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12-07-2006, 06:41 PM
If HAsbro hired you to make vehicles for GI Joe, what would you build?

I'd have to make the A.T.V. from Issues 6&7

The L.C.T. from issue 1

A T-72 and a BM-21

The Cargo (SkyCrane) Helicopter from Yearbook #2

I think what the Joes need more than anything is a LCU (Landing Craft, Utility)


"To Project Military Power from the Sea" ;) Something to run right along side the USS Flagg and dump troops and vehicles on Cobra from the beach!

12-07-2006, 06:54 PM
A huge floating LCU would rule. :eek:

12-07-2006, 07:01 PM
Frank, if ou're referring to the OG's ATV from issues 6&7, Lanard make a reasonable approximation with their six wheel ATV. I use one for my OG figures. Other than that, all of the above plus the huge Cobra chopper that was prevalent in the early issues of the Marvel run. I would also love a Cobra APC that could carry as many troops as the Joe APC. :)

12-07-2006, 08:38 PM
The Cobra head transport plane from the cartoon!! You know, the one that first appeared in the Revenge of Cobra: http://joeguide.com/summaries/the_weather_dominator/images/twd043.jpg

It would be Flagg-sized, big enough to carry some smaller Cobra aircraft within. Man, that thing would be sooooo cool!!

12-08-2006, 02:58 AM
I would remake the skystriker to something much better. Maybe turn it into an F-35 or F-22.

12-08-2006, 11:40 AM
I'd make a 1:18 Plymouth Grand Voyager.

No, really. I love those minivans! I learned to drive in one, and I think it'd be excellent to be able to use one for my dios. :D

12-08-2006, 12:21 PM
Air - I would ask for a MV-22 Osprey for Joes. A SU-35 for COBRA.

Sea - I would go with a CB-90H for Joes. A Scorpéne Class sub for COBRA.

Land - BMD-2 APC for Oktober Guard. For COBRA they are in a need for a ATV, like the last one that Corps released.

12-08-2006, 03:20 PM
The Cobra transport copter that showed up throughout the Marvel run -- that's up there alongside the likes of Billy, General Rey and Dr. Venom for impact without a toy -- and one with a detachable pod to carry a bunch of troops or a Ferret or the like would fill a gaping hole in the Cobra forces that's been there for about 20 years!

12-08-2006, 05:11 PM
F-15 gets my vote. we've had just about every otheer american war plane thus far.

12-08-2006, 06:18 PM
I'm with Stormer, I always wanted one of those super cool transport copters. It was way cool and a fleet of them would be superb. And if they could pick up Hiss Tanks or even the Paralyzers (I guess) that would be neat as well.

12-08-2006, 07:04 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Frank, if ou're referring to the OG's ATV from issues 6&7, Lanard make a reasonable approximation with their six wheel ATV. I use one for my OG figures. Other than that, all of the above plus the huge Cobra chopper that was prevalent in the early issues of the Marvel run. I would also love a Cobra APC that could carry as many troops as the Joe APC. :)[/QUOTE]

Not that ATV. I know what you're talking about I have 3 of those 6x6 ATV's and they ROCK!! I mean the big Silver ATV that the Joes put together and loaded the Plane on. Someone did a cool custom of one a year or so ago at one of the conventions!

12-08-2006, 07:06 PM
[QUOTE=phu]I'd make a 1:18 Plymouth Grand Voyager.

No, really. I love those minivans! I learned to drive in one, and I think it'd be excellent to be able to use one for my dios. :D[/QUOTE]

LOL! That's funny! That's what I drive! Me and my wife have matching Voyagers. She has the 1997 and I have the 1996 model, same color, too! LOL! They are a forest green!

12-09-2006, 12:54 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]LOL! That's funny! That's what I drive! Me and my wife have matching Voyagers. She has the 1997 and I have the 1996 model, same color, too! LOL! They are a forest green![/QUOTE]HA! Quality. My parents' was a dark blue '89.

12-13-2006, 02:51 PM
I would want to see a 1:18 scaled C-130 Hercules cargo plane. It would look awesome with the Sky Patrol. It would also have removeable walls so I could get some good camera angles!

12-13-2006, 10:00 PM
[QUOTE=canada_gi]I would want to see a 1:18 scaled C-130 Hercules cargo plane. It would look awesome with the Sky Patrol. It would also have removeable walls so I could get some good camera angles![/QUOTE]

Got to agree, but it would be HUGE! It would probably dwarf the Flagg. MAybe a C-47? How about an Osprey? You can send paratroopers out of that!

C-GDSM 2487
12-19-2006, 12:21 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]The Cobra head transport plane from the cartoon!! You know, the one that first appeared in the Revenge of Cobra: http://joeguide.com/summaries/the_weather_dominator/images/twd043.jpg

It would be Flagg-sized, big enough to carry some smaller Cobra aircraft within. Man, that thing would be sooooo cool!![/QUOTE]

i must agree wth this one it would make a excellent play set
when i first started to read this topic it came straight in my mind it would be great
collecters piece.. ;)

robuk :eek: