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12-04-2006, 08:26 PM
So, Would you rather see the Joes vehicles and wepons more realistic (Night Force Humvee) or more futuristic (Hiss MKII) ?

Pro's Con's?

12-04-2006, 09:48 PM
No question - realism! I just love the down and dirty real world (or real world plausible at least) vehicles like the Humvee, Warthog, etc, especially for the Joes. As for Cobra, I can handle a slightly more futuristic feel, but once you get into Star Wars territory, you've lost me. Nothing looks better than a realistic military vehicle modded to look battle worn and dirty! :)

Lightning LA
12-05-2006, 01:08 AM
[COLOR=Blue]Definitely Realistic! Outrider's opinion is the same as mine,the real looking vehicles for Joe's,and just a little different looking vehicles for Cobra without going to overboard.I also like using modern vehicles for Cobra to,you can't beat a Hummer with a nice coat of Cobra Blue paint.[/COLOR]

12-05-2006, 04:01 AM
[QUOTE=Lightning LA][COLOR=Blue]Definitely Realistic! Outrider's opinion is the same as mine,the real looking vehicles for Joe's,and just a little different looking vehicles for Cobra without going to overboard.I also like using modern vehicles for Cobra to,you can't beat a Hummer with a nice coat of Cobra Blue paint.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Make it 3!

12-05-2006, 04:34 AM
I do like the HISS, but the realism does it for me as well. I have two night ops humvees, and absolutely love them; I really, really wish Hasbro would get their act together on that end.

12-05-2006, 05:43 AM
If I had to choose one or the other, I'd go for realism, but I don't so my answer is both. If the design, or attention to detail (in the case of realism) is good, it's fine by me.

12-05-2006, 08:00 AM
[QUOTE=silencer]If I had to choose one or the other, I'd go for realism, but I don't so my answer is both. If the design, or attention to detail (in the case of realism) is good, it's fine by me.[/QUOTE]

I'm with Silencer. For the most part I like realism on the Joe side, but there are some futuristic-styled Joe vehicles that are just too cool to ignore, even if they are kind of silly. One that comes to mind is Hot Seat's vehicle. Can't remember what it was called, but it's really neat.

However, on the Cobra side, I think anything goes, from HISS tanks to Pogos and everything in between. I see it as Cobra Commander's own little eccentricities influencing his weapon/vehicle designers.

12-05-2006, 09:34 AM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]I'm with Silencer. For the most part I like realism on the Joe side, but there are some futuristic-styled Joe vehicles that are just too cool to ignore, even if they are kind of silly. One that comes to mind is Hot Seat's vehicle. Can't remember what it was called, but it's really neat.

However, on the Cobra side, I think anything goes, from HISS tanks to Pogos and everything in between. I see it as Cobra Commander's own little eccentricities influencing his weapon/vehicle designers.[/QUOTE]
same here :D

12-05-2006, 12:16 PM
[QUOTE=bluestalker88]same here :D[/QUOTE]

Same here too!

12-05-2006, 12:16 PM
Personally I tend to separate it all.

In terms of 3.75", it needs the right balance. I like the militaristic feel of GI Joe w/ slight sci-fi (Rhino & ROCC) but when it comes to Cobra, ugg. Trouble Bubbles? Pogos? HellBoars or whatever those thingys were??? I dont' mind that Cobra is a bit whacky, but there seems to be more weirdness. Personally, I loved the realism as a kid because it got my mind juices in creative mode. I'd see the F14s in movies, I'd want the toy too so I can make it do what I want. Can't say that about a Pogo.

I don't mind sci-fi elements to the storylines either. It's how they are executed (looking at the Sunbow cartoon).

Sigma6-wise, I understand that it's futuristic so I'm fine with that. And think of it this way. Would you want Sigma6 and their suits and funky vehicles to be 3.75" or would you rather have them at 8" scale so it doesn't destroy your smallverse? I tend to keep the two pretty separate.

12-05-2006, 12:21 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier] For the most part I like realism on the Joe side, but there are some futuristic-styled Joe vehicles that are just too cool to ignore, even if they are kind of silly. One that comes to mind is Hot Seat's vehicle. Can't remember what it was called, but it's really neat.


The Raider. I Liked it too, I just hated the "2 in 1" vehicle thing that plagued GI Joe in the late 80's.

That's another good point, who LIKES the "2 in 1" or "3 in 1" concept vehicles in the late 80's? (Like the Maggot, the Mean Dog, the MAmba, etc) and what vehicles do you NOT classifiy in that group?

For Example, I DON'T put the Whale in there because the 2 vehicles it came with (the bike and sled) were independent of the actual hovercraft, same with the Night Raven and it's launch pod. I also don't lump the B.U.G.G. in there, although it's close......it's little bubble sub kinda irks me, though!!

The other think that I hate is mechanically impossible or unsound stuff...like the Paralyzer (?) I think....it had 4 treads for wheels!?! And the SwampSmasher, which were it's drive wheels? And how did they get power to them? I don't mind futuristic (like the HISS) if it is plausible, but if it's not Mechanically sound, forget it! The S.T.U.N. ......BLAH! Crap!

ANOTHER thing I hate is when they "overcoat" something withfirepower! Perfect Example; The Hammer Humvee! It's cool without the guns on the running boards, but those extra guns make it an eyesore! I took the side guns off mine!

And how about this; when you plop a big gun on top that you would never see on a real Vehicle? (Can you say "battleWagon" and "SandRazor" ) or you put the gun on a simple swivel seat with no protection for the gunners (Rolling Thunder). The rolling thunder is cool without the 4 seated guns around the perimiter!

I like unique designs, like the (Damn, what is that new cobra sub called? The one that came with the Electric eel?) anyway, I like that, even if it is futuristic. It has design lines and engineering that makes it seem plausible.

just my $.02

12-05-2006, 03:30 PM
Forge World Super Heavy Tanks (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/acatalog/SUPER_HEAVY_TANKS.html)

Frank. Take a look here. Nothing wrong heavy firepower if done right... :P

12-05-2006, 04:42 PM
Ender: I like unique designs, like the (Damn, what is that new cobra sub called? The one that came with the Electric eel?) anyway, I like that, even if it is futuristic. It has design lines and engineering that makes it seem plausible.

The sting raider, I love that sub! It seems to have been influenced by the sea ray.

12-05-2006, 08:46 PM
I think I lean more towards realism myself, though I do like some sci fi elements like Overkill and the BATs, and the Iron Grenadiers.

Lava Boss
12-06-2006, 11:49 AM
The Raider. I Liked it too, I just hated the "2 in 1" vehicle thing that plagued GI Joe in the late 80's.

That's another good point, who LIKES the "2 in 1" or "3 in 1" concept vehicles in the late 80's? (Like the Maggot, the Mean Dog, the MAmba, etc) and what vehicles do you NOT classifiy in that group?

I don't mind it to a point. It really started with the HAVOC, that vehicle was the launching point of the 2-in-1 and overarmed vehicle and glass canopied armored vehicle trends. Well, the HISS started that last one.

I like the Maggot's split feature, but only in front and back. Seperating the gun from the rear treads was dumb.

Likewise with the Mean Dog, the gatling cannon cannot stand up by itself no matter what the instructions say.

Mamba's pods were okay...I suppose.

Sea Ray was already odd, making it a sub and a metal glider (?) made no sense and it always seemed like splitting it would break the toy.

The Condor's split was wholly unrealistic.

Raider's feature sucked and made no sense. A big cannon between the treads, leaving the main vehicle immobile. HUH??

Bugg's removable vehicles were okay. Removing the Hammerhead's made it look empty and underarmed.

The Avalanche's hoverpod looked silly, and that vehicle was already too much of a single stamp, hollow on bottom.

Overlord's Dictator wasn't really 2-in-1, it just had part that could detact and escape leaving the chasis behind.

BF 2000 vehicles had some of these. The Dominator's armor with skis was supposed to a be a ice sled vehicle or some junk. Marauder's tracked half was remote controlled I guess. Vinidcator had a sled of some sort that I can't figure out what it did. Trying to justify the parts being more than just parts of the Future Fotress, I suppose.

Even recent releases suffer from parts not equalling a great whole. The copter part of the Rhino limits the APC aspects. I'd rather have a great apc and a seperate copter.

12-07-2006, 06:49 PM
I find the Realistic side more appealing too. There are some of the more Sci-Fi type vehicles that are interesting but I need plausibility to make the vehicle usable.

12-07-2006, 08:09 PM
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]I have to admit the base of my vehicle collection is realistic.. or at least they are vehicles plausable or based off realistic vehicles.. Silver Mirage Cycle, Night Attack Stinger, Tracker, Desert Striker, AWE Striker, Tomahawk, Night Raven, Rattler etc..

I recently decalled my NOHV and am thoroughly pleased with the way it turned out. I wanted it to look patriotic and useable for my Advanced Response Team.. where am I going with this?
I would rather H released these types of vehicles.. and let us do the looks afterwards.. surely they know people are gonna chop n change vehicles anyways.. those sonic attack crap on the jvc vehicles are gash in my opinion.

I do however leave my mind completely open to the endless possibility of alternative universes and so forth.. so occasionally I like checking out futuristic vehicles and some that really stretch the imagination.. overall if I had to pick I'd say I prefer the Military styled vehicles though. ;) [/COLOR][/FONT]

12-23-2006, 02:01 PM
yeah realistic i want to see more vehicules like m1 abrahams , m2 bradleys , humvee s , f18 , f22 , black hawk s....and more realistic weapons too like AK , psg1 , mp5 , g36 .....