View Full Version : Anyone plan on getting the Adventure Team

03-17-2010, 12:00 AM
I was looking on Gijoeclub.com today at the 25th style Adv Team figs and even though i have given up collecting that style of fig I am kind of thinking of getting this set as it will be a small set that would be easy to complete and display. Anyone else getting it?

03-17-2010, 07:59 AM
I doubt it, for a fig alone the club is getting in the $20 range, way too much for me, with the vehicles and such I am betting its in the $40-$50 range.

Can't imagine why they keep complaining that they don't make enough is sales ;)

03-17-2010, 03:41 PM
PASS! :rolleyes:

03-17-2010, 08:08 PM
I would have if they didn't cost so much. :(

03-17-2010, 09:49 PM
OK I just saw the preorder-$40-45 range for members-$80 for non-members

FOR THE BATTLE BLITZ, I mean this version doesn't appear to have the novelty of the Battle Luge guy, WTF? Weren't they giving those away at Dollar Generals a few years ago?

Wow, apparently they think they poop gold over there.

03-17-2010, 09:49 PM
I'm sorry but I'm not into Adventure Team. The 25th sculpts make it tempting, but I'm just not interested in that team.

However, if they ever released the Intruders, the original foe of the Joes.. remember.. the "strong men from another world"? In the 3 3/4" scale, then I probably will say yes.

Lava Boss
03-19-2010, 10:05 AM
However, if they ever released the Intruders, the original foe of the Joes.. remember.. the "strong men from another world"? In the 3 3/4" scale, then I probably will say yes.[/QUOTE]

Midget cavemen from space who hug people to death. GI JOE's greatest enemy! ;)

The other set they might make is the sea adventurer with that repaint Jonny Quest sub (Cobra Mantis). That's if these first sets sell well (so, no Sea Adventurer :p ).

So they want people to pay for recolored clearance asile items from 7 years ago. And that maneating plant they made for a 12" con exclusive a few years ago.

And when you think about Mattel's Master of the Universe series, $20 figures that are often at least partially new tooling and substantially larger, the GI JOE Collector's Club's stuff seems overpriced. Yeah, one's Mattel, the actual company, and one's the official fan club...I don't care.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
03-19-2010, 10:37 AM
I have a feeling these won't sell. Generally speaking most people into the 25th line are either fly by night collectors whom got into the line because of Nostalgia and it was the hot collectible for awhile or collectors who embrace whatever new style comes out shunning whatever they were championing as the "great new evolution in G.I. Joe"

Outside of Doctor Venom (now with a dumbass backstory!) I can't see much of this having a lot of appeal to most collectors. There's not a lot of overlap between 3 3/4 and 12 inch collectors. They'd probably do better if they did Venom, AT Commander and then popular media only characters in the vintage O ring style.

Whatever, when they announce they'll make more sets and then be all "Whoa whoa whoa buddy, YOU didn't buy enough"

Dreadnok Dread
03-19-2010, 11:53 AM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I have a feeling these won't sell. Generally speaking most people into the 25th line are either fly by night collectors whom got into the line because of Nostalgia and it was the hot collectible for awhile or collectors who embrace whatever new style comes out shunning whatever they were championing as the "great new evolution in G.I. Joe"

Outside of Doctor Venom (now with a dumbass backstory!) I can't see much of this having a lot of appeal to most collectors. There's not a lot of overlap between 3 3/4 and 12 inch collectors. They'd probably do better if they did Venom, AT Commander and then popular media only characters in the vintage O ring style.

Whatever, when they announce they'll make more sets and then be all "Whoa whoa whoa buddy, YOU didn't buy enough"[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with Rol here! if they were o rings i would nab em and most people would too! I as well feel like one of those fly by nighters because I keep thinking about selling off all my 25th anniversary toys! just so I can get into the convention exclusives and the international stuff! I mean do I really need the adventure team in a style i really dont care about or shot pictures of much?

03-19-2010, 02:44 PM
I would have already preordered them if they were O ring. I do collect some of the 12in stuff but only WWII with limited exception. I am still on the fence and after seeing the prices I will probably wait to see if they go on sale at the 2011 Joe COn for a cheaper price.

03-19-2010, 08:14 PM
Thing that gets me laughing is some jerk is going to pay $40+ for the BATTLE BLITZ!!! Not even with battle luge guy who at least had some appeal on a silly level, nevermind a few years ago they were giving this crap away at the stores.

03-19-2010, 09:55 PM
I want to get the Land Adventurer just because the 12" one was my favorite toy as a kid & to this day. If anyone is a member and will order one for me I will pay a little extra for your effort. I just don't want to pay the CC member fees this year. If anyone can help me out please IM me.

03-19-2010, 10:17 PM
These guys are good in concept. I even think they look pretty cool. But that doesn't mean Im going to buy any. Convention exclusives piss me off because I cant go and I dont wanna pay double or triple for something on Ebay.

03-21-2010, 04:40 PM
I like them and I want them, it's just a matter of PRICE! If they were like $19.99...MAYBE....but at $34.99 a shot, forget it kid! I even let me membership expire because I thought they quit making O Ring stuff. They seem to be doin shit ass-backward! I'd rather have the 2009 Con set in O ring (remade Crimson Strike Team) and I would have rather seen the Red Shadows set in 25th Molds. I wish the Club would make up it's mind. Is it behind the new 25th Molds, or is it a nostalgic throwback to the classic GI Joe? Once they make up their mind, I MIGHT renew my membership!

I could totally see these guys as the Scientific Research team that the Joes directly support (With Cobra Constantly trying to steal their research!) MAybe team them up with my Indiana Jones figure for some South American or African adventures!

03-22-2010, 08:24 AM

03-23-2010, 09:29 AM
Of course, like probably everyone else, I really want a Dr. Venom fig. If by chance someone else was more into the AT aspect of the 2-pack, lmk. We can work something out I am sure.. and I'd be willing to pay well more than half, etc. :)