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View Full Version : Custom Question: Techno-Viper

03-18-2010, 07:06 PM
Greetings all!

All this I'm talking about the new 25th style NFO construction.

For Cobra, I need to have a number of technical personnel. I only have two true (OWN) Techno-Vipers. I'm looking at buying some figures and customizing them into Techno-Vipers. So far the best figure for this, I think, is the Para-Viper without the equipment. He's got like overalls, looks like he can be a mechanic. He's got padding on the elbows and knees.. perfect for when having to work under a car or tank.

On JoeCustoms, someone has done a Techno-Viper based on Tripwire's body. It's well done. I do have two Tripwires I can use, but I have far more Para-Vipers.

So I'm wondering several things: how close I can make a 25th Techno-Viper, but also how much can I deviate off the classic Techno-Viper look with the body armor. I know the helmet will have to be accurate to the classic look. I plan to do resin casting from the helmets I do have. But in your opinion, how off can I be for the figure itself before it becomes something other than a Techno-Viper? Has anyone used other figures for mechanical techs?

Da Talent
03-18-2010, 07:16 PM
I say use the para viper body and completely make it your own. Forget about the traditional techno, No one would wear that purple when they are under a car or under a desk for that matter. I used the chief torpedo body to give my OWN technos some coveralls and because they are green. But you know me and my green....

03-18-2010, 10:26 PM
I agree with Fireflyed, don't let the V1/V2 Techno viper concept limit you. Build a Techno Viper like You think one should look. I would think that Scap Iron Body looks like what I would want for a Techno Viper. He has overalls and looks like he should be working in a Metal Shop. As for Heads and Helmets, go with what you think a Modern Battlefield Technician would look like. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

03-20-2010, 10:53 AM
i agree with Frank and Cory. Use up what you have and you'll find that having to improvise sparks some sweet ideas. The para viper is a good base. i would give him boots, though. The helmet from the air viper and FANG pilot has a techno viper look. I like your idea of keeping them sort of garage mechanicy looking. add a rag in their pockets for realism. Good luck man :)

03-20-2010, 05:54 PM
I agree with Black Ripcord (c'mon), Frank and Dan. User Chrysophylax used a Halo figure as a Techno viper.
