View Full Version : Flik'r trouble??

Cobra Freak
04-05-2010, 08:31 PM
I updated to internet explorer 8 and I was signed out of all of my accounts. I don't remember my yahoo email and my password. Is there any other way to get my account back online? Can I just send my user name to them? (Cobra Freak#2)


04-05-2010, 09:28 PM
When you say you don't remember your yahoo email, you mean you don't remember your email address? If that is the case, ask someone you emailed recently. Then just contact yahoo from the homepage with the "I forgot my password" link. (not sure where it is, but most email systems have one if yu search for it!). Does that help?

Best bet is to make a TXT file with your passwords on it and hide it somewhere, just don't forget where you hid it.

Beast from the east
04-06-2010, 02:08 PM
I got booted out of my accounts as well.Luckily I use the same prefix for all my emails. I only use 5 passwords for them so I can remember them. ;D