Otto the Otter
04-05-2010, 03:50 AM
Copied the idea from another website:
OK folks, list 20 great things in yor life. Doesn't matter what they are, just 20 things that you think are great.
In no particular order:
1. Hot dogs, beer, peanuts and Cracker Jacks never taste better than they do at the ball park. Even if the home team loses, a bad day at the ball park is better than a good day at work. Too bad you Aussies, Europeans and South Americans will never know this unless you come to the, no, no, regardless of what your local sports facility serves, you will never know how good a hot dog, beer, peanuts and Cracker Jacks will taste, unless you eat it at an American (and one Canadian) Major League baseball park.
2. The smell of gun gas on your hands after a few hours at the range.
3. That "PING" sound your club makes when you make a good soild hit and 300+ yard drive. (but the downside to that is knowing that you're only going to hear it once or twice in the round)
4. The opening text crawl to any Star Wars movie and trying to see how far up the screen it can go and you can still read it. It still sends chills down my spine. Everytime I see it it brings me right back to my childhood and seeing the movies on the big screen.
5. Futurama is returning
6. Iron Maiden and Helloween are both releasing new CDs within the next few months...and Maiden is touring and will hit the US in June and July.
7. Opening my account on JoeDios and seeing how many folks dig the photos I had uploaded.
8. Opening my e-mail account and finding a personal message (not a forward) from one of three wonderful women from my life.
9. Seeing that one of my most beloved childhood toys is still relevant, interesting and has a huge following, as well as seeing the cartoon is still entertaining to me.
10.Truck stops. Ever since I was a kid, I've loved trucks. I love everything about them, and driving them is just about the greatest job I could have. There's nothing like walking through a truck stop parking lot and listening to the rumbeling sound of 150+ engines ideling (except in the faciest states and cities) and seeing all the different trucks and how their drivers have made them their own.
11. Dogs, the best kind of people on Earth.
12. The reunion in Branson this summer for my old Marine Corps platoon.
13. When the experimental food I'm making turns out the way I want it to.
14. The six greatest words in the English language are All-You-Can-Eat-Chinese-Buffet and that there is one within walking distance of my house.
15. Thanks to FaceBook, I've reconnected with so many old friends
16. A great day on the trail with a bit of bragging rights steel mashing, yet everybody returns shiney side up
17. The absurd humor or Venture Brothers and Metalocolyps
18. The Lamboghini Countach. Seriously...Coolest. Car. Ever. Followed ever so closely by the 68, 69, 70 Pontiac GTO
19. The area where I've been shooting my Dio-Story has been getting some serious growth since I've started so it looks like I've covered a lot of ground and the backgrounds aren't repetative.
20. The peanut butter bismarks the QT store across the street for me supplies me on my mid-night snack runs. Oh so good.
21. (OK, this one is gratoatous) The tributes to Outrider this site has been doing. There were days lately when there might be only one or two photos, but the last week has had a huge influx of of shots in dedication to Craig. This is a pretty tight site where everyone respects one another and I'd like to think that if anyone of us was in Craig's position, the rest of us would come through the same way.
OK folks, list 20 great things in yor life. Doesn't matter what they are, just 20 things that you think are great.
In no particular order:
1. Hot dogs, beer, peanuts and Cracker Jacks never taste better than they do at the ball park. Even if the home team loses, a bad day at the ball park is better than a good day at work. Too bad you Aussies, Europeans and South Americans will never know this unless you come to the, no, no, regardless of what your local sports facility serves, you will never know how good a hot dog, beer, peanuts and Cracker Jacks will taste, unless you eat it at an American (and one Canadian) Major League baseball park.
2. The smell of gun gas on your hands after a few hours at the range.
3. That "PING" sound your club makes when you make a good soild hit and 300+ yard drive. (but the downside to that is knowing that you're only going to hear it once or twice in the round)
4. The opening text crawl to any Star Wars movie and trying to see how far up the screen it can go and you can still read it. It still sends chills down my spine. Everytime I see it it brings me right back to my childhood and seeing the movies on the big screen.
5. Futurama is returning
6. Iron Maiden and Helloween are both releasing new CDs within the next few months...and Maiden is touring and will hit the US in June and July.
7. Opening my account on JoeDios and seeing how many folks dig the photos I had uploaded.
8. Opening my e-mail account and finding a personal message (not a forward) from one of three wonderful women from my life.
9. Seeing that one of my most beloved childhood toys is still relevant, interesting and has a huge following, as well as seeing the cartoon is still entertaining to me.
10.Truck stops. Ever since I was a kid, I've loved trucks. I love everything about them, and driving them is just about the greatest job I could have. There's nothing like walking through a truck stop parking lot and listening to the rumbeling sound of 150+ engines ideling (except in the faciest states and cities) and seeing all the different trucks and how their drivers have made them their own.
11. Dogs, the best kind of people on Earth.
12. The reunion in Branson this summer for my old Marine Corps platoon.
13. When the experimental food I'm making turns out the way I want it to.
14. The six greatest words in the English language are All-You-Can-Eat-Chinese-Buffet and that there is one within walking distance of my house.
15. Thanks to FaceBook, I've reconnected with so many old friends
16. A great day on the trail with a bit of bragging rights steel mashing, yet everybody returns shiney side up
17. The absurd humor or Venture Brothers and Metalocolyps
18. The Lamboghini Countach. Seriously...Coolest. Car. Ever. Followed ever so closely by the 68, 69, 70 Pontiac GTO
19. The area where I've been shooting my Dio-Story has been getting some serious growth since I've started so it looks like I've covered a lot of ground and the backgrounds aren't repetative.
20. The peanut butter bismarks the QT store across the street for me supplies me on my mid-night snack runs. Oh so good.
21. (OK, this one is gratoatous) The tributes to Outrider this site has been doing. There were days lately when there might be only one or two photos, but the last week has had a huge influx of of shots in dedication to Craig. This is a pretty tight site where everyone respects one another and I'd like to think that if anyone of us was in Craig's position, the rest of us would come through the same way.