View Full Version : Cobra School

03-27-2010, 11:46 AM

Custom question...

If you were to do a custom of a Japanese school girl, but as a Cobra school girl.. what would be the uniform's colors?

Currently the figure I hold in my hands has a white blouse and blue-ish skirt. That blue skirt could become Cobra blue. A white shirt would look good with a red Cobra sigil on a sleeve.


Beast from the east
03-27-2010, 12:16 PM

Custom question...

If you were to do a custom of a Japanese school girl, but as a Cobra school girl.. what would be the uniform's colors?

Currently the figure I hold in my hands has a white blouse and blue-ish skirt. That blue skirt could become Cobra blue. A white shirt would look good with a red Cobra sigil on a sleeve.

Thats sounds good. Nothing else to do to her.

03-27-2010, 02:10 PM
Yeah, and a Cobra sigil in red on the lower left of the skirt, maybe? The Japanese School girl looks lends itself easily to Cobra uniform looks.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
03-27-2010, 07:19 PM
Why would terrorists have school girls?

I mean when you think of all the famous terrorist organizations ya know, ones like Al Qaida, the IRA,PLO, FLQ, Police Forces, Contras, CIA, SLA, etc they don't have them.

03-27-2010, 09:01 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Why would terrorists have school girls?

I mean when you think of all the famous terrorist organizations ya know, ones like Al Qaida, the IRA,PLO, FLQ, Police Forces, Contras, CIA, SLA, etc they don't have them.[/QUOTE]

Good question. FARC uses girls only to abuse them.

03-27-2010, 09:18 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Why would terrorists have school girls?

I mean when you think of all the famous terrorist organizations ya know, ones like Al Qaida, the IRA,PLO, FLQ, Police Forces, Contras, CIA, SLA, etc they don't have them.[/QUOTE]

That is a very thought provoking question. To honor it, I gave it some serious thought.

A recent headline states "Terrorists Could Use Explosives in Breast Implants to Crash Planes, Experts Warn" And the article goes on to report British intelligence reporting that "Female homicide bombers are being fitted with exploding breast implants which are almost impossible to detect, British spies have reportedly discovered. The shocking new Al Qaeda tactic involves radical doctors inserting the explosives in women's breasts during plastic surgery". Article here (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2010/03/24/terrorists-use-explosives-breast-implants-crash-planes-experts-warn/?test=latestnews)

Firstly, two things: fiction often imitates life, and likewise, life sometimes imitates fiction. Secondly this is mostly concerning my Joeverse. And in my Joeverse I often take from history, real life, and toss in some of my own creativety.

In my Joeverse, Cobra is leading the way with new trends in terrorism. Depending on whom you ask, there are states where it is known indirectly a terrorist group has control of the local government. State run media may show kiddy cartoons, shows, with political hate propoganda directed towards school children. Brainwashing for a political ajenda doesn't have to begin at any particular age, but it does seem "teach them while their young" is rather popular.

Using school girls to depict Cobra's influence in the social structure of Springfield is just a reflection of my Joeverse which I'm trying to elaborate that such similar events have happened in history. In my view, Nazi Germany education system where school boys and girls were taught to honor Nazi values. During the 1920's and 1930's in Imperial Japan, were even a special foriegner's day was set aside to highlight the differences at anyone who was not Japanese also come to mind as another example of a state influencing the social fabric.

In following the Joe universe set by Marvel Comics, the early issues of the comics do show Cobra in Springfield with malls--Cobra Commander is even walking openly in them. There's scenes were Springfield marching school band are performing in a parade for Cobra Commander--remember the story where Billy attempts to shoot Cobra Commander? There are more than one reference to indicate that Springfield resembles a normal town, but there's more to the town. In the two part issue the Battle of Springfield, Destro organizes an evacuation at the local high school statium. Therefore Springfield does have at least one high school. And when the Soft Master accesses the Springfield Police computer to get detailed information on who killed the Hard Master--Cobra data--it does show that Cobra and Springfield are one.

In following my own Joeverse, I take the libery to elaborate various ideas, including developing a social structure. In this particular case, the logic is that since Cobra controls, and is Springfield, and the population of Springfield is loyal to Cobra, the population's lifestyle represents this. They do things that expresses loyalty.

Again, in my Joeverse, Cobra is not merely a terrorist organization. Certainly for the population of Springfield, Cobra is not terrorist. In their minds, Cobra represents high ideals, security, and hope for the future. The Cobra lifestyle doesn't begin at the recruitment office, but in the living rooms and kitchen tables of the families of Springfield.

So, why would Cobra have school girls? Because Cobra doesn't discriminate. :-) It'll take school girls as well as school boys, lawyers, politicians, housewives and accountants, and any one else, even synthoids (which I don't know any real-world terrorist using synthoids). Cobra does it's own thing. School girls? Well, why not? They are cute and Cobra has good taste :-)

Anyway, welcome to my Joeverse.

Otto the Otter
03-27-2010, 10:36 PM
I always kinda thought of SPringfield, etc as grooming and indoctrination for Cobra's forces. You're a Fred, your kids are gonna get one heckuvan education as well as being trained from the get go to be Cobra troops.
I'd say the white blouse becomes Cobra blue, the skirt becomes black. Kinda like the uniforms of the Blue Shirts with their black web gear.

03-28-2010, 12:59 PM
Hey Death someone read your mind....


The BATman
03-29-2010, 12:43 AM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]Why would terrorists have school girls?

I mean when you think of all the famous terrorist organizations ya know, ones like Al Qaida, the IRA,PLO, FLQ, Police Forces, Contras, CIA, SLA, etc they don't have them.[/QUOTE]
But we know that Cobra had the Cobra Youth. Remember the assassination plot where Billy was supposed to kill Cobra Commander so Major Bludd and the Baroness could take over ? I don't remember off hand whether they were shown, but there were bound to be girls in that Cobra Youth organization as well.

EDIT: Okay, I admit I didn't completely read that long post above before posting mine, where the Springfield youth was also mentioned, somewhere in the middle of it all.

03-29-2010, 09:35 AM
[QUOTE=Otto the Otter]I always kinda thought of SPringfield, etc as grooming and indoctrination for Cobra's forces. You're a Fred, your kids are gonna get one heckuvan education as well as being trained from the get go to be Cobra troops.
I'd say the white blouse becomes Cobra blue, the skirt becomes black. Kinda like the uniforms of the Blue Shirts with their black web gear.[/QUOTE]
Bingo! Think of Springfield, Broca Beach...etc. I would have two versions, one for incognito, everyday use, and then one with the sigils for rallies. Its a great idea you have and might look awesome in numbers.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
03-29-2010, 10:41 AM
When I think of a Cobra School Girl I think of a custom I saw on HISSTank. Said custom looked like it was made to be a masturbatory aid, therefore when such an idea comes up I am generally apprehensive

03-29-2010, 04:48 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]When I think of a Cobra School Girl I think of a custom I saw on HISSTank. Said custom looked like it was made to be a masturbatory aid, therefore when such an idea comes up I am generally apprehensive[/QUOTE]

Yikes! LOL! I don't think I even want to get near that topic. Yikes!!!

Dreadnok Dread
03-29-2010, 07:08 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]Hey Death someone read your mind....

thats go go yoburi! wow i will ahve to try and do that one day! wow! f%^&*ing awesome!