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View Full Version : G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers: Warnings and Info

12-06-2006, 05:28 PM
Hi, gang. I've decided that since trilogies are all the rage these days, I'm going to turn my Joe/TF saga into one. You already read the first part, "G.I. Joe Meets the Transformers." Next up is "G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers," which I've already posted some previews of. The third segment will eventually be called "G.I. Joe and the Transformers."

Why am I telling you all this? Well, our site owner Hammerfel and mod Sonneilon may wish to pay attention as I explain. Yesterday I was shooting some scenes for the "vs." story, and it struck me that this middle segment of the trilogy is very Transformer-heavy. The scene I shot yesterday, which will probably wind up being four or five pages long, is set entirely on Cybertron in the past and explains how Skyfire came to wind up on Earth. There aren't even any humans present, let alone any Joes.

Now I use this scene as an extreme example. I doubt there will be many other scenes of that length that feature no G.I. Joe characters, but I wanted to issue a fair warning to everyone so you know what you're in for. I know I've been apologetic about this sort of thing in the past, and Sonneilon has OK'd me on it, but I'd still like you all to know that I'm not trying to turn this site into TFDios, and I'm not trying to start a trend that would lead to other people posting non Joe-related photos (since we've had some issues with that recently).

Anyway, that covers what I needed to say. I hope everyone's still okay with it!

(On the plus side, though this segment of the saga is laden with Transformers, the third segment will be very Joe-centric... Or perhaps it would be more accurate to call it Cobra-centric! They kinda dropped out of sight before the big conclusion to the first story, and despite the first preview you saw a month or so ago, they also play a smaller role in the second one. But come the third one, they'll be the main characters for a good chunk at the very beginning.)

12-06-2006, 06:00 PM
Psh, you got my vote. Do that voodoo that you do so well, SM! I think everybody here loves your stuff and wouldn't have a problem with a little TF-heavy story. I'm very much looking forward to it!

12-06-2006, 07:49 PM
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo]Being someone who's open minded it would rather be one dimensional of you just to tell the story from joe/cobra perspective.. some personally I'd say good on you for showing the Transformers perspective too!. still its good of you to post and let everyone know what they are in for.
Sounds like its gonna be a great story.. good stuff[/COLOR].[/FONT]

12-06-2006, 08:04 PM
I loved your first dio story, so I think you should tell the sequel the way you see fit, and not worry about a few pages with no Joes. I look forward to the continuing Saga. :)

01-02-2007, 10:26 PM
Well, I just finished the full outline of this story. I'm pretty pleased with that fact, so I thought I'd share. I've known where it was going for a long time, and have had about 3/4 of the outline done, but now the whole thing is finally complete and typed out. As I post installments, we'll be jumping around between several disparate storylines that may seem unrelated at first-- But by the end, they should all come together nicely (I hope!).

It's much smaller in scope than my first story. Cobra plays a role from the sidelines, setting up for the third installment in the saga. The Decepticons are involved, but mostly only to bring the Autobots out into the open. It is, as the title suggests, a story of (some of) the Joes pitted against the Autobots.

I'd hesitate to say there were "main characters" the first time around, since I gave a lot of people equal screen time, but I think there are some pretty well-defined main characters for this story, namely: Hawk, Grand Slam, Flash, Sci-Fi, Hard-Drive, and Hi-Tech for the Joes, and Jazz, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and Mirage for the Autobots-- Plus a couple of human characters from Marvel's Transformers comic series-- Circuit Breaker and G.B. Blackrock.

Anyway, now that that's done, all that's left is the hard part-- the photography, Photoshopping, and scripting!