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12-02-2006, 11:07 AM
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]Ok, I was finally getting better this morning after a torrid week in which I have taken on board more water than a travelling camel. I done what I had to do and headed out into the garden with a selection of GI's or Cobra's to take some shots.
In certain poses or shots that I have in my head.. one always stood out for me and that was the ability to catch a GIJOE with the sky as the background..I chose FLAK-Viper version one.. I might of chosen Rampart as an alternative as they pretty much are both the same Jobber.
I envisaged this guy smiling just as he caught track of incoming enemy aircraft to take down.. to do this I positioned him on my garden fence..and stepped away.. holding my camera I then got the picture I wanted .. well in my viewfinder I did.. but.. and this is a big but.. despite all this.. I couldnt keep still.. I dont mean I was dancing.. I mean my hands and whole balance were totally gone.. is it the Meds I am taking or what.. ?
Then I got to thinking.. I actually haver never done a shot where I have held the camera suspended in the air without anything to lean on as such.. don't get me wrong.. I wasn't no shaking stevens.. but my movement with the camera was enough so that the majority of my shots were of little use.. of all the shots I taken today I found this the most difficult.. all I had to do was hold the camera unsupported for a couple of seconds.. and found this so difficult.

Anyone else have this problem?, please discuss and if you can help with ideas let me know.. perhaps you have some secret to share.. (no un-necessary confessions here)...[/COLOR][/FONT]

12-02-2006, 11:34 AM
When I take a photo without some kind of support (which is rare) I keep my elbows tuck in tight against my sides. This works for me about 80% of the time. Most of the time I use a tripod and set the timer on my camera. I have two tripods one normal size one and a mini one I got at Wal-Mart for $10.00 I use this one the most given the small size. Anyway I hope this helps some.

12-02-2006, 11:52 AM
Luke once said to use a beanbag. It's malleable and small enough to put in your pocket! Lately, I've given up the tripod when shooting the dios and using ANYTHING around me that can give me better elevation and a steady shot. Be it rolls of tape, water bottles, boxes... Otherwise, back out of your focus and take the shot from further out. Then crop what you need and resize it all to hide stuff.

12-02-2006, 01:12 PM
Hehehe. Exercise is my tip, get yourselve into positions where your feet are comfy and you are balanced. Then use your two hands to hold the camera. I don't have much problem using one hand, but then again. I have been practising for ages! :D


12-02-2006, 05:17 PM
I always end up having to brace myself against something -- and even then, it's hard to keep the camera still enough for a good shot. The only way it works is if the camera itself is up against a stable object. :mad:

12-02-2006, 05:57 PM
[QUOTE=G.I.*Jock]Hehehe. Exercise is my tip, get yourselve into positions where your feet are comfy and you are balanced. Then use your two hands to hold the camera. I don't have much problem using one hand, but then again. I have been practising for ages! :D

Same here. This require some training, but sometimes I still have shakin' hands. The comfy position works for everything.

12-03-2006, 01:39 PM
same here dude. i just practiced and take deep breaths, calming myself, before i take a photo. never rush, sometimes if you plan right you have all day. :)

12-03-2006, 09:56 PM
[QUOTE=phu]I always end up having to brace myself against something -- and even then, it's hard to keep the camera still enough for a good shot. The only way it works is if the camera itself is up against a stable object. :mad:[/QUOTE]

Exactly! For every pic I put on here, 20 didn't make it for one reason or another....and about 90% of the time that reason is blur cause I moved! Nothing beats a tripod or being braced! the other 9% is lighting comes out too light or too dark...and the final 1%? Eh, it just doesn't "sing" !! LOL!!