View Full Version : Exclusives Anywhere?

03-13-2010, 07:58 AM
Greetings all!

Where have all of the exclusives gone? Walmart exclusives in particular. I was just looking at my collection and see I need more of the exclusives that came out last year. Around December there was a bunch. I go off to get married and when I returned, nothing. The same at Target. What they do have right now are shelf warmers.. the same alpha and bravo class vehicles you can find anywhere--target or walmart or even the local supermarket. The exclusives were a find to get. Did everyone just buy them up or did the stores clearanced them all?

03-13-2010, 08:51 AM
My opinion? I think Hasbro got their collective asses handed to them when they over anticipated the popularity of the GI Joe Movie and flooded the market with ROC series 1 figures ( thats why shelves here in So Cal are STILL overflowing with Destro, Neo Vipers and Viper Commandos). After they (or Retailers) realized they were gonna have to clearence price the stuff to get rid of it, they probably cut back on their orders of GI joe stuff, thinking it wouldn't sell.

Another problem is PRICE. In the 1980's GI Joes were like $3.00 or so, now 25th figures were selling from $5.99 - $7.99, and these new ROC figures started at $7.99. ( I know, now they are like $3.27 at Kohls and $5.00 at Walmart). I mean the original DTC RHINO was what? $29 or $39 dollars? The Target Exclusive started at $59 and it's the EXACT same vehicle just different colors and driver! And I will NEVER pay the outlandish $15.99 TRU wants for the small vehicles! a Rockslide, Molepod and Ferret are NOT worth that.....especially since the figures they come with are either repaints of figures I already have or, as in the case of "terra-Viper" not that impressive! I grab up a lot of stuff on clearance, but no way am I paying those prices so Channing Tatum and Maroln Wayans can get a big fat Royalty check for the excessive profits!

my $.02

03-13-2010, 10:45 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]My opinion? I think Hasbro got their collective asses handed to them when they over anticipated the popularity of the GI Joe Movie and flooded the market with ROC series 1 figures ( thats why shelves here in So Cal are STILL overflowing with Destro, Neo Vipers and Viper Commandos). After they (or Retailers) realized they were gonna have to clearence price the stuff to get rid of it, they probably cut back on their orders of GI joe stuff, thinking it wouldn't sell.

Another problem is PRICE. In the 1980's GI Joes were like $3.00 or so, now 25th figures were selling from $5.99 - $7.99, and these new ROC figures started at $7.99. ( I know, now they are like $3.27 at Kohls and $5.00 at Walmart). I mean the original DTC RHINO was what? $29 or $39 dollars? The Target Exclusive started at $59 and it's the EXACT same vehicle just different colors and driver! And I will NEVER pay the outlandish $15.99 TRU wants for the small vehicles! a Rockslide, Molepod and Ferret are NOT worth that.....especially since the figures they come with are either repaints of figures I already have or, as in the case of "terra-Viper" not that impressive! I grab up a lot of stuff on clearance, but no way am I paying those prices so Channing Tatum and Maroln Wayans can get a big fat Royalty check for the excessive profits!

my $.02[/QUOTE]
Right on Frank! I usually have no qualms with BBTS, but they seem to have alot of those exclusives for ridiculous prices. If you go online, though, walmart, k-mart and TRU have their exclusives. Remember...shop smart, shop S-Mart!

Da Talent
03-13-2010, 12:58 PM
Man, I never saw any of the walmart exclusives. None. I'm still pissed.

03-13-2010, 02:47 PM
The Walmart sets where out for like.... a day and I never even seen the Target Snake exclusives in the wild. I missed the Outpost and Lazer Defense from Wally world :mad:

03-13-2010, 10:47 PM
[QUOTE=Flatline]The Walmart sets where out for like.... a day and I never even seen the Target Snake exclusives in the wild. I missed the Outpost and Lazer Defense from Wally world :mad: [/QUOTE]

I saw all 4 sets at Christmas. I got the heatseek (X2) and the LAW (mainly for the Grand Slam figure!). I only saw the outpost defender once and I grabbed it. I thought it over for a while, too and my wife said "get it....if you don't, you're gonna regret it down the line! Boy, was she right!. Never got the Surveillence port....still got 3 of the 80s versions of those!

The Target exclusives were here for a while....funny thing is, I saw the snake armour more than the glider or the wet suit/devilfish.....but I only got one set for armor! The thing I hate is everyone has Exclusives...INCLUDING KMART, but everyone carries very little....if you don't get it the day they put it out, you're outta luck homey and gotta pay 2X that price for the shit on eRape....err...eBay!

Just FYI, I found a LAW at Walmart the other day and got it....you still looking for one? PM me.....;)

Lava Boss
03-14-2010, 11:11 AM
Wal-Mart the biggest toy retailer, manages to have terrible distribution of its exclusives. K-Mart's exclusives suck, but I've seen them. Target is hit or miss. Most of TRU's stuff, too, though the RoC Ranking Officer sets never got here for some reason.

I gave up on ever seeing the Wal-Mart battle stations in a store, and bought the Heetseek by itself off ebay for as decent price as I could find. The other sets I can live without, but might have actually bought at retail.

Wal-Mart and company think exclusives draw people into their stores, so they'll buy other items, too. All I want to do is demolish their stores after not finding what I'm looking for.

03-14-2010, 11:58 AM
I found all the walmart exclusives at retail. I have stated before that my local walmarts are pretty good about getting the good stuff in, if you give them some time. I got an extra heetseek and painted it into my own MMS

03-14-2010, 12:02 PM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]I got an extra heetseek and painted it into my own MMS[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I want to do. What got me motivated to starting this thread was when I noticed I just have 1 Heatseek. Was hoping to get 2 more Heatseeks, one for painting desert scheme. I always wanted two or four of the survelience ports/stations. I never had those before. And at least 1 LAW thing.