might wanna get some counseling...it MIGHT be you!!! ;) LOL!!!