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View Full Version : Marauder John has Wooden Stock AK's back in!!!

12-03-2006, 11:15 PM
I took a pick of my rifle rack I built with a bunch of wooden stock ak-47 from Marauder and some people got to asking why Marauder quit offering the wooden stock AK's. I heard a lot of reasons why, but I wanted to go to the source. He sent me the below email, .......and if you check Marauderinc.com, he's got them back in stock now!!!

From Marauder John to my personal e-mail account;

Hey Frank!
Thanks for the email! Tried to post a response on the board, but there is something wrong with my account (wouldn't let me post). Could you post my response for me? Here it is:

Hey All!
The AKs with wood stocks have always been the MOST popular weapons, but here the main reasons for the item not currently being available separately:

-Inventory is low on the original AK.

-To order more of the ORIGINAL AK would have to order an EQUAL amount of everything from Series #1. Have a good inventory supply of all Series #1 items, and would have to use valuable resources for inventory not needed at the moment.

-Demand for the original AK has dropped considerably since the release of the New AKs. (The new AK is an AK74, but keep the AK47 in the name because that is how most folks refer to the weapon).

-Had in development, for Series #4 (due in the spring), an "improved" Ak-47 with REMOVABLE clip. Wooden stock and the traditional "ridged" clip.

NOW...all that being said...should have more of the "original" AK w/wood stocks available in about 2 weeks. Why bring in more now, after listing all the above reasons? Here is the scoop:

-Need more of the other weapons from Series #1.

-The "improved" AK-47 for series 4 has been "pushed-off" to a later series...because added a squad automatic RPK with drum magazine & bipod (the "heavy duty" version of the AK47). So didn't think 2 new AKs were needed.

-AND....finally got several email requests for the original AK! Marauder is FAMOUS for how we listen to our fellow Joe fans!

So thanks for starting the discussion and hope you all continue to let Marauder "Gun-Run" for you!

Hope you can post this for me!
Marauder "Gun-Runners"

"CUSTOM 1:18 Scale Accessories for ALL 3-3/4" Action Figures!"

12-04-2006, 04:41 AM
Sweeeeet. MAN I love Marauder! :D

12-04-2006, 05:47 AM
This is great news...

12-04-2006, 09:15 AM
I was wondering about those AKs myself. I was looking to order some but only the folding stocks had been available. Its great that Marauder listens to their costumers and helps us out like that. If only certain mega corporations would do the same.

12-04-2006, 11:05 AM
This is good news. I have some Blueshirts that could use some AK-47s, and since I already begun arming my Blueshirts with these wood stock AKs, it only makes sense that I finish it.

12-04-2006, 09:42 PM
I actually saw them just before I read this forum. My order is already on the way! Let's hear it for Marauder! :D

Lightning LA
12-05-2006, 01:21 AM
[Color=Blue]I'm one of the ones that was asking him about them,i PM'd him a bunch of times about them.He probably got sick of seeing my name pop up on his messages,and figured he'd shut me up by bringing them back!(LOL) ;) :D He is one SUPER NICE Guy,no matter how many times i PM'd him he was alway's VERY Helpful and would PM me right back!Now that's a good business man,i know he'll be getting a lot of my $$$!!Actually,my 1st order (of many) is on it's way as we speak![/COLOR]

12-05-2006, 04:37 AM
[QUOTE=Lightning LA][Color=Blue]I'm one of the ones that was asking him about them,i PM'd him a bunch of times about them.He probably got sick of seeing my name pop up on his messages,and figured he'd shut me up by bringing them back!(LOL) ;) :D He is one SUPER NICE Guy,no matter how many times i PM'd him he was alway's VERY Helpful and would PM me right back!Now that's a good business man,i know he'll be getting a lot of my $$$!!Actually,my 1st order (of many) is on it's way as we speak![/COLOR][/QUOTE]
A first-timer, huh? I'm on about order number 4, and I have no doubt you'll be very impressed with the service -- he ships orders like freaking lightning, it's nuts. The quality will have you grinning like a little kid (well, I don't know how old you are, but I'm 25 and felt like I was about 10 again :D).

Lightning LA
12-05-2006, 04:43 PM
[COLOR=Red]Well i'm 36,and i'm sure i'm going to absolutely love his W-S AK's!It's going to be like X-Mas "84",and that was a great Joe X-Mas!I have yet to hear anything negative about him,his service,or any of his great line of Weapons & Acc'.And that tell's me a lot about him,you just never find a Business that pleases everyone they deal with anymore![/COLOR]

12-06-2006, 04:31 PM
I still need to get Marauder guns. They're so cool.

Marauders Gunrunners really does deserve all the support it gets!