View Full Version : AUGH! Help!

Otto the Otter
03-22-2010, 02:23 AM
OK, so I'm going to be doing Target Range this week. Whom do I choose? I can't make up my mind!

Ace v6
Agent Helix v1
Airborne v3
Barrel Roll v1
Beach Head v4
Breaker v3
Bombstrike v1
Cannonball v1
Chuckles v1
Clutch v5
Cover Girl v2
Crosshair v1
Cutter v1
Deep Six v1
Depth Charge v1
Dial Tone v3
Doc v2
Duke v13
Falcon v1
Flint v9
Footloose v3
General Flagg v3
Ghostrider v1
Grand Slam v3
Green Shirts v1
Grunt v8
Gung Ho v1
Gung Ho v2
Hallow Point v1
Hawk v7
Hawk v11
Heavy Metal v1
Jinx v3
Lady Jaye v5
Lady Jaye v7
Law and Order v4
Leatherneck v1
Lift Ticket v1
Low Light v6
Mace v1
Mainframe v1
Med Alert v1
Mercer v1
Mutt and Junkyard v8
Pit Commando v1
Rampage v3
Recondo v3
Ripcord (JS)
Rock & Roll v7
Rollbar v1
Rollbar v2
Scarlett v12
Sgt. Slaughter v2
Sgt. Stone v1
Shipwreck v1
Shipwreck v5
Shipwreck v9
Short Fuse v4
Slipstream v1
Slipstream v2
Slipstream v3
Snake Eyes v23
Snake Eyes (PP)v44
Snake Eyes (CS)v48
Snow Job v3
Stalker v7
Steeler v2
Tracker v1
Tripwire v5
Top Side v1
Torpedo v4
Updraft v1
Wild Bill v12
Zap v4

General Scarlett
03-22-2010, 06:21 AM
From the list you've given here.........without scanning it again........what are the first 2 characters you think of-1 Joe & 1 Cobra (which I notice you don't have ANY Cobra characters listed)??

That's who you choose ;)

03-22-2010, 08:21 AM
I agree with GS go with whom you like the most. Pick a Cobra too if you like. It's all up to your imagination Otto.Choose what you like!!!

Otto the Otter
03-22-2010, 12:30 PM
I've already chosen the Cobra I want to do, that's why there's no Cobras on the list.

General Scarlett
03-22-2010, 12:39 PM
Well then, you're halfway there!!!!!


03-22-2010, 01:44 PM
Ask yourself, what would Brian Boitano do. :D

03-22-2010, 07:18 PM
Shipwreck and polly.. always seems like they might be fun to poke holes at.